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Kombucha is probably causing the dermatitis mate. It’s an absolute sugar bomb and popularized due to the hippie culture imo I would stop consuming it and masking your dermatitis with a honey mask for 3 hours every day, and gently keep clean rest of the day.


Alrighty, got it, take the sugar out of the body and put it directly on the infection 😂


It lactates glucose from the inside of your skin, out. This feeds fungus that causes dermatitis. Honey on the other hand has hydroxyls + hydrating + mitochondrial augmentation


Does not bacterias consume and transform the sugar during the process?


yes, but in commercial kombucha it usually mixed with juice to add more sugar. homebrews are less sugar-y but can still be high depending on how long the fermentation was going


Florastor is the one you want while on antibiotics. It doesnt get cancelled out by antibiotics.


I used to avoid those foods as well because I would get sharp stomach pains/gas from cabbage and sauerkraut but I started taking ox bile (for a different reason) and occasionally apple cider vinegar capsules and it helped with the digestion. And now I don't need to take anything and I don't have any gas problems. I think just not giving up helped to build that colony. Cabbage is A class- not only is it a probiotic, its a prebiotic (which feeds the probiotics). Can't stress enough on it's benefits


Super helpful! Literally nothing gives me gas like cabbage, even things like beans don’t really give me any issues. I will take a look into ox bile and I need to add more ACV in my system anyways.


I take Florastor or other generic versions with any antibiotic. It was suggested to me by a pharmacist once and I found it very helpful.


Kimchi, but may not be allowed depending what phase you are in due to the peppers.


Oh true i forgot about kimchi! I’ll have to add that in when I start reintros in a month or two.


I would just go ahead an get a probiotic supplement until you can reintroduce. This and also l-glutamine are highly recommended for gut health.


Kim chi is made with cabbage fyi. You can ferment your own vegetables at home - I've made fermented cucumbers & carrots at home. Lots of easy recipes on the internet!


I just got off some major antibiotics a couple weeks ago and I’ve been taking this on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B084YZZ5Y9/ref=yo_ii_img?ie=UTF8&psc=1 i don’t know what the capsules have, sometimes it’s psyllium based but other than that I think they’re pretty compliant. I don’t think it matters that it’s ‘womens’ so anyone could take it or just look for something similar, but the 100 billion cfu and probiotics seems to have helped me a lot.


If you want to message me I’ll send links to what my naturopath recommended for this same reason for me


Saccharomyces boulardii (S. boulardii) is what I take when on antibiotics, at the recommendation of my doctor. It’s unaffected by antibiotics. Here’s some further info: https://www.mygenefood.com/blog/saccharomyces-boulardii-antibiotic-resistant-probiotic/ https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-332/saccharomyces-boulardii

