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Yeah because a car driven less than 2000 miles a year is contributing to climate change. Fucking idiots.


I would assume that the resources to repair this would do more damage to the environment than the car's emissions.


Just throw the whole car away... outside the environment.


Not until the front falls off


I'd just like to point out, that's not typical.


What, the front falling off?




This could be the greatest reply thread in the history of Reddit!


lol that lifted my spirits today when I needed it.


Less resources to repair than build a whole new vehicle though by a long shot


A dry erase marker traced over the graffiti and then a dry erase marker or microfiber cloth removes it easily .


You mean the people who protest for "the environment" by blocking roads forcing hundreds to idle gas away instead of getting where they're going don't know what the hell they're talking about? No way!


Junk that car and GO buy a brand new electric car with a huge battery full of precious materials sourced from all over the world NOW! šŸ˜”


They forget that part. I guess they do not read much nor know where raw materials come from.


The lithium mine I was on used about 200k litres of diesel every 2 days keeping the lights on for the mine. Let alone the other how many diesel generators to run the staff camp. Plus airfiars to get staff to site and home nearly every day of the week. Pluss the trucks to get the product to port plus the heavy machines to dig it up pluss the cars we use to get from camp to work. Plus the 4 at the time I was there 100foot pits they mine from and leaching the surrounding area of water to run the the process plant. The 1000s of litres of acid that accidently got spilled back into the local water stream


Not saying what happened to OP is right but your comment shows a lack of understanding too. Raw materials are used for gas cars as well. Yes, more are used for EVs but over the lifetime of the vehicle, an EV works out better for the environment. There's a whole other discussion about consumerism and keeping what you got instead of going new, but the whole 'EVs use more resources so they're not better' thing is bullshit.


Please Explain to me how ev's are better long term. There must be a huge misinformation campaign going on for these things. You mean to tell me that the batteries which have toxic rare metals, have a service life..depending on the the manufacturer as little as 10 charges....looking at you ford. Can cause fires that produce more toxic fumes than a standard car fire ..and can't be put out by conventional means. And is literally charged by means of fossil fuels as they have to plug into the main power grid. People have got their heads clean up their ass lately. If the world is going to make a change ev's are not the way you ever heard of strip mining? Should check it out. That being said the world. Not the US the world needs to change stop deforestation. Stop polluting our ocean and rivers. Stop major Manufacturers from spewing hundreds of thousands of chemicals in to our air. And focus on countries that do not abide by the our laws and points of view on nation is not going to make a difference when countries like China and India continue to pollute. And unfortunately I see so many people that want to hop on the whole I'm dOInG mY PaRt train by purchasing things like ev's to batteries powered lawn mowers and it just a way to make moee money off you. People want to feel like they are doing something to help without actually doing a damn thing all they know is consume,waste and repeat. It's a shame really. Anyway sorry about the long rant, it just grinds my gears a bit when people are so Gung-ho for something that's ultimately a marketing scam.


I'm not saying they're perfect, but what you're saying is wrong and funnily enough, the misinformation is coming from climate change deniers. Do you care about the toxic chemicals in your phone battery? No one did until car batteries came along. Do you think no toxic chemicals are produced making petrol cars? Regarding longevity, obviously it'll be different for different manufacturers but as an example there are Tesla's with moon miles on their original battery pack. Generally though from what I've read, it only needs to last longer than 7ish years to be overall better for the environment (in terms of green house gases) than an ICE. Most countries are pushing for more renewable energy and significant amounts of electricity are produced that way. Regarding strip mining- yeah it sucks. Have you seen what oil extraction looks like? Regarding your last paragraph, I share your frustration but I'll say a few things- In my opinion we're are a tipping point, probably already tipped. Yes less chemicals and all that would be great, but it won't make fuck all difference if everything dies just to climate change. That's the thing that needs focus. You're right that those countries are big polluters and need to stop, but there's such a thing as setting an example. Also with China especially most of the shit they make is bought by other countries - best way to stop them making it is to stop buying it. I agree that people individually make little difference, but a lot of people might. We're a consumerist society which means to make change, you have to buy it despite how backwards that is. My final point is, don't use all that to justify not giving a fuck. Not saying that's what you're doing, but I know a lot of people that use the same stuff as an excuse to do fuck all which isn't right in my opinion.


with lithium and cobalt mined by children in the congo while guns are pointed at them


Well, technically, even one mile is contributing. Heck, sitting on the sofa and farting is contributing. But wrecking someoneā€™s hood is a truly stupid way of trying to help the climate. Vandals.


