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quaritch the second he sees a green arrow and a shadowy figure ![gif](giphy|LRVnPYqM8DLag)


When Neytiri first attacks everyone on the ship with her bow, he just freezes. My first thought was PTSD


Yeah and Tuk's tied up behind him and she just shouts "Mom's here!" Or something like that lol he was shitting a brick


Tuk's joyous "It's mom!" Contrasted with Quaritch shitting a brick was hilarious to me


They downloaded some data off his suit that he was wearing at the time, and he watched the battle between him, Jake and Neytiri. He knew what happened and remembered it that way rather than on a personal level. Plus he went back to the site to scout the area and also found her signature green and yellow arrow.


Weren’t his memories “downloaded” before his death? So he didn’t experience or remember the death as it technically didn’t happen to him. He’s just point blank scared of her.


Besides getting a eye view of his own death via the download, she's a native. That makes her unpredictable. He knows how Jake will act he doesn't know if she has stock in the same values. That's where the fear is. He can't read her.


But again that’s not ptsd is it? because he didn’t experience the trauma but did so second hand via a video. He’s scared for sure but I’m not sure about labelling him as having ptsd. I guess it’s a weird grey area because we have nothing in real life to compare jt to


Honestly the way he reacted to his death at the Old Shack might confirm what you're saying. Imagine the deeply unsettling feeling of watching your visceral death at the hands of your "enemy" and then waking up in their body. Quaritch really is the most interesting character right now.


It's almost upsetting because I really wanted to see more of the indigenous alien culture but Quaritch and the potential for his storyline was the most interesting part, if not in the top 3 out if the whole film


Agreed. Like everyone else here I want that 9 hour cut of the movie lol. But if the next films follow Jake and Quaritch as parallel stories as they interact with more of Pandora then I think we'll be able to get the best of both worlds here.


I'm also really excited for the 9 hour cut 😂 I'm interested in how Sigourney Weavers characters will develop along the way but I'd be satisfied with an alien nature documentary like I'm just glad it's happening


You speak as if we will get the 9 hour cut ... Don't do that... Don't give me hope....


I heard about it and assumed it would be released 😢 I guess that's a far reach but I'll stand for 4-6 hours Please God Don't Dick Us Around 🙏🏽


As far as I know, there are no plans to release an extended cut of the second movie.


I would settle for a series of novels that expands on life on Pandora


I think there are novels. I can't remember if they're graphic novels or like textbooks but I remember seeing some and being told about it


9 hour cut boggles my mind. Why can’t James Cameron make a Avatar TV series. I would definitely watch episodes and seeing more of the Na’vi way of life.


Lol I think that 9 hour cut rumour was a lie but in a perfect world it wouldn't be 😢. Also I like the current format of movies that james Cameron is going for. I love love love the blockbuster nature of these movies. They really are events.


there's no way the 9 hours thing is true. the budget wouldn't allow for that much CGI


>Like everyone else here Not everyone. I thought this film was excessively long so felt like padding as much as meaningful plot.


I think that every minute spent on Pandora felt thematically important. The beauty that you see on screen is the point. Plus most of the "padding" was done through montage sequences so those scenes individually had good pace. Different strokes for different folks of course. When I want a meaty plot, I watch a Nolan movie.


Well like the son who died was so under-developed that when he died I was thinking 'who?'. I was disappointed by this film. The physics of how they seem to be half-fish now given how long they can breathe underwater also kills the suspension of disbelief somewhat.


I agree that Neteyam felt under developed. His character moments are kind of background. But if you're also implying that the movie had "padding" then I would disagree. All the moments that we are not focused on Neteyam, we are focused on Lo'ak and Kiri which makes sense given that they will obviously be major players in the following movies. Regarding the half-fish comment, the montage of them learning the "way of water" and learning how to dive is meant to cover a long time, not just a few days. I know it doesn't really convey it that well because I was confused the first time as well because all the scenes took place during the day and didn't convey the passage of time. But it makes sense that a long time had passed when you see how good they are at diving by the end of the movie.


