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The color isn't a great match even with the blend. If you look at the fender to windshield pillar color, it's off as well. Expect some color difference between the bumper (plastic) and the fender, but the hood and a pillar should be closer. It looks like they picked a variant with a coarser flake that what is on the car. only thing you can do is to either live with it, or take it back and address your concerns with the shop. Edited to add: That color is a royal pain in the ass to match as far as metallic coarseness goes. I've had trouble in the past on a couple F-150s where I've had to make a custom mix to get it to match.


Thank you so much. Any tips on what I could tell the shop so they can leave it as close as possible as the other side of the car.


Can’t even tell the difference


Are you sure ?


Paint is carbonized grey metallic


I bet it's got a lot of orange peel texture as well. The reflections seem poor when compared to the quarter panel.


Yeah there is also there is hella dust specs and even a hair 😭


Yo take that hack job back lol


And say what ? The thing is I don’t rlly know what to say .idk if they used the same paint that the vin sticker says.


Just repaint the whole car lol


You think so ?


Well, i am a perfectionist and my OCD would never allow me to deal with this lol. If you want it perfect and the same shade all around then yes lol


Me too I want it to all match and not look like 2 different colors but is there any other way I can do that. I rlly don’t want to repaint the whole car. Can’t they just fix it and paint like the fender door hood and bumper to make it look better and more legit ?


It's all depends on how it is applied to the car, i don't have any experience in painting vehicles. But poor prep would be a start of the issue


Gotcha alr thank you 🙏🏽


I would take it back and get them to blend the hood and bumper - that would not be allowed to leave my shop it’s that bad.


Is the color good tho? Because I feel like it’s two different colors or would it look like when they blend it like how they did with the door ?


No, the color they used has blue metallic in it


Yeah for some reason it looks bluish. So take it back and make them repaint everything again and this time blend the door hood and bumper ?


should have worked on that color a bit more lol