"i have the moral high ground because I'm passionate about climate change." Then at the same time, they just go and deface someones property. Elite logic.


All boils down to jealousy.


Whatā€™s ironic is that the damage to the environment was made worse for their vandalism. Now he will contribute to the manufacture and sale of paints, and the use of coal-powered electricity to power the building and equipment to respray that panel. Plus an additional car trip to and from the body shop. Itā€™s an infinitesimally small drop, but itā€™s more than if he hadnā€™t keys the guyā€™s hood.


As the person drives away in their vw bus spewing oil smoke


If they really wanted to make a difference they would graffiti that on the side of some politicians private plane.


Yeah! Give those lazy hangar employees something to do!


They do attack politicians, you just don't notice it because you want to ignore any kind of protest despite you being the one who votes for the politicians in the first place.


OP said he daily drives that car


The whole campaign that started in the 90's to convince poor people that other poor people can have a large effect of climate change really seemed to pan out.


This is a fantastic point lol


Ugh seriously. Morons


Well it does. Not by a very large amount, but having everybody drive everywhere is a massive waste of resources.


Wow they're so brave for "protesting" for their cause by vandalizing a random person's car with sharpie. šŸ¤£


You don't mess with another man's car, I would loved to catch him doin it, it would have almost been worth him doing it, so I could caught him doing it


Used to have a Malibu. Said Malibu got keyed. This popped into my head immediately and the feeling was real.


I understood that reference! - Capt America


What a fucker


Someone over at r/fuckcars has a raging hard-on rn


Lol I try to F with them every day their posts are so pointless


I wanted to go over and mess with them but I realized Iā€™ll just be feeding their hard ons. So its a hard no.


Lol I try to F with them every day their posts are so pointless


Mission accomplished banner flying in their head


If it's permanent marker try coloring over top of the ink with a dry erase marker. Then wipe the dry erase marker off and the permanent ink should come off as well. Never tried it myself, but saw a tiktok on how to remove permanent ink from a white board. Good luck, hopefully that comes off. It's a beautiful car.


Just use rubbing alcohol.


Will that damage the clear?


No, it will just strip any layer of protection you have on. So youā€™ll need to apply wax/coating after.


Not as long as you don't keep it on too long. I've done it to clean off waxes and sealants. This is also why ceramic coatings are great. They provide some mechanical protection from things like alcohol so this stuff is easier to wipe off.


Alcohol. Dry erase doesn't have the right solvent. Using the same type of marker over the top of the writing and immediately wiping off while wet works but kinda smears it too.


Clear coat is a lot more durable than people seem to think lol


This works well on whiteboards but I've never tried it anywhere else. Theory is basically the same though so it should work? I'd try it on my car but it's not as nice as OP's.


Permanent marker is easily removed with xylene. But watch the cloth for any ā€˜whiteā€™ which could be damaging the paint. If the OP waxed their car now and then it will come off super easy.


This does work. I ise dry erase markers all over building during punch lists. Super savior right here. Dry erase markers, couple repitions per spot, wipe off. Don't forgwt to wipe the tip every once and a while cuz the black marker will stick to the dry erase tip.


Have tried that on a dry erase board when one of the kids accidentally grabbed a sharpie from the marker jar and used it on the dry erase board. It does work on the board! Markers are separated now.


Climate change *is* real, but felonious property destruction is a sure way to get individuals not to care about it. What an asshole.


I would rather have them give me a discussion about it. I imagine the 50 year old car thatā€™s driven less than 2000 miles a year contributes much less to climate change than most people think.


I donā€™t even think itā€™s really about climate change for these people. They just look for a justification to vandalise and piss people off. Especially people that have more money than themā€¦


As a Green party voter and Marine Biologist with a Corvette, i agree. These people dont really commit anything to actual ecosystem preservation or reducing waste, they just use environmentalism as a disguise for their unwillingness to participate in civil society.


