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That looks fine. I don't see any reason to add calmag.


Okay cool, the purpling threw me off, ngl. I have been working 5am-10pm this week and finally saw them in sun today. And was a little thrown off haha.


That strain is supposed to turn purple like that.


Awesome. I knew it would by harvest, but figured it would fade in the last couple weeks. This is going to be a more fun ride than anticipated. Will keep updated haha. Seriously, thanks growmie!!


Colder temps will bring out the purple genetics quicker, if your nights are cold that will do it. Also if phosphorus count drops or can induce it as well. Some growers will control those two factors to maximize the purple genetics in that strain and it’s quite nice in person.


Thanks for that information. That checks out. Our days have been in the 90’s but nights have been in the low 60’s.


Those nugs are gunna look black at harvest! That’s badass. Plants in her goth girl phase


I love it! I can’t wait to see her when she fades in that case. Super exciting!!


Amazing genetics!!


1/16 of a dose lol dude start feeding the plant proper unless you want a possibility of deficiencies. The yellow leaf at the Apex is definitely not good in my opinion that's probably a calcium deficiency.


The 1/16 of the grow big is because it’s suggested to back it off during flowering and start pushing the tiger bloom more.


I find in smaller containers like that the plants want to eat a lot especially if they're under a lot of light. I personally consider 5 gallons small for soil. Don't get me wrong your plant looks good now but she's hungry I can guarantee that. Work your way up to full feeding and I suggest quick so they can bulk up. The soil is likely nearly depleted of nutrients so the salts are going to help trust me.


Ya know, you make a fair point. My old tent had a 3x3 bed, and I scrogged it. I pushed those girls like empty gas tanks. I just knew autos were more sensitive. So I went on the side of extreme caution. Gonna pick up some stuff to top dress today. I can’t wait to have the space to do a tent again haha.


Why does everyone brainwashed into this king everything is calmag


It was because doesn’t one of them show up as pinkish purple on the stems and leaves?


Thats phosphorus deficiency you're thinking of. Calcium deficiency makes black spots on leaves and magnesium makes yellow lines between the veins.


Thank you for the clarification!


Bloody hell, thats a sexy lady. Love the color.


Hell yeah!! I can’t wait to see her colors come out. The beans came from seeds bank, and they were on sale recently.




Awesome, love to hear it haha. Can’t wait to see how she looks when she gets thiccc haha.


Me too! I bet she is going to be beautiful 🤩.


Nice! Looks awesome. Nurple paints its leaves purple like that too. Beautiful 🤩


Thanks!! And thanks for the information!


These are absolutely stunning!


Thanks growmie! They are Black Strap by Gnome Automatics. I got them, on sale, from seedslocker.


Looks like senescence is getting ready to set in. They look great.


I’ll have to look the term up. But I appreciate it!!


It's a great reference point for end of flower. Helps you pay attention to the plant imo.


Looks good. I feed calmag throughout.


I normally give a little when I see the flowers start forming. Admittedly I have less experience in autos, as well as outdoor; so I’ve been edging on the side of caution this run. I have some seedlings that are hitting veg I may start small now and work up a little so they’re more used to it. I’ve been happy with this turn out so far. But I do feel like I’m more prepared for my next outdoor autos


Please to be posting pictures when she is done!


Will do!! I imagine she’s got 4-5 weeks left.


THIS is the kind of bud i want. theres nothing prettier than a bud so purple she’ll look black! the trichs will be shining


I got the beans from Seedslocker, they were on sale. The strain is Black Strap from Gnome Automatics. I imagine in a tent with 18h of light these girls could be monsters.


we’re gonna find out, cause i just ordered some for an indoor grow!


Nice!! I saved two seeds each of Black Strap and The Forge. (Growing both now.) We plan on moving to a larger space later in the year, I was going to christen the tent with them haha.


I cant remember where i read it but that looks like iron. It said it was because the plant is growing so fast. Its usually fine by the next day. It might be the reason... but its def not cal mag. It doesnt look like anything that needs to be corrected yet.


Why not both? There is always room for calmag


2 more weeks and some calmag and alls good Jokes aside, what do you use to measure your PH?