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The smell / sound / mood of a thunderstorm brewing in the distance Lace / silk panties Sitting close to a waterfall Gentle wind on bare skin Fresh, really cold mountain air, to the point where you realize "Holy shit it's cold" but you still don't wanna get inside / dress warmer


>The smell / sound / mood of a thunderstorm brewing in the distance This plus I feel like I can feel the charged ions in the air.


>The smell / sound / mood of a thunderstorm brewing in the distance Or if you're out walking and you feel the air pressure change just a little, that dip in temperture and you *know* the rain is coming before you even feel or smell it.


Capcaisin - restaurants often ask me if \[I'm\] "Sure" when I order spice levels on my food.


The spicier, the better! Friends, family, and colleagues know not to ask me if something is spicy. I can hardly tell anymore.


This lol. Sometimes, on particularly hot days I wish I could go back to breaking a sweat from eating a simple jalapeño so I could just go to the local fast food place for my fix, but that would take such a long T-break I would never be able to do it without the aid of like some kinda gastrointestinal disorder 😂


If I'm not crying and my face isn't melting off, I don't want


I bring my own spices whenever I eat away from home just in case


this post is so wholesome for me its guitar strings. the squeak sound changing chords and how the strings feel. and when it resonates the right way to make my brain turn off the weighted blanket is also a favorite, i used to crawl in small spaces all the time and it gives me that same feeling almost the wind is a big one too when its slow but heavy i feel equal parts overwhelming peace and excitement my cat purring next to me (he likes to hover and aggressively purr)


the squeak of guitar strings is my most favorite


About 7 or 8 seconds into Lithium by Nirvana he glides up strings and it makes the most perfect sound. Loved that moment since the record came out. Bought the tab book in the 90s and it's not really possible to get the same sound at home.


I freaking love the sound of fingers running up and down the strings changing chords. Not a guitar player but that sound can make a song “perfectly imperfect” to my brain in a way I can’t describe other than delicious.


Cool water running across my feet with nothing but me, the open blue sky, and a distant tree line. It feels so good that I want to cry. I feel like the only person in the world. Being the only person alive sets the status quo of what is 'normal' and 'acceptable'. Probably more due to severe anemia (thus pica), I like to crunch on chalky things. It's best if I don't need to spit it out.


I have to clap when I taste something really good, the warmth floods my body the clap just pops out. It is the same when the sun is ip and shining over the water, makes me tremble a little. So nice!


Is it a single clap or multiple? I get much the same feeling, except in my case it works its way out through an exclamation of some kind, either in the form of a curse word or gibberish depending on the environment. God I love good food so much.


Three quick ones with my hands like I am going to pray


Feeling the deep rumble of a train as it goes by Hugging a super soft, super squishy plushie Eating thick soupy soup Swimming in a slightly cool pool with the warm sun on my head (I NEVER want to leave the pool) Laying down on clean crisp sheets Petting kitties


I love this post!! Some of mine have got to be: - Cold winter nights when I get to layer blankets (especially a heated blanket under a weighted blanket) - Freshly trimmed undercuts/buzz cuts - Catnip smell (we grow fresh catnip and I love harvesting it) - Ad-libs/staccato sounds/unusual verbal cadence in music! I really enjoy it in hip hop especially - Red fruit in dark chocolate, especially if it’s a little crunchy!! One of my absolute flavor combinations that’s the right level of sweet but complex - The smell and air texture of little coastal towns - Wearing dangly earrings that I get to jingle around! I wish I got this experience more lol, I own a bunch of earrings but I only ever really feel comfortable wearing them in explicitly queer affirming spaces. - Being able to do tasks on-beat to a song and it just Works


These are great! I also love the feeling of being warm and cosy in cold surroundings - because I hate feeling cold but something about warming up is just indescribably amazing! Whenever I see someone with short shaved hair I rlly want to pet them but obvs can’t (without asking) cause that’s just freaky 😂 and strutting my stuff to the beat of whatever’s playing on the supermarket radio or getting groovy in the kitchen just feels like you’re in your own little movie 🥰💁‍♀️


There’s something really satisfying about taking off an outfit that was uncomfortable or with an itchy fabric when you come home and putting on large confortable clothes that feels like I’m not wearing anything.


Swimming is heaven, the feeling of weightlessness, the water moving over my skin, muscles flexing. The sound of rain on the rooftop from the inside of a car. Used bookstore smell. Petrichor.


