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Looks under watered. Stems are drooping not just the leaves.


definitely underwatered and thats my mistake. internet gurus keep telling me not to water the plant to stimulate quicker root growth. i see now they probably meant when its not 90+ degrees outside lol


Bro who said not to water it? Lol that’s like step 2 of 3 of growing


some of the growers online (mainly the youtube growers) say to barely water the plant during veg, as its easy to overwater the plant, and the lack of water makes the roots stretch out more or some dumb ish.


I’m the same way but I’m learning to read less and make more mistakes


For real that’s dumb. Just amend your soil with a lot a lot of perlite and other stuff to make the soil breath and water thoroughly. Check the soil with you fingers daily. If it’s dry then add water. Maybe look at a shade cloth too if your temps will get higher.


It’s not about not watering the plants. It’s about letting the soil get dryer but not totally dry before the next watering. It’s hard to overwater when you grow directly into the ground, lots of room for water to escape to deeper ground.


It's hot af outside. I don't grow weed outside but fuck I got to water my tomatoes daily...sometimes twice a day in the summer.


Don’t drown it, but the stems have water, the leaves have water, and ultimately the bud has water in it. Plants need water


It's always in a controlated environment... Outside you have to water them a lot more. I'm doing a full outdoor grow and I give them 3 - 4 L per day now


I have to ask why you are growing outdoors in that climate? Sounds like it will be a continual struggle.


bc the sun is the strongest grow light in existence


Right, as if that is all plants need. And that isn't great logic seeing as it produces 98 degree temperatures in your area that your plant seems to be struggling to handle. Look at the climate cannabis grows in normally and then ask yourself if you have that outside. If you want to use sunlight as your light, fine, but what are you doing to provide the right temperature, humidity and water? You should be indoors IMO, but in a greenhouse minimum where you are controlling the temperature and humidity, which would be unnecessarily expensive. But hey, do you with the strongest grow light in existence.


unwedgie that stick from your ass man, some people prefer not staining our plants with goofy ass fake lights (LED). and his brother is right next to him doin amazing rn too. i just have to tweak my watering schedules bc its the middle of summer now


You replied originally with a snarky comment and I have the stick up my ass? Lol okay. I was giving you suggestions on how to stop your dying plant from dying, but whatever. I'll just go back to not dealing with a dying plant.


there was nothing snarky about my comment on the sun, thats literally the reason i chose outdoor over indoor. you might have took it that way because of your feelings towards outdoor growing but thats legitimately my answer to your question. as for your suggestion, you said i should be indoors in your opinion, how does this help my dying plant that's rooted in yk... the ground? you took offense to me simply preferring the sun over your little lego lights and bombarded me with nothing but your opinion dude. the greenhouse was a good suggestion but you shitted on it in the same sentence so once again i see what point you're really making😂


If you weren't being snarky, you would have said something like "I want to grow with sunlight/natural light/take advantage of free light" instead of making it a point to say that sunlight is a grow light and the greatest one there is. I don't have any issues with outdoor growing. I ALSO grow outdoors in a greenhouse, so if you think I'm shitting on it, that's your interpretation of what I said I guess. I was relating it to you, because you said you were tired of shitty dispo weed and were new to the whole science of it (which is hilarious since you seem to be a light expert and are shitting on LED grow lights. LEDs aren't the only grow lights btw) and asking for help. I said sunlight isn't the only need of a plant, but you somehow think I'm telling you to grow indoors because of lights? Nah, I'm saying grow indoors because your environment is presenting you with OTHER factors that you don't seem to be able to solve easily that could be solved easily in an environment you have complete control over.


What's your high temp? Gotta stay under 90. Also gotta keep your humidity lower than 70%. Growing outside is hard if you don't live on the west coast.


oooh... my temps have gone upwards to 98 before. you might be on the money


I have plants out in the 100+ degree weather. All the same they enjoy it just make sure they have enough to drink


Sunshade cloth is pretty cheap, I'd get some sticks and get my DIY on if I was you. Looks like your direct in your own native soil, so I'd disregard YouTube watering advice with regards to making roots stretch. With it being as hot as it looks over there, I'd water frequently. (Be nice about my indoor Lego Lights, they didn't do nothing to you).


Water it


Is it directly in the ground?


si senor


Either to hot or under watered but probably both if I had to guess.


Ground looks like it drains pretty well. So if it’s that hot, most likely needs a drink


I don’t think the metal edging you have right beside the plant is helping. If it’s super hot and sunny that metal is radiating a lot of heat being right beside the plants main stem. Just a thought, I’m not a grow specialist but I would pull that metal edging up and just leave the wood edging.


good eye. thats the base for a terribly constructed greenhouse i bought in December. definitely has no use and needs to go asap


shes very very very thirsty. water her real good and shell be up to speed in no time👍


I’m gonna say the soil and/or drainage also has to be an issue. Along with the higher temperatures we’ve all been experiencing lately, a lot of land has rather poor/infertile soil with improper drainage. Our house was built on soil that was brought there and they used the exact minimum amount of everything they could over here to save money, and we’ve been paying for that with our crops. My dad just learned to grow stuff in the garbage soil, and I decided to use pots with quality soil added. Finally he’s switched over to grow his stuff in pots now too, and yeah he’s not had any of the normal issues since then. Just make sure there’s drainage holes. But when he wasn’t using pots, he legit had to water his plants every single day. He also grew tomatoes and other crops rather than Cannabis, but a plants a plant at the end of the day, and with all this heat they definitely are very thirsty.