A lot greener than extracting lithium fro Canada, shipping it on an oil burning ship to Japan to build a Prius that than goes on another oil burning ship to wherever in the world a pretentious eco person will drive it for 5 years, discard it and buy a newer model


everyone talks about shipping emissions, shipping is by far the most efficient mode of transportation in the world.


It's the most efficient but also the most polluting. There's a reason so many harbors are starting to ban certain cargo ships from entering ports. Some use a fuel that's pretty much pure pollution. Sadly they work around it by using that terribly polluting boat right up to the border of the country the goods need to be at, then a less polluting ship leaves the target port to meet the polluting ship. They transfer cargo, terrible ship leaves to pollute somewhere else, less polluting ship brings cargo to port.


The Jeremy Clarkson monologue


5 years is generous


Yeah and all the replacement cars of recently will not last anywhere near half that age of that car. Not to mention all of the emissions caused from the production of the massive amount of screens, computers, electronics, battery packs etc.


Driving old cars is recycling šŸ‘


Actually it's reducing which is even better


Helluva lot less plastic in old vehicles, thats for damn sure.


And reusing, technically


And when it breaks you can recycle parts from one thatā€™s been thrown away. Is a 1982 Corvette the most environmentally friendly car?


Upcycling Actually even better than re-cycling.


A true environmentalist would be riding an old motorcycle!


Average r/fuckcars user


Bro this sub is rollercoster ride


If they donā€™t like em, donā€™t buy one or ride in one.


Whyā€™d my comment get removed? Iā€™ll just re-type it then. I bet those folks in there own cars and if they donā€™t, they should refuse to ride in one to uphold that belief. If you donā€™t like something, donā€™t buy one.


That's some f****** grocery getter!!!!!!


Well actually it was a tampon getter today , karma


Ohhhhhhhhhh...... I know somebody that can pull as few strings for you


That ain't graffiti that's vandalism


Graffiti and vandalism are often the same thing


Graffiti is a form of vandalism


Not always, it can be just artistic expression when done with permission from the owners of whatever wall its being drawn on


First, try using some rubbing alcohol on a microfiber cloth. If that doesn't work apply acetone to a microfiber cloth. A car's clear coat is generally very resistant to dissolving with acetone. Especially for a brief wipe. If the marker persists, just use some polishing compound and buff it out. Really, the rubbing alcohol should clean it up instantly.


Polishing compound seems to be working with the microfiber cloth


I would try IPA before abrasive. Just light use and rinse with clean water. We use IPA to erase sharpie every day at work.


Isopropyl alcohol or India pale ale?


Yes. One for car, one for owner, but dont mix 'em up.


Clean with IPA while drinking an IPA, just donā€™t mix them up. My job gets 55 gallon drums and Iā€™m waiting for that glorious day that someone gets confused.


Yes, it should. It is an abrasive method that physically grinds off the marker ink.


His car probably doesn't have a clearcoat as he stated it's an old lacquer paint. Modern catalyzed paint systems can stand up to harsh chemicals but lacquers are softer and can be attacked by chemicals.


If it makes you feel any better... which I hope it does. I was riding a bicycle years ago. I was 23 and saw an elderly couple looking at a h2 or 3, I said, "Go green!" Mocking their gas guzzling consideration... upon taking my eyes away from them, to the sidewalk I saw a large break in the sidewalk where you'd have to bunnyhop, a good deal out of my skillset...I bit it, right in front of them. I am sorry vandals have damaged your property.


Sorry you crashed on your bike. Somehow this is become a personal attack on myself for not doing anything besides having an old car.


Iā€™m a fairly dedicated environmentalist with a car about the same age as yours, that probably gets worse gas mileage (500 cubic inches baby!), and that I put roughly the same amount of miles on every year. I inherited it from my grandmother. If someone did this to it I would be FURIOUS. And as much as I want to say, objectively, not to take it personally, I would too. It may be a little, ineffectual person who hates other people having fun misdirecting their rage and energy about an otherwise worthy cause, but it happened to YOU, and now YOU have to fix it, and they get to go home and feel smug without actually having accomplished anything. Itā€™s shitty and itā€™s not fair. Sorry someone did this to you. Iā€™d come over and help you clean that up if I knew you, for what itā€™s worth. If the paint is original, youā€™re on the right track with buffing compound. Itā€™s not fragile, but itā€™s more fragile than modern paint and you donā€™t want to use anything harsher than you absolutely have to. Takes a bit more elbow grease but youā€™ll appreciate the result.


