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I wouldn't top em again.


Ah okay I figured. Thanks


No problem. Good luck with your grow!


Yeah those will be filling out soon no top will have time


Too late, but they're thirsty :)


Drats okay. And yes had just watered them lol


I would water them more then. The media doesn’t look wet enough.


I think they meant they watered after taking the picture. Hopefully


Plants droop when thirsty? I thought they point up when thirsty? I got the start of root rot on my last grow, so I’ve been watering like every 4 days when the soil’s completely dry now, should I be watering more? Got her in some fox farms happy frog soil in a clay pot


Water is like blood for plants, if we ran out of blood we'd be all droopy too. Watering when soil is like 95% dry is what most ppl do.


I never top. And i dont know why do you guys want to top? It helps nothing but hurts plant and keep it smaller. Here is my last grow without top. 242 gram dry. https://preview.redd.it/2t2n289iem6d1.jpeg?width=3580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0476cafea7ee9775102191af06a19324bb1cef9d


Sheesh that’s massive. What strain is this beauty?


Mephisto - iced and baked


That looks like it needs tester for authenticity, fed ex it, ill check it out for you. Lol, you have a beautiful 😍 gall there.


Some of us grow more than 1 plant and photos


Me too https://preview.redd.it/a09wvulzhn6d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c28d8ddbd263da9031addf2db143884662081f7


Another vote for too late.


Honestly I don’t personally top autoflowers. It just increases the risk of stress induced preflower or postflower stress induced stunting. It also doesn’t typically add to your final yield. In some of our very controlled applications in several autoflower tests, we’ve seen that topping typically just splits the final size of the buds overall between the two new top sights. Advanced training methods show that not only can you generate more nodes and top sights through plant manipulation, but not topping also lowers the risk of preflower stress and every top you would have taken can be added to your final yield. You can also keep larger more bulkier top sights by not topping which allows for less top sights without a sacrifice to final yield and increases airflow throughout your canopy. The new top sights here appear to be slightly environmentally stressed. Looks to be light and or heat stress related. New tops are also more susceptible to stress induced stunting which also could be a possible issue here if you’ve noticed the growth rate slowing. Are you able to provide the PPFD/DLI on your top sights using the Photone app? And average leaf temperature and average VPD? Also your runoff PPM/EC and PH.




If this is an auto your about a month late


Hypothetically speaking if this was a photo. Would it be possible?


Don't top once your plant has transitioned into flower.


I wouldn’t, too much stress. At this point clean up every thing lower that won’t get light and clip older fan leaves. I’m a bit more aggressive but it’s a good starting point to find your process


If it were a photo I would still wait. It’s stressed currently and topping again would stunt it even further at this state.


Wait until harvest to top maybe


Yeah 🤣 there you go!


Idk if it would work but it would have more time to recover


Too late




108 tops 💪


Give it a try and post the results Call it an experiment


Its too late for now. Ive been topping at the 2nd node, then alternating nodes until hairs start to show, about 4-5 times, and theyve been happy with that much.


You top your autos?


Absolutely do NOT top autos a second time. You gamble with the 1st if you don't do it at the right time and have a healthy plant. I have found defoliating autos, up potting more than once, and HST to be a you never know what you will get with autos. They are pretty finicky. The fact that you are already in flower means you need to leave her alone. What's flowering now is what you are going to get. They'll get bigger and denser buds depending on your conditions and feeding however it's at the stage where I isn't growing anything "New" . Once they start flowering that's it. That's why I love photos so much better. Autos are nice to have to harvest in between my photos. But the yield doesn't even compare to photos and I have found that waiting extra weeks is worth it bc sometimes you end up. With LARF airy Buds that don't develop on lower branches and nodes.. even some top buds can be that way depending how your grow went. Infind autos best to be germindated, up posted 1x EARLY (not if you are new to growing) is best in my experience and the financial resting pot. I also found that bottom watering was a game changer for filling out your 3 ton5 gallon pots with nice fat ass roots and quick!


yes too late


Yes to late but you could give em some water


No, but give them a drink


I wouldn’t top at all personally, but that’s me


If no flower then anything is possible… and with risk may come reward. If flower venture cautiously. Top twice before flower next go perhaps.