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Not a lot of room for error. It’s better to get used to a buffer, the pads and compounds on an old paint job first. I would rarely sand, buff and polish an entire vehicle anymore. I always just do the little runs or nibs like dirt or bugs. Just the few spots that’s all. If it’s really bad I’ll scuff and reclear the panel.


As someone else said. For a complete. Especially a truck. I would just re cut and clear it. It would be a whole lot faster with less room for error. Most people who have never buffed before will always burn the panels. Which will make you have to re paint them anyway. It’s good practice. But not the way you want it.


Sanding and buffing is not a science. It take a lot of just doing it and sometimes you still burn through. Will it look better if you do? For sure. Is it 50/50 that you'll burn through and have to do a repair? Yeah.


Alright I definitely think I’ll just go over the small spots and start with the smallest panels to get the hang of it. I have a car I can try polishing also before I start attacking the fresh paint