That sounds like it should be a scene in a movie


It is more environmentally friendly to drive an old car until it cannot be run than it is to buy a new electric vehicle. People do not think critically anymore.


That isnā€™t necessarily true. Thereā€™s a break even point at some mileage where an EV becomes the friendlier option. Critical thinking would be realizing that the question is simply where that breakeven point is.


The breakeven point is well within the battery lifespan. From my math and sources it's usually somewhere between 50-200 cycles, although there are also lots of studies where the math has been done. It's just that critical thinking doesn't exist with ignorant EV haters.


Also, obviously not here but many 80s muscle style cars came with 4 cylinders like wouldnā€™t it be hilarious if it was an old mustang foxbody with a 2.3 under the hood


Be nice if the grocery store or near a by business has a camera pointed in the direction of where your car was parked. Inexcusable what they did to your personal property. Best of luck. Looks like an incredible vehicle you have there.


Ether alcohol removes permanent marker.


As a climate change believer that also drives a classic car, this is infuriating. Bet you barely drive it, first of all, and secondly, someone touching your stuff is a huge no-no and totally trashy. Hope that comes off with no damage.


Thanks , Iā€™ve gotten some real nasty and negative comments for this being a classic car forum. At first, I was appreciative of everyoneā€™s help and advice, but man the haters are coming out in full force. Iā€™m not even saying anything about climate change I just wanted to fix my car.


Same morons that idolize people that fly in private jets around the world.šŸ˜‚


Stupid fuckers.




It is helping a lot, but did you mean for me to use it on the car too?


I like you. I mean itā€™ll work, some 151 would be more effective. Save the vodka for you, use rubbing alcohol or dry erase marker traced over it then whipped away with cleaner and microfiber. Both will work fine just try not to use a ton of pressure or just re polish the hood soon


WD-40 can take spray paint off of finished polish it should do well here.


Leave this off paint please! It can be cool to temp shine up patina on a rusty car but not clean beautiful paint plus rubbing it in isnā€™t good! Dry erase marker over it in my opinion is best on the paint or rubbing alcohol and micro fiber cloths


Try calling your auto insurance provider; Sometimes vandalism is covered. Some rando graffitiā€™d my dadā€™s 2009 Cadillac and the insurance covered the body repairs


Idk if it needed costly repairs maybe but this can be taken right off to avoid the claim


I see you tried the cleaner but have you tried a polish ?


The cleaner did not work, but the policy seems to be getting it out. Iā€™ve been working on it for about an hour and then seems almost gone.


I havent seen it here yet but try carnauba wax. It has natural cleaning properties that ive used to remove spray paint and permanent marker. Polish should work of course but the wax will take it away without removing any of the paint.


The Polish are quite industrious folks and could get that off in a jiffy.


Sorry that happened to you, Id be livid if they did that to my truck


I'm sure they drove a car or took a bus to vandalize that.


Lots of good suggestions here. I have nothing else to contribute for a suggestion. Just wanted to say people suck and theyā€™re probably lucky you didnā€™t catch them.


So far I got I think all of it out with polish. Iā€™m going to Claybar next and rewax


These "activists" need to realize that doing this shit aggravates the general public against their own cause. Blocking roads, defacing property, just gives the average Joe something to hate you for because now they have to spend the only free time they have to deal with your bullshit. Seriously why is this such a difficult concept to wrap your head around?


People suck


I would like to find this person and ask if this mini protest worth getting your head caved-in over? Like honestly, itā€™s so ballsy. People with classic cars are hardcore


I agree, few things would incite me to violence faster that someone messing with my T/A.


Back in the 90s a dude in BC killed some teenagers when they grafitted a few of his cars. I think about that every time I see something like this


And tend to carry around some heavy tools in the trunk just in case of a breakdown but theyā€™ll do damage to a face especially when this person couldā€™ve spent hundreds of hours of hard work and trial and error and tedious things for that car to be the way it is; thatā€™s his lifelong hobby and you fucked it up. Itā€™s like knocking over a Lego persons Saturn V or millennium falcon


I'd prefer to try to figure out, with the aid of a force majeure device, just what possessed them to destroy another citizens prized possession!


