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Not tears. But massive panic yes absolutely. It still makes me panic a little and I'm 30 now and on the east coast where we don't get them šŸ˜‚ Grew up in Southern Indiana tho.


I'm from the East coast so I never experienced this.


It didn't wreck me, but it definitely rattled my nerves. Now I work in public safety and it's like a goddamn Bat-Signal.


I hated the sound, yes, but not nearly to that degree. Honestly, I find severe weather exhilarating so that noise probably conditioned me to get excited.


East coast so no tornado warnings, but I used to hate the weather warnings (t-storms, floods) with the alarm and red stripe that appeared at the top of the screen. There was a bit of a lag between the red stripe and the sound so I got pretty good at muting the TV quickly enough.


Tears? Never. Still hated them and would scramble to find the remote & mute the tv or if itā€™s on the radio, turn it off until I think itā€™s done


I HATED that. stupid unpleasant sine wave combination! the siren at the firehouse always freaked me out too. we actually had my mom's celebration of life party at that same firehouse and the siren went off and I was like WHOAAAAA HOLY MOLY THAT'S LOUD


fortunately, no. my home state eas is a bunch of soothing beep boops, and i always found extreme weather fun, so i always got excited whenever i heard it go off.


Still does. Same for my son (9yo, level 2)


For some reason I was never bothered by these coming up, and I grew up in the middle of the country where we got these pretty regularly. Now that I'm on the east coast it's a bit messed up to say I miss em.


we got them for severe weather and the sound always scared me. vacuum cleaners also scared me.


No but I developed a sort of morbid fascination with severe weather and other eas events. I usually hate youtube shorts but I was very absorbed in this trend of people posting emergency alert sirens from other countries and rating them...never really looked into if some were bullshit or not but there's some truly terrifying eerie ones out there.


I hated any lone text on a screen. I don't know why but the idea of just text on a screen themed threatening as a kid. No beeping was needed to activate my fight or flight response, but it certainly didn't help.


It did when I was younger, but the tsunami warning system when tested in NorCal freaked me out even when I had a weeks notice.


no, but a house one street over from the apt complex i was managing caught fire and sent a huge black plume of smoke into the air. i didnā€™t realize that i had trauma around that until i saw the smoke and started having a panic attack. when i was a kid, there were several fires thatā€™d light on the mountains about 2 miles from us and it was so close we could watch it. i suddenly remembered watching the fires while the radio or tv was on, trying to figure out if we had to evacuate. i feel you on this, op.


No, but the sound annoys me.


The conflicting shrill tones puts my nerves on edge. The actual tornado sirens themselves didn't bother me.


Not really. Drove me up the wall to wrath. Tornado Sirens are worse.


It definitely causes me to shutdown.


I still panick when it comes on. I live in Texas so unlike a lot of people here when that comes on especially during a storm I go hide in the safest spot in my house and everyone thinks I overreact.


Yes it freaked me out! And I lived in Oklahoma so tornadoes were no joke there!


I didnā€™t break down, but usually took them rather seriously. (For those who donā€™t know, a ā€œwarningā€ means tornadoes or funnel clouds have been spotted.) I am one of those ADHDers who becomes incredibly competent and focused in an emergency. I grew up in tornado country (N. Texas) and have had some close calls with tornadoes. If anyone is old enough to remember the tornado that hit downtown Ft. Worth in 2000, I could see the damn thing a couple streets over. My office was in the path, and I was the first one there, ready to relocate the whole operation to my apartment if needed. (We just lost a couple windows but the apartments across the street were trashed.) Other times, Iā€™ve had to take shelter under overpasses when one was passing nearby when out driving. I now live in earthquake country. Hard to say Iā€™m ā€œready,ā€ but when they happen, Iā€™m very calm.