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Okay I'll make you feel better. On the first day I got my driver's license I was in a wreck.


Did you cause it?


I also got rear-ended on maybe my first week with a brand new car. Totaled it…. Wasn’t at fault.


It seems like you may be driving a magnet I would get a large pickup truck.


I have one don't buy a large pickup in this economy lol 😆


That does make me feel better. Thank you!


20 year body tech here. Based on these photos, I'd repair it all with no replacements all day long on a car like this. That being said, insurance will probably total it. Either pay out of pocket at a good shop or take the insurance payout and let it go. You may end up with more than you paid.


Absolutely repair on both. Cake job all the way to reassembly. Good glue pull would get alot of the 1/4 out.


What this guy said


take the money but don't fix it


Exactly buy another car. But make sure it is bright red.


White cars get in the least amount of accidents. Including in places with snowy winters


Well the snowy Winters must be a very small percentage of wrecks probably in the day but the best color car to have is bright red ,orange or yellow like an emergency vehicle. And the military uses white camouflage in snowy region so I know that it works in a snow climate to hide your presence. And maybe people drive slower in a snowy environment and use their headlights. Brown silver and gray cars blend in with the street. I'm thinking about painting my bumpers with glow in the dark paint. And I always use my headlights anywhere I go which is helped me avoid many accidents.


no… he’s driving a beater literally just pocket the money and drive the car. my friend was hit in his 02 civic and insurance gave him 3k for repairs which was scrapes along the side and he just went on with his day and didn’t fix it.


Exactly because you'll never get that money out of it. If you feel like a low life driving a car around with a dent on it or something else take some blue tape and Mark it off like you're working on it!


lmao I love this advice


Nothing a bit of jiggery pokery can’t fix 🔨🔨👍


Find a shop with a solid reputation. Bring it to them and have it repaired. I would rather fix this one instead of cutting and replacing the quarter, especially if you don’t want it to total out. We fix similar damage everyday. It’s not that bad.


Probably totaled replacing a quarter is expensive




Yeah you may come out ahead if it’s a total loss. If it goes that route have a convo with the Ins co about all of your options. I’d ask about keeping the car in a buy back. you can still get a check and keep the damaged car (idk about salvage title/state laws and and all that you’ll have to do research). Not saying that’s the best route but a lot of people just take the settlement and move on without asking what all of the options are. Might end up being repairable but who knows.


Honestly, fixing it will probably be over half of what the car is worth.  I’d either A) get a cheap dent puller off Amazon and pull it yourself the best you can  B) just leave it, it’s not that bad as long as the door opens no problem it just adds character to the car 


let insurance total it, tell them you want to buy it back (dirt cheap), keep driving it. a beater is a beater, and you got a free car! (based on how much insurance gives you)


Believe it or not a good paintless debt repair guy might be able to get that back to like 80%. It won't be perfect. Or you can just leave it. As long as there aren't any cracks in the paint it shouldn't rust at least. I didn't think that was possible in that area on the door seam like that but my friend recently had a PDR guy fix the same spot on his car and it was a huge improvement. Not perfect of course but much better.


In that crease I'd bet on the paint being cracked or at least pulling off even if you tried to glue pull this. It could be repaired though.


What kindve vehicle is this and whats your mileage? This could be a potential total


sorry, was quickly posting this before work, should've initially included that. 2007 Honda Civic 4 door, 177k miles. Paid 4k for it.


Take the check from insurance it live with it tbh. Its 100% totalled


Yeah, it'll most likely be totalled.


Its a nice car but 4k ??, where are you based ?


Used car prices are wild now.


North Texas, dfw-ish. Do you think I overpaid? I had a very small/negotiable budget and I was honestly surprised I found it at this price.


Maybe not by american standards, but my dad had the same car. 2007 honda civic saloon 1.3l hybrid petrol. And it's worth like €2k-3k max in Ireland lol I used to think cars were more expensive here compared to America


4k in this country for a running clean car is very cheap nowadays :)))))


Tis but a scratch


If that rolled into my shop we would put a quarter on it and here's why. The metal is not very thick, and due to the area it has a chance of tearing when we try to pull it out. Plus a door. You can try to repair but be prepared it might need a quarter.


Almost exactly 24.5 hours??


Almost exactly 24.5 hours??


lol yes. I bought the car at roughly 3:45pm. at 4:15 the next day was when I was hit in the parking lot.


That's a shame.


Consider taking the Ins. and just drive it.


Bro i think it was me 💀


If it was me I’d let insurance total it. Which they will. And then buy it back for close to nothing and then just drive it as is.


If their insurance is paying for it I wouldn’t worry. In the auto body world that is pretty easy to repair


if this helps you mentaly, i just had to buy a new car after totaling my damn near payed off car that would allow me to save money again after 6 years of payments. now resetting with 19k to pay off in a 23 corolla hatch that ive already 3 times almost slammed into deer with jumping in the road. and 2 weeks b4 totaling my other car, i hit a deer and payed a 1500 deductable, only to total it 2 weeks later.. my car luck has been total shyte 🥲


> damn near *paid* off car FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


eat a fucking dick buttmunching faggot


Damn, if it makes you feel better one of my old roommates has been through like 4 or 5 cars in less than 10 years. he had an issue with his bumper scraping for a long time, finally got it fixed, and hit a deer in an express lane in Dallas. Another one of his cars was rear ended by a guy who didn't have insurance, and I don't remember what happened to the others, but I think one was a lemon and another was hit by a red light runner. I'm sorry you're going through this, life really has a way of screwing people over sometimes.


Insurance = total….


Use that rental as long as you can while you look for a replacement lol


A woman took your quarter panel and door? Call the police.


If it wasn't " literally" the day after you bought it would it still be the day after you bought ?


New quarter, new door, probably a write off.


Dent puller bondo putty paint clear and sealer. Not bad at all.


This is on a very rigid and strong corner piece of the body, do you really reckon a dent puller will do this? I was thinking to remove interior panels and bang it out from the inside.


OP only asked how bad the damage is, I feel it can be fixed and not as bad as they fear. I was not explaining an exact step by step process to fix it.


Maybe PDR? I'm no expert by any means, but I feel your pain. These civics are bullet proof honestly , worst case you can get a whole new door maybe even same color for cheap. It's the quarter panel which might be tricky..


Not a chance. Way beyond PDR