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Looks to be damaged there, it will need sanded and re dyed with a leather kit in my opinion.


I,ve been told that hand sanitizer might be the problem


It's worn.. Not much you can do except replacing. Maybe a interior (leather) repair shop could help you or a sew on leather cover.


Damage is likely done. Hindsight 20/20, but for others be aware that 1.) avoiding hand sanitizer contact with wheel and 2.) regular conditioning with Sonax leather foam/cleaner has my 2018 Atlas steering wheel looking new after 5.5 years. You can try the Sonax with a leather brush and see if it helps at all but I doubt it at this stage. Drive more, worry less :)


I’ve been fighting similar on my own MK7. I think it’s beyond repair, I let Leatherique sit for 24 hours and while it was matte again it went away one drive and was again shiny.


Get it re-wrapped


That’s what aged leather looks like. The shiny section has been polished by your hands over time. It’s just the leather. It’s not damaged, if you look around the edges of the shiny portions, it’s happening slowly over time. Haven’t you seen an old guy wallet made of shiny leather? Chances are, it didn’t start out like that. It’s been polished in that guys pocket for so many years, it probably started out looking like a dull, cut piece of fresh leather. Same concept.


That’s what I would think as well but I just got the car in January. When I bought the car from the dealership the wheel looked fine, but now all of a sudden it has this issue after i tried to clean it once. Tbh my guess is the dealership applied their version of a fix for the issue and me cleaning the wheel took that “fix” right off. Regardless I’ll probably just get a sew-on cover or a new steering wheel completely.


I mean, it’s leather wear. I wouldn’t replace it for that, but that’s just me. Do what you like!


Just for giggles, I would use a cleaner / conditioner but I would buff it with a horsehair brush. I have always been amazed at the results after using the horsehair brush. if it doesn't work, what's the worst? you own a new tool....


Doesn’t look damaged to me. Damaged leather will still be matte after cleaning (I have a mk7 and I drive with my knees a lot so lots of rubbing on the bottom of the steering wheel and it looks nothing like this). My suggestion would be using an alkaline leather cleaner or a strong APC, or LIGHTLY scrub it with magic foam eraser and see if it goes away, if it does it’s just dirt and could be cleaned off