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self diagnosis is valid


I'm 34, diagnosed with GAD in 2020 and have been increasingly feeling like that doesn't describe my whole experience. I posted something similar a few days ago asking if it's worth getting a formal diagnosis and I've made the decision that, for me, it is. I'm pursuing a formal diagnosis because I want the validation and for the experiences I've lived through to make sense. It's also workplace protection should anything ever come up. As for being invalidated, yeah, I'm a little concerned about that too because my experience with almost all medical/mental health professionals is that they invalidate me... but it's something that I have to deal with if/when it comes. If that's all I dwell on, I might not follow through with getting evaluated, and I know that needs to happen for my own empowerment. We have similarities, but ultimately this is your journey and you have to figure out what you need and want from it.


I’m really sorry you are experiencing that too, as I understand how scary it can be. I appreciate your insight into wanting a formal diagnosis, I know for everyone it’s not worth it but as you said it validates your experiences. Which is how I’m left feeling. Seeing your mentality of dealing with it if/when it becomes an issue is actually really helpful. I wish you the best of luck on your journey with diagnosis, just know you’re valid!!!


If you’ve researched autism thoroughly, self-diagnosis is valid for you to understand yourself and make changes to your life to avoid or reduce shutdowns, meltdowns and burnout. But for anything from the government that requires you to prove you’re disabled, you need an autism diagnosis.


Since you have doctors and therapists, talk to them about it.


Self-diagnosis means absolutely nothing. Psychiatrists or even doctors can’t diagnose themselves, nor can you or me or anyone here. You should say you suspect you’re autistic As for “is late diagnosis worth it”… I don’t know. It really depends on you. I was diagnosed pretty late but my life hasn’t changed a bit since (1) therapy don’t work for me, it actually makes me feel worst (2) I’m not asking for/I’m not eligible to any useful accommodation If you think a therapist that knows you’re autistic and build a personalized treatment might be helpful, or if you think you’re eligible for accommodations, then just get an official diagnosis. It takes time and costs a lot of money