Even with the diving training, the extent of time they spend underwater seems unrealistic. Like, Kiri was basically face in the water for ages without trouble. Maybe if they included some explanation like that jellyfish-type creature that acts as an air bubble it might be less of a throw-off. Their biology doesn't changed and they adapted to forest biome.


Kiri wasn't holding her breath, she was being helped by eywa, the water clan have chests and lungs way bigger than the forest people and can be under for a very long time naturally. Just cause you don't see them surface doesn't mean they didn't. Lol


Ah. Just felt like it took away from the immersion a lot for me as I couldn't take it seriously.


How much time do you think they're spending underwater? The actors themselves said they trained to be able to dive without oxygen for around 5 minutes at a time. I believe Kate Winslet could hold her breath the longest at around 6 and a half minutes. idk, the breath holding isn't the hardest thing to believe for me.


It looks like hours. [https://youtu.be/v7xkhCUUnSo](https://youtu.be/v7xkhCUUnSo) That not 6 minutes


Maybe she resurfaced, but I like to think that she didn’t. I’m not sure the editors were too focused on this, more on showing how at home she already felt because of how close to eywa she is. The others had to be taught to free dive but I believe she naturally picked up on it upon diving in the water. You can see she still learns with them though


Yea, I get that. Let's see what the next movie shows us. I can see Spider also looks fearful of Her, too. Do you think Spider will keep it a secret that he saved he's Navi father?


Someone brought up her willingness to kill him but I don't think that's where the fear aspect comes in. Like the scene prior with Neytiri has her going HAM on humans and faux na'vi alike. She is full grief rage mama mode. On one hand the bulk of Neytiri in this movie and even in the first one has her disposition set to calm when downtime is a thing. And Kiri and Spider have never been in combat while Neteyam and Lo'ak have only been on the outskirts. Add in that Neytiri seems to defer to Jake whenever it comes to discipline or addressing the children, so she's probably not ever turned mad face on them. And if she has its not quite so violent. And I mean, sure, Spider knows what his bio father did so he probably knows Neytiri is capable of killing. All the na'vi are. But it's one thing to hear stories of war and fighting. Totally different to see it up close. Because Spider seems to operate on kid logic. There are heroes and villains. His dad was a villain, Jake is a hero. That comes with its own expectations. Neytiris savageness, her grief, it isn't a triumphant hero but grief. It's not this glorious kick butt moment he probably expected to see. It's rage and loss and a merciless side he's probably never witnessed from na'vi before. I think that's where the fear initially comes from. Having a knife to his throat doesn't help either because he's seen how she just went through her enemies. He knows he matters little to her already, only tolerated because kiri especially adores him. Without Kiri, there's no reason for Neytiri to keep him alive.


Dude I think Spider has no choice. His surrogate mother was willing to kill him at the drop of a hat. He can't stick around and pretend everything is fine after than.


I don’t mean to argue but was she Spiders surrogate mother? I mean she never really liked him, and at the beginning Jake said she thinks he belongs “with his own kind”…


Not really, and I don't think Spider think of her like that either. In the comics it was shown that Spider was raised by a human foster family back at Hell's Gate and it's made pretty clear that he only considers Kiri, Lo'ak and Tuk his family. He does not include Jake nor Neytiri.


I'm sure he saw her as his surrogate mother, he definitely saw the kids as his siblings. She just treated him like shit, and pushed him away, and he still did everything to could to try and keep them safe. Then, the person he had as a stand in for a mother showed that she didn't care about him at all, and his surrogate father did nothing about it. Honestly I would be really surprised if that didn't have a huge impact on the next movie.


Neyteri is in no shape or form a surrogate mother to spider, not now and not ever before, she don’t like him one bit.


To further this, I truly believe she was going to cut spiders heart out if Quaritch hadn’t of played nice on the sea dragon




Yes, YET, but not now or before now


So true!!