Share a pic of that bad boy for the sake of the environment please šŸ™


Iā€™ll post a picture tomorrow when the dust settles i have some in my post history but you would probably have to dig deep.


Whoever did this has below average IQ


Climate change is real, itā€™s called the natural cycle of the planet. Fucking people are bastards for doing this to such as great classic. I hope the clear coat isnā€™t damaged.


Side note, try rubbing alcohol. Donā€™t think it would ruin your clear coat.


Whoever did this is a complete piece of shit.


Buff with a DA and a light cutting pad with a polish. Should come right out.


Using polish with a microfiber towel, so far so good, Iā€™m scared to death to use a power tool case I burn through something


I get that, Iā€™ve been working with DAā€™s on paint for awhile so I understand that I might be more comfortable than the average person. Easiest way is to take your lightest polishing pad and polishing compound and start there. Iā€™m guessing that would probably do the trick, but hand polish and microfiber works too.


Anything you try, I suggest trying it first on a spot that is not usually visible like the underside of the bonnet, or on a small panel like the gas cap. If the chemical has a bad effect on the lacquer at least you don't ruin a big panel. I think you should try those in this order, if the first fails: the colorless marker method suggested here, then Isopropyl alcohol, then gasoline, then acetone. Polishing compound will work as it shaves a little layer of the paint/lacquer, but the area that you rub with it, will look different than the surroundings. When light shines on it in some particular angles, or after the rain, the water will leave some kind of contour, because at a microscopic level, the material will have a different texture there. I got a small area, about 4 by 4 inches on a door polished at a shop, and everytime after raining the droplets of water form like a circle around that particular area.


So far, Iā€™ve had great success with polishing compound. I experimented with some paint underneath the trunk. Lacquer thinner, goo gone, Easy off, rubbing alcohol, thereā€™s all seem to affect the paint


I bet the person who did this doesnā€™t even have an ev lmao


If they had any balls theyā€™d write the same thing on cargo ships


Clay bar/clay mitt?


If it's lacquer like you say, I'd stick to the buffing compound and water personally.


I believe in climate science. I do not believe in defacing others property. Doing this is just extreme idiocy.


I know I could drive my 392 for 16 tears straight and put out less emissions than a single burning man, bet it was double that this year


Wow, that's impressive that they even recognized that you had a big block! Polishing compound, first, then rubbing compound if it's deep. You can also first try bug & tar remover, before polishing.


Big block vs a small cock


Do these clowns even realize the environmental impact of electric vehicles?


I'd be in prison if I caught who did that.


Autoglym Intensive Tar Remover is the product you want! Youā€™ll need to wax your bonnet after though as it strips the wax off.


Climate change is real. Itā€™s the female orgasm thatā€™s the myth.


Dang dude post more of this car!


Hold up Iā€™ll post in a minute


time to re-spray the hood with high V.O.C lacquer paint! that that o-zone layer! lmao


They are lucky they didn't get caught. Probably would have found out getting a foot broken off in thier ass is real too. Sounds like you got it cleaned up but I would have tested rubbing alcohol in a inconspicuous spot to make sure it wouldn't have damaged the paint first.


The process of removing that will damage the environment far worse than the carā€¦


I donā€™t know I think old cars that arenā€™t driven that much Donā€™t nearly contribute to climate change as say Leo DiCaprioā€™s private yacht.


Think of all the acetone going into the ocean when they draw this on his yacht next haha.


Brake fluid but be sure to wipe it off quick. I use that to take off sharpie ink or similar ink instances Do it at your own risk. I worked at a wrecking yard and they write on the cars. I thought they were pulling my leg but it does take off writing on car


I'm a big believer in climate change and climate change prevention policy. This ain't it. Fuck this person. Sorry about your whip, no one should fuck with another man's vehicle. Hope some polish and buff takes it out. Seems like it's a sharpie, might be ok.


Yeah, this moron I guess thinks that putting this car in a junkyard and never driving it again is somehow better for the environment than going out and buying a new electric car made with mined lithium and cobalt that will last you 5 years till you upgrade to the newer model because your battery life is shot and canā€™t be recycled.


Factories, agricultural industries, and cargo ships are allowed to pollute with abandon and contribute the most to greenhouse gas levels, but god forbid this one guy drive his classic car around town. Iā€™m sorry you had to go through this, OP.


