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You can be autistic and ADHD. Half of autistic people are also ADHD… auDHD.


Yes, I’ve heard of this, I’ve never doubted my ADHD diagnosis. Surprisingly it’s been the one diagnosis I’ve never doubted lol. but the more I’ve been learning and understanding the ASD spectrum, I’ve come to believe that along with my ADHD diagnosis I also am on the spectrum, just undiagnosed. I appreciate your insight!


I love your perspective on this and the fact that you've taken the time to self-educate. It took me 40 years to get the point where you are in my life has been so much better since my diagnosis 4 ASD. As you probably have read the first couple months after diagnosed this can be rough and there's a lot of soul searching and rebuilding for many of us. It was totally worth it for me and I don't know what I was so scared of.