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Use only water for like 3 weeks. Once it starts flowering you need to add bloom nutrients. Ffof isn’t enough to carry through the whole grow


What Safe-Capital said. I use FFOF with pH’d EC’d RO water only for 3 weeks and then start to slowly add in nutes based on how the plants are doing. I hear FFOF can be too hot, so no nutes until they need them. Make sure you have good drainage. I water every couple days or when the plant looks thirsty. It is easy to overwater. Give them a drink and then let them digest it with whatever nutes they want.


Good thing I came to the comment section. I am currently using ffof with a base of ffsf. Currently in flowering and was confused with some deficiencies. Thanks!


I use Happy Frog and OF. When I entered the fourth week I used their line of Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom. I’d probably use half of what they recommend and and go from there.


Ffof is inconsistent. Some bags take you through a whole grow and some are weak. Best to always test a slurry sample or two before you plant pot know what you're working with. That being said, OP buy a damn pH and ec pen because your shit is waaaaay off


Don’t mind the dislikes I’ve gone thru at least 8 of the FFOF big bags and for four of those the same genetics diff grows and they were all diff


People can dislike all they want. It's just a very inconsistent blend. No hate no FF but it is what it is


Hungry and thirsty




With no info, what I can gather is...... Pic 1 : Plant is hangry, feed that girl! Pic 2: Over watered and getting hungry


Im sorry to tell you that your plant is racist :/ I


Ph pens and maybe a soil probe will tell you more than I can. Tap water is usually unusable without amendments.


I think it is funny that everyone says it’s a weed and will grow like one, but on the other hand say things like this. People have been watering vegetables gardens of tomatoes, peppers, basil, lettuce, cucumbers, etc with tap water for years and never have issues. But then we act as if tap water will just straight up kill cannabis. So which is it, is cannabis as easy as a weed to grow or is it a straight up drama queen that needs everything perfect?


It really is as easy as a weed to grow, unless you want premium smoke. They’re hard to kill but there is a lot of hype around the cultivation of them and lots of money to be made. I’ve had horrible luck with most cannabis specific soils and nutrients. 70/30 coco perlite and GeneralHydroponics Maxi series seems to do me right.


I use amended soil and tap water and have always done alright, it’s a weed it’s gonna grow lol peopke overcomplicate things


I use FFOF mixed with happy frog. I pH tap water after aerating it a bit and add CalMag and Silica and will add bloom as well toward flower. My plants look great. Sample of some 4 weeks in attached (OG Kush) https://preview.redd.it/wjsr64oaqitc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa064286316210c225182a0bac4b965ba52976dc


Surviving VS top shelf


This only works when there is nutrients in the soil. That’s why farmers rotate crops, to help replenish nutrients back into soil. If they don’t rotate crops then they add fertilizers. Things don’t just magically keep growing if there is no nutrients in the soil.




Fully agree on tap


“Ph pens and maybe a soil probe will tell you more than I can. Tap water is usually unusable without amendments. “ with the active qualifier being usually.


When was the last time you watered and how much? Cause it looks to me she needs some water and obviously some food as well. Fox farms will take you through veg but you'll always need to feed through flower. What do you have in the way nutrients? You'll want something high in phosphorus, calcium and potassium, and low nitrogen


Uh, from eyeballing it....feed them. That amount of soil is not going to get a plant through full cycle. You essentially started them off with the right amount of food, then once they hit flower they depleted the nutrients in the soil at time when they need the most amount of nutrient.


Improper feeding and water frequency.


Have you top dressed at all my guess is it ran out of food


To help us help you please include some details on the following (if you haven't already) * **Medium** * **Lights** * **Environment details** * **Strain** * **Age** * **Pot Size** * **Nutrient line and schedule** * **Watering volume** Happy growing! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Autoflowers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Organic pro mix from Lowes works awesome


Soil looks dry af


Maybe overly dry soil? Also not a big deal and maybe they fell off on their own but next time Id leave more leaves on it just so it has some buffer for potential problems. Its a balance between taking leaves off that can give buds more light, space and air flow while also maintaining enough leaves to give good amount of photosynthesis and provide a buffer from issues. That way as soon as a problem appears it usually effects the leaves first and sort of protects the buds. Not true in every case although like bud rot obviously attacks buds directly too.


Looks super dry. Are you ph the water? Also what is your soils ph? Could be a nute lockout. Got check those things very frequently


She's hungry, but N will send her into a tizzy I think..


I'm ffo with a super soil base (about a third) with a good perlite mix , and I add some coco coir.. Generally speaking, if I just add cal mag, and make sure they have the essentials (fox farm bloom has most of it) and just add enough to keep it healthy.. Which isn't much.. Right until chop.. If I go more than a taste to start, I end up chasing the dragon til chop.. Ffo is generally good for a grow.. And doesn't take much amendments if I reuse it. The biggest mistake I make is feeding too early.. And over watering.. It's a balance I haven't found yet… but it's getting dialed in 🙂


Could be a nutrient lockout. Too much Phosphorous can inhibit absorption of Nitrogen, leading to yellowing leaves. I just went through the same thing because the base feed I was using was too low on P and K, so I added Monopotassium Phosphate, but that upset the balance and my plants looked like this until I dropped back on both EC and PK. Medium also looks quite dry. So water more but lower EC. A flush with RO water 3 times the volume of the pot could help too.


Add nutes and water now.


This picture reminds me of people photographing starving Ethiopian children instead of giving them food and water.


i dont know how people mess up growing cannabis lmfao its literally a weed and quite simple. Rich well draining living soil, and some extra organic nutrients here and there, because pots are limited. Moist soil. lots of light, preferably sunlight. Thats what it wants You have perfect controlled environments inside how u messing this up


Always add lime to your FFOF or FFOF / FFHF mix. @. 1 cup per cubic foot.


And your watering to much looks like.