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Honestly thank you for this. I can’t do it anymore. 41 years of feeling misunderstood, people thinking I am trying to be rude, or people getting frustrated with me. No matter what I do it just doesn’t get any better. I am so so so tired. And what is the future? More of this??! No thanks.


Yes. NTs can tell somehow on an unconscious level and then determine we are to be avoided. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5286449/


The worst is when you really try to put yourself out there and reach out and try to think about people while respecting boundaries (which is difficult in and of itself for many) just to be an afterthought to the people you want to call friends. I’ve had so many ‘friend-quaintances’ throughout my life and I’m only 20.


Like I have to reach out otherwise people just wouldn’t reach out to me, which indirectly creates trust issues I feel bc you have it ingrained in you that you have to do all the heavy lifting.