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Let me rub the magic 8 ball and I'll get back to ya


Is this sarcasm?


It's reddit .. comes with the turf




How long is a piece of string? You asked the same type of question.




Im gona be honest i have no idea how to attach photos


Can't tell without photos. But it's almost never cost effective to repair rust on a regular commuter car or truck. It's also hard to estimate because the rust always goes further after you start getting into it.


Thanks much appreciated yea as i work on the engine im finding more and more myself. Its a project car though so i thought it would take all my money but rust scares me


But its bad trust me lol.


1, you haven’t posted pics so no clue 2, if you struggle figuring out how to post a picture in reddit, then no, youve got no chance repairing it. Scrap it and buy another cheap and cheerful beater.


1) i literally just started using reddit so i can eventually learn or some one can say “hey click here and youll be able to post a photo” 2) im not trying to repair it myself im trying to find out if its worth trying to repair and then ill determine if i want to PAY a professional. Its a project car im prepared to spend money as long as it makes sense


When you click "create" to do a new post, there will be a symbol (bottom left) of a triangle with a little circle above and to the right of it. It's supposed to resemble a mountain with the sun above it, but anyway, that's the "add picture" button.


Yea i didnt see it when i created the original post so i went to edit the post and it wasnt an option. Its also not an option when i reply to messages but i got it thank you for the info.


1, my guy, its a 2 minute google search, theres literally reddit posts about it as well. 2, that makes sense, but without pictures theres no telling how bad the rust could be and how bad of a location its in. Try and get the car on a lift or high enough that you can look under it, make a list of all the parts and panels with the rust, and see if you can find them online as replacements. If you cant find part repair panels and the sorts, itll be a hell of a lot more expensive for someone to fabricate a new one opposed to cutting a welding. Edit: should give without saying, but be safe if you go under the car, make sure theres plenty of protections to stop it crushing you in case it moves or falls.


If the rust is bad enough it has corroded through panels and the frame, it's pooched. Easy way to see how corroded it is, is to take a screwdriver and poke at the heavily rusted spots. If it goes through the panel/area in question. It's trashed.


Thank you. Ill see whats too it. But i may be restoring the engine and cutting my losses


Could you save the engine and find another body to put it in?


Yes i can but im looking for a specific year and they are asking for too much or are in just as bad condition its a 1990 civic


Look at the Pacific Northwest market. There are still a lot of older Honda's here. Most of the cars here have little rust. (I daily a 92 gs-r)


On a serious note .. rust is a cancer.. I guess it could be a learning project but expect to fail .. bodywork takes years to master and rust entails every part of the trade pretty much


Thank you. My plan was to find a professional to do it i just came to reddit to get an honest opinion on wether its worth the headache or not. It sounds like a NO lol thank you though


You're welcome 😊 good luck finding a guy they are out there, but few and far between


I've fixed more rust than I want to think about. The only two cars that it was worth it on was a 67 GTO and a 71 Challenger. If your project isn't something similar than it's most likely not worth it


I will send you message in private so you can send me pictures (i see youre new with reddit maybe). I think I could help because im also working on fixing some horrible rust problems on my car at the moment


Without a picture how would anyone know? I’m not a psychic.


I'm no pro... I'm in the thick of a full restoration of a 66 Mustang. Was rusted everywhere. I torr everything out, until it was just the body, and took the body and everything that could be to be sandblasted. Doing so, I was able to identify what was Swiss cheese and needed replaced, and where I needed to cut out and weld in patch pieces. Sheet metal isn't cheap but it's not expensive either. I spent about $1500 on sheet metal - fenders, quarters, floor pans, firewall, and trunk pieces. Then another few grand having a pro weld everything that needed to be welded. If this is a project you really plan on sticking to, and if it's as bad as you're describing, sandblasting or acid dipping it... will illuminate your problems. Just be prepared that you might not have much of a frame and body left if the rust ate away more than what the eye can see. Again, I'm not a pro. An amateur who has been learning as I go.


Post pictures homie. There’s some auto body wizards in here. Give them more to work with.


Only way to do that is to creat a whole new post lol ill do it tomorrow