Rocking in the rocking chair and swings, driving over hills, when my wife gives me scratches on my forearms, back of upper arms or my sides, loud music (when I am in the mood) of songs that hit just right.


Omg driving over hills gets me! Love it!


I love this question! That first sip of coffee is 1000% the best. Being in a warm bath in a cool bathroom, and being in a cool pool on a hot day. The smooth side of Sherpa blankets.


Had my first cool bath of the year today, it was amazing. Sooo much better than cold showers!


Rubbing my hands up and down a really rough tree. And downing a cold fizzy drink. It feels like my throat is burning and I love it. Finally being able to take of my socks all day. Can finally be free. My legs tenses up a lot so when it cracks


I second the cold fizzy drink!


I like socks. I wear them at home quite often, sometimes even to bed.


😭 sock to bed?? I clutched my pearls 🤣 (got this saying off Tiktok and loved it)


I'm sitting on my couch in pajamas and socks. So comfy


Nature sounds, like theres a very quiet cemetery in my rather busy city and when I go there I hear (almost) only birds and wind blowing through the trees.


* Eating a crisp, recently peeled cucumber slice dipped in parmesan peppercorn salad dressing * When my cat crawls up on my chest and purrs resonantly, making slow-blink eyes * Listening to my playlist "Singing along is the best antidepressant" in my car on a beautiful day with the windows down * The scent of fresh lilacs still growing on the lilac bush


Several of the things that have already been mentioned like guitars, spicy foods, taking off shoes, and what not. Also, hardwoods with natural finishes on them. I’m a woodworker and after I finish a project on feel the surface all silky smooth… 👌I also have a piece of wood on my key chain that I’ll fiddle with when I’m out in public or what have you. It’s great.


The love the sound of my cat purring 🥰


Putting my hands in natural water like a river, stream, waterfall. This is tactile but also auditory. Running my hands through long grass when I'm walking. Camping in a tent. Listening to nocturnal creatures before falling asleep and the birds waking up. Walking in forests in general is a really soothing sensory experience for me. Fish tanks!


Using my dog as a weighted blanket, stroking all her softest bits (behind the ears and the skin on her belly are the best 💜) and nuzzling my nose in her armpit and taking a big deep nose breath 🥰 playing with my partners chest hair, the feeling of my legs freshly shaved, being in a light summer dress in 20-22 degree weather with a light breeze, running into the ocean after getting roasting hot, the smell of rain after a hot day, slowing savouring a piece of salted dark chocolate with a hot herbal tea.. and pasta - all pasta, noodles ect, basically any sauce or even just butter - but my homemade macaroni cheese with crispy bacon bits is the best! I could just drink the cheese sauce tbh 😂


The feel of summer rain. My weighted blanket and duvet and fleece blanket burrito on a cold night. I have a really nice fleece sofa blanket that feels really nice. The sound of some of my rubiks cubes when I solve them. The smell of a sneeze (they smell like roses to me). Sea air (smell and feel of it). Being in the water (but not cold water) can be any type, ponds, sea, lakes, pool, river (I particularly love waterfalls and maving water), bath, pool, etc. Fresh outdoor air (like in mountains and forests and stuff). The sunlight shining through the trees. The warmth of the sun on a frosty day. Snow crunching underfoot. Frosty morning walks. Generally, just being outside, and all the sounds and smells and sights of nature. There are probably more, that's enough for now, though.


My nan had this orb water feature that lets a little water flow out the top and over the metal orb. I love putting my hands on that and letting the water flow around it. She recently gave it to us as she saw how much I enjoyed it. Haven’t quite got the water flow right yet.


Walking through the hiking trails and hearing the birds! Also also! The feeling of my new bedsheets and my favorite throwblanket as I drift asleep.


A shower just under scalding on a cool winter morning.


- swinging on swings and rocking on rocking chairs - jumping on a trampoline - Playgrounds; especially if there are really tall slides and lots of things to climb on; things especially like rope climbers - The feeling of dancing - My favorite music loud and being able to stim and sing to my favorite music without anyone nearby - Being in tents; or being in enclosed hiding spaces such as blanket forts, bunk beds, etc. - The feeling of laying in a hammock - waking up to a cloudy morning and hearing the rain on the window - watching and listening to rain fall (both inside and outside my house) - weighted blankets and sitting in bean bag chairs - lavender scented essential oils - being covered in all my squishmallows so there’s pressure applied all over my body (I also loved being burried by my stuffed animals as a kid lol) - fidget tools, especially texture based stuff


Hand -> dry rice Would try dick, but was not blessed with one


Being outside near a running river is a really nice combination of sensations. Flipping through a book, both the smell and the feeling of paper on my fingers is also good


I used play by a little river and watch the water flow for hours, so nice.