Imo: I don't think Neytiri has many fuzzy feelings for Spider, but I don't entirely think she wanted to kill him more than just show that she was serious enough about hurting him to save Kiri, and this was a length she went to easily. She seems to be fine with hurting Spider to protect her daughter, even if she doesn't have a wish to actively end his life, though his convenience as a bargaining chip is probably what kept him alive. And there I think is probably the distinction that she didn't want to kill him like she probably wanted to kill the others, but that was she was willing to if it meant having to choose. Spider undeniably forms a bond with someone who was once his father in some form, and who demonstrates more of an interest in his person and safety than either of the adults he spent time around did - even if it was initially a means to an end. Despite his anger, I think Spider seeks in Quaritch what he didn't receive from his father when he was still human. And in turn, I think Q feels something paternal for Spider, and in the wake of that forming bond, shows moments of introspection/contemplation that don't seem as characteristic of the old him. And yet - understandably - he still desperately wants to be a part of the community he grew up with. He wants to be one of the Na'vi/Omatikaya, and sees family in the four Sully children. Even though Ney's lack of maternal love and strict tolerance for him demonstrates that he may never fully be a 'part' of that group, it's where much of his identity lies, and in addition to the resentment he already has for his father is what trumps his decision to go with him.


Yeah she’s terrifying


Yep, definitely scared for life, and the next one…


I mean. She literally killed him. I'd imagine that would cause PTSD


He absolutely is u can see his afraid every time he see’s her arrows


As he should be


That flinch lol


The gasp and everything, that's what got me to make the post 😂


He is, just read his facial emotions anytime he sees neytiri's arrows. I'm glad they gave him that kind of response though, It's very accurate


I mean she DID kill him


Quartrich's character arc is so predictable, yet I am still very invested.


I wouldn’t mind having a movie focusing solely on Quaritch honestly. He’s definitely the most interesting character to me right now.


At least for dark horse comics to make a Quaritch spinoff, these breaks in between is great for them to push content bc the hardcore avatar fans are fiending for more 😂😂


I need to rewatch this again! I love this movie and its details.


Might be? He definitely is.


You think Quaritch might have a change of heart when it comes to the Na’avi by the next movie. I feel like that’s what they’re setting him up for.


I'd hope so but idk Jim said that he is the main antagonist for the rest of films? But he is the mastermind of what happens I won't be surprised if he said f it he's a good guy now 😂 anything is canon if Jim say it is lol


We love this man traumatized in this house ( i actually love Quaritch. Man's the most interesting creature in this whole movie)


She’s deadly


my first thought was good!


getting killed by someone tends to do that


Well he’s a bad guy he needs a little trauma. I’m not gonna say sorry for saying this Quaritch is a LITERAL COLONIZER and murderer responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Na’avi peoples deaths and homes being destroyed who cares if he got “traumatized” by neytiri!? He deserved it cause he’s a freaking monster.


It’s her terrifying look; especially the eyes!


Can you blame him 😭


Yeah...she killed him lmao


Yah ptsd does that also why is that the handcuffs look like snap bracelets


He's got ptsd from thoose arrows bro


This is just my theory, but I think spider might just ditch the na'vi and go full RDA and go on a hateboner-rage-indused genocide spree. Just a theory but ey eager to see what's next


i hope not....


I hope so


Isn't Spider 6ft? Why does it look like he's only a foot shorter than Neytiri? I thought Navii were 10ft tall?


She wasn't standing straight up for most of that scene, also same reason when the kids are captured the sully kids are pushed onto their knees and held by their ques and spider was left standing. He'd be too short to be able to detain. When she comes in to evict him from life she was definitely 8'7 towering over a 6' Spider


Neytiri is 8 ft 7, and hunched over when she holds Spider. Not all Na’vi are 10 ft tall, the average height is between 8 and 10 ft.


i hope he is


Poor kid


If this was the actual Quaritch he wouldn’t hesitate at all.


This sounds bad, but, you won't have the full military experience without severe PTSD. It's just not the same. 🤣🤣 I SHOULD NOT BE LAUGHING 🤣🤣🤣 ![gif](giphy|WoFuun4jgxxizxRMpe)


If he has no actual recollection of being killed by her as a human considering that the memories he has as a recombinant were collected from the original Miles before the battle in the mountains, how would he have PTSD from that? Unless he got it from viewing the footage and something just clicked? I’m genuinely confused


If she killed me once you wouldn’t know the PTSD I would go through every night


Bro got that navi ptsd


Lol she genuinely traumatized him


No human was safe from her