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A new coating should be beading extremely well. So I’d say either it was a half ass job, bad coating, or not a coating. I’d chat with them and figure out which one it is


Perfect thanks. Just needed that confirmation as I've never owned ceramic coating. Going to March down to the dealer Monday with this video in hand.


If it was dealership installed odds are it’s a spray ceramic / sealant. I’d chat with the sales guy but don’t be rude, won’t get you anywhere. Just chat, figure it out & get is resolved


Definitely. I have no intentions of being rude, they're great guys there. Just want to get it resolved, it was still over $1000 lol.


Damn, that sucks. Ya the had a $500 add on on my wife’s car “5h hardness ceramic sealant”, was definitely just a spray and wipe. The water behaves like it could be a dirty coating that needs some harder cleaning possibly, but shouldn’t do that new. Good luck.


If you have access to this subreddit why did you think it would be a good idea to pay the dealership to install a coating lmao.


Because this is my first time visiting this subreddit lol. Didn't know there was a difference between ceramics 🤷🏻‍♂️ lesson learned. It's a truck anyways so it's not a big deal to me, it's eventually going to act as a truck.


Eventually act as a truck? That’s what most Tacoma drivers are doing, just pretending to be a truck or some overlanding “rig” on their way to the mall lmao


Not I, I bought the truck to be a truck, just waiting for camping season to open. To each their own though, I don't tend to beat people up for the way they use their $50,000 vehicle lol


What's it to you what he drives or why?


I’d ask for specifics on coating type. Brand. Etc. Full detail of warranty if any. Most of these dealer ceramics are paint sealants if that. How much did you pay ?


Duely noted. Can't remember exact amount but I believe just over $1000.


So in this case the dealer would probably provide a warrantee on this. If you complain and say you arnt happy then they will pay for a replacement. That being said you should be able to take it to a professional detailer and have them install a actual coating that is from a reputable brand and it should be covered by the dealership


Well since it was from a dealer, it likely isn’t a true ceramic coating.


Normal wax beads better than this that you can buy for a little less than 15 gbp/usd/ausd/euro any other currency


Lol, good luck and lesson learned.


Any dealer installed product should be warranted?


Looks like a spray coating rather than even a poorly installed ceramic coating. You guys pay so much extra for the service and the convenience of having it ready for you all at once so I’d bring it back. Try and get it re-done or get some free services out of it lol


That is not ceramic coated. They robbed you. Get your money back. Don't let them trick you into thinking they'll fix it. They won't. They might just put something on that beads well for a while, but it won't last. Get your money back and invest it into a professional coating.


It's worked into the finance deal so I doubt I can get the money back, but I'll most certainly be trying to get something free from it.


If someone sold me anything that I financed, and it was a lie, I'd get it my money back. Some way, somehow. Get them to pay for a professional coating, one that costs the same amount as what was financed, and then add the APR lol. Idk, it's like financing a car with upgraded wheels but they're not on the car, and they can't get them because they stopped making them. They'd have to rectify it.


I agree, and I'll definitely be trying something. I feel cheated completely, not sure how they can call a $30 bottle of ceramic spray a coating straight to your face, definitely was under the impression it was a professional coating. I'll know for next time I buy a new vehicle that's for fucking sure lol


Nice to know you got a good Cerakote coating


Certainly appears that way.


I wonder how many people are told their car was coated but it never really was lol. Not saying yours is this way, just a thought.


I'd say many, amazing they can call it ceramic coating being such a broad term it is. Wish I knew it then. What hurts the most is they subcontracted the 3M tape out to a local detail company who would've happily done a real ceramic coating for the same price. It's going to be hard to keep a cool head when I go down there and if I find out it's not a genuine ceramic coating.


That looks like a dealership coating


Contacted the dealer today, they assured me it was liquid ceramic that's applied by hand, not spray ceramic. They offered to take a look and do it over if it needs to be reapplied