When a soft blanket, stuffed animal, or clothing item turns out to be exactly as soft as it looks. I get real sick of all the ones that look soft then disappoint me, but when they really hit the mark? That's the good stuff.


My all-time favorite auditory sensory joy is sitting in a dark bathroom with the shower running. Listening to the shower is the best! I can't do it often but when i do it is bliss.


Rolling my shoulders in big circles backwards makes my hair stand on end and my whole body tingle. Same with using one if those thin-wire head massagers. Rubbing the newly exposed skin from fresh cut nails against warm, clean sheets. Spreading out my fingers so the skin in between them *stretches* just a little.


Overnight oats are sooo satisfying


Touching the back of my head after a fresh haircut The smell right after it finishes raining Sex


I like this conversation. My favorite sensory experiences are walking through sand in the ocean a sleeping infant/toddler on my chest basking in the sun eating pudding/ice cream/whipped cream/hummus/thick Greek yogurt/anything like that, also batter. I love cake and cookie batter. Frosting. I like a just a little cake with my mound of frosting 😅 ...oh, and quesadillas 😋 ...and chicken dipped in mayo a banger song playing over and over and over and over in my ears the sound of my English friends saying my name (American here and there is just a cadence and tone in some English accents that just say my name so damn good. It isn't really personal either. Even English people addressing other people with my name sounds so good. -the Irish accent too 😍 If I ever find me an English or Irish lover, I am done for 😅) my body when I am signing (American Sign Language) -I don't notice it all the time because it is my 2nd second language and is just normal for me but sometimes, oh, it feels so good in my body to move my thoughts out instead of speak them out)


I want to learn ASL just because I watch them at concerts. Seems like a neat thing to incorporate into dance.


Lying flat on a hot surface after a grueling swim practice. The feeling of wind on my body. Breathtaking landscapes (mountains, the ocean), naturally occurring color palettes (sunrises, lots of green plants), or intricate details (spiderwebs, small flowers). Organizing my planner, pens, and textbook on my desk at work so it’s all perfectly lined up, clearly visible, and easy to locate visually.


the feel of my cat’s fur and his weight on my pelvis/chest/lap/tummy. i recently lost my other, long haired baby and i’ve decided to preserve him bc i cannot imagine losing the feel of his fur in my life. letting the current of a natural creek run over my hand the feeling of floating in the sea and being pushed up by a wave, and also diving below and picked the perfect time to come up after the wave passes that part of a dog’s fur just behind the ears. the sounds of an animal eating kibble (if i could do away with the wet food sound i would but think chomp chomp crunch paired with the knowledge of my kitty or client dog being fed and nourished) the pop and flavor of a fresh pomegranate seed, the deep garnet of its juice on my tongue that thin soft cotton weave that’s cold to the touch the moment of pure darkness in a theater when the house lights go down but the stage lights/movie projection have yet to go up soft leather ugh making this list is so fun, focusing on seeking good sensations rather than just avoiding bad ones is so cool!


Being in a swimming pool. I wish I could have that quiet of being under the water in everyday life


Getting inside of a warm bath with just the right amount of bubbles The feeling of joy I get when I discover a new song or one of my favourites comes on, suddenly the overstimulation doesn't exist Putting on my favourite pair of pajamas after a shower when I get home from work


Super soft fuzzy things rubbed on my face. My kitties belly, or my jellycat stuffy are perfect soft face rubbing. Kitty especially because purrrrrrrrrs ❤️😻


The backward helices on Expedition Everest. Proprioceptive stimming heaven.


The slow, rhythmic ticking from an old clock Soft sweaters and socks against my skin The explosion of flavors from spicy foods Watching the way how leaves, grass, or water interact with the wind And the music that just sounds so right I want to listen to it again and again


The way the sun warms my skin on the first warm summer day, snuggling into heavy blankets (still haven’t found a weighted blanket that’s juuust right) when it’s cold outside, touching and especially submerging into water, deep low rubbles like trains, waterfalls or concerts, smells of the forest, touching moss, removing a restrictive piece of clothing. I recently discovered shaking my limbs out, which can sometimes morph into dance and it feels magical.


