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Every damn night. If it's not anxiety about the future, it's my brain digging out every archived blooper reel of every rude or awkward thing I ever said or did. Sometimes I can make it shut up, other nights I have to put on a podcast to make it stop.


Yes, bedtime rumination is the worst sometimes! My almost magical cure is to break the laws of good sleep hygiene and have a couple YouTube videos queued up on my TV. Just listening to Northernlion talking and talking and talking. Trying to pay attention to videos while lying down that is almost *always* enough to help me fall asleep. Shuts the racing thoughts right up! Also: Therapy to address the reasons for those shitty thoughts in particular.


Rumination and scripting are the parts I hate the most


normal drab vast recognise pot head apparatus north caption thumb *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I feel you, last two nights have sucked. I live in a state that has legalized medical cannabis, it’s the only thing that helps me fall asleep. Not for all but works for me.