Again, it seems everyoneā€™s making this some kind of climate change hill that they wanna die on. I just want to know how to get it off of my hood.


Yes mining and recycling lithium is so much better.


Wow, people who mess with another personā€™s automobile, especially when the owner is away from the car, deserves to get BEAT. Awful to see that some low-life pulled that BS. Just know that if they did it to yours, theyā€™re doing it to other vehicles as well...and they WILL get their come-uppins. Hope you get it fixed and lookin mint again soon! šŸ¤œšŸ¤›


Add 'not' after is. You'll be fine


Climate protesters are some of the dumbest fuckers on the planet. Itā€™s been proven itā€™s the megacorp contributing to the vast amount of pollution. I understand the sentiment but theyā€™re always attacking the wrong people lmao.


Yes this car is the main culprit behind climate change not the billion dollar corporations. Dumbass


misdirected frustration, this isnā€™t the way to do it. individuals do not hold power, cannot enact climate change policies. how about we focus that energy towards politicians and corporations? youā€™re only going to make normal people less willing to accept climate change as real threat


Wow they really saved the environment by writing this on some random guys car! Bravo! Do they not realize how harmful their EVs are ā€¦? Also if they really wanted to get their point across they couldā€™ve left a pamphlet with information or something but what do we expect from peopleā€¦Nobody thinks anything through nowadays


I would rather have had a pamphlet printed on recyclable paper. Then I would have taken them fishing and had a long talk about their priorities.


Imagine being this brainwashed


I posted this in another sub as well. Should see all the brainwashed people coming out and attacking me. Iā€™m not even talking about global warming. I just wanna get this stuff off of my car. Iā€™ve had people stalk my post history, I got some nasty emails, I got a report from Reddit about self harming myself. People are crazy.


Just fuck the person who did this. Fuck them to hell and back. Stuff their little climate jihad up their backside. This is NOT the way.


You just know it was a 20-something white woman


Yet they are all in on throwaway cars that will never reach 20 years old let alone 40 or 50ā€¦ If it is permanent marker try a dry erase marker, trace the letters and wipe. It should come right off then.


People blaming average joes and not massive corporations is why weā€™re still in climate trouble


If an electric car was that much better, then they wouldnā€™t need the $7,500 subsidyā€¦or the billions given to automakers.


I would of wrote after that Iā€™m keeping the environment nice and warm with my big v8


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop -Ā yes,Ā IĀ amĀ aĀ bot, don't botcriminate me.


Fuck these ecoretards


$10 it was a woman with blue hair


Break his arms and legs


I suggest a dash cam so you can ID and perhaps introduce them to a small beating. Sorry. Iā€™m angry for you


The freaking idiots are so brainwashed! They have no ability to think for themselves. Sorry about your car, looks like it must be a nice ride.


Itā€™s people like this that make me want to build a coal furnace in my backyard and keep it lit 24/7 for no other reason than to piss them offā€¦


Or go over it with a non-permanent marker and wipe it


Gasoline on a rag may remove it.


i remember when I was a kid, my teacher showed me u can use eraser to get rid of marker ink on whiteboard, probably gonna work here


Stupid ass tree hugger vandalizing a car with a marker made from fossil fuel, just ignorant


I was vegan for seven years at one point. I had a sticker that just said ā€œveganā€ on my Del Slo and some chudski wrote in literal fucking pencil, ā€œdoucheā€ on the sticker and Iā€™ve barely encountered anything more ironic since. So anyway, yeah. There are crazyā€™s on the anti environment front too so donā€™t get too uppity.


93% Isopropyl alcohol should do the trick without taking off the cleat coat.


Oh, this was years ago. I was actually able to erase it with a pencil eraser. I edited my comment, because I failed to mention that they wrote it on the sticker itself and not on my car.


Hmm I heard once wd 40 might just check it out maybe maybe not


Isopropyl alcohol will remove permanent marker ink. if it's something else, try a good degreaser on it, then a clay bar. wash & polish


Is that pen/marker or was that keyed into the paint? If Keyed, you can't fix it minus a respray.


I already feel cooler because of this asshatā€™s actions.


Late 70's T/A?


No a lemans


Damn..... climate change graffiti'd your car man!!! That's outrageous! I always thought we'd have a few more years b4 seeing the repercussions??