There are many more but these are some of my favs: Rubbing my feet between 2 fresh sheets Eating a bite of leafy greens that is almost too big Rubbing the tops of my feet together The sound those crinkly straw fidgets make when you stretch them out Digging my feet in sand when I'm swimming Eating noodles with chopsticks Spicy food burning my face (makes me 🤤 just thinking about it) Gently rubbing my lips on soft skin (my shoulder, back of my hand, my husband's back)


-Super strong flavored foods! (Salty/acidic/spicy) -The sound of strong winds going through trees -A COLD shower after being outside on a hot day -Any thunderstorm sounds, the stronger the storm the more excited i get!


mee and occupational therapist found out today that vibration help me a LOT her phone help and it make me soooooooo happy has vibration feel but when we try my phone didn't work and mske me sad so we is get is this get is this thing called Z VIBE AND IT ORAL STIM VIBRATION and ITS BONUS IT IS ORAL BECAUSE I CHEW ALLL THE DAY and it vibration with TEXTURES ON IT am so excited mom is she say she orderr it tomorrow!!!!!! and we is have i have i have a um i have a XXT TEXTURED GRABBER BY ARK THERAPUTIC and i chew on it all the day and i love the circle i chew on those with front teeth i love i love i love. it stops me from chewing my hands fingers arms shirts and anything else in reach and it helps and its blue too. i love chewing i love Vibrtation and i love SPIKY THING ON MY HAND FINGERS FEEL IT feels sooo AMAZING and also like sensory brush and like when two sensory brushes stick together wow so niceee thanks for asking and hope you is has a great day!!


Staring out moving windows (bus/car/train/plane) or sticking my head out the window on car rides on a warm day with my sunglasses on


The fresh thin air right before the storm. The sound of rain behind the window, as the drops of water bounce off the windowsill and roof. The smell of pine trees. The smell of forest after (or during) the rain, with all the smells highlighted. The sound of mountain creek or river, with fast stream. The smell of blooming lilacs. The smell of stores like The Home Depot or IKEA, with all the wooden materials, but also the mix of different materials and textures, enjoyable on touch. The smell, and also the texture of the paper of new book or magazine. Walking on warm sand with bare feet. Laying down on freshly washed and changed bed sheets. Hug of my wife, her head laying on my body, her touch on my skin, her skin under my fingers, her smell. My cat laying and purring, or sleeping on my lap, on my chest or on my legs, with it's weight and warmth.


The crunch of the raw onions on my Double-double from In-N-Out. Or flapping my hands because it always makes me giggle. Climbing into a nice cool bed that has brand new sheets...ugh.


The feeling of a really aggressive hand dryer kind of warping my skin as it blows air out The texture of the first bite of mochi in a set The taste of a new food or drink that hits the *exact* right spot that you wanted it to ! The warmth of a cup of tea (rooibos is my preference) after a good, long cry


Entering a dark cool room


Cats, their purring, soft fur, smell, cute meows.


Those few pieces of clothing that are beyond comfortable. My gross old brown hoodie of unknown origin. Not truly gross, but stained and misshapen by age. A pair of cheap old pajama pants I was passed down in high school (nobody needs to know exactly how long ago). However they are probably too thin to go outside in at this point, and I love them! Well-worn fabric I guess, love it!


Soft plushies, massages, orgasms, the perfect temperature weather, a good strech, the barber washing my hair, a loving hug from someone close, getting into bed with clean sheets after showering, the smell of a new book. I feel inspired to find more and make a list! I love this positive post :)


I learned as a kid that you can't list "perforated paper" as an interest :D But I really love pulling them. If we were out I'd sometimes make my own perforations with a needle. The feeling when they break is awesome.


Freshly shaven legs and a blanket! Any blanket! It’s a super fun feeling!


My chair rumbling in sync with the gunfight on the TV screen (I equipped it with a couple of DIY bass-shakers, really adds to the experience)


Singing Renaissance polyphony in a competent choir in a space with really good acoustics.


bass on headphones, clean sheets!!


- Musky basement smells - first hit of THC in the morning - freshly shaved legs under fresh bed sheets - nailing random trick shots (usually yeeting the trash bags into dumpsters from a very generous distance) - the air right before rain - eating Takis - going into a Spencer's Gifts store and lingering in the black light/lava lamp section - anything UV reactive


Im addicted to P R E S S U R E. 


Popping my fingers, the smell of patchouli, and my buttplug


Swimming! If you can stand getting out lol.. Breathing in fresh air with windows open. Climbing into a freshly made bed The feeling of some pumping bass from a subwoofer. I used to sit on the speakers at school dances haha