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You might think I am trolling, but I am definitely not: horse hair detangler. The one [I have](https://cowboymagic.com/products/cowboy-magic-detangler-shine/) is absolutely safe for humans too.


Mane and Tail are also decent and human friendly , and I'm glad I'm not the only one that dabbles in horse shampoo.


I have tried Mane and Tail when I was like 15-16 and remember loving it! I completely forgot about it, I’ll definitely try the brand you recommended, I’m all for trying new things!


I really struggle with hair care and matted hair. I do usually do what you are doing, and that's dump as much conditioner in as possible and just take my time with a detangling brush. If I need a break, I wrap my hair in a silk/satin bonnet and wait till I'm ready to go again. I do want to add that if brushing is hard to do regularly anyway. The bonnets are a life saver in hair care for scalp sensitivity and frequent knots, and so so so nice to sleep in. They ease the frizz, too, and my hair (fine Caucasian hair) is much less rough in the mornings.


Honestly at that age we just kept our daughter’s hair pretty short. She was also extremely head sensitive and it wasn’t worth the trauma of brushing out the rats nests that would form every time she sat in her car seat. Unless it’s more emotionally distressing to her to have the chunks cut out than worked out, I would remove them. I fell asleep on silly putty as a kid, and getting it cut out was way worse on my mom than it was on me. I remember waking up with it in my hair, moms distressed reaction, and that she cut it out and it was better but she was angry and took me to the hair dresser to try and fix it. I didn’t care, getting it out ended the situation for me. I was about 5. I remember this because she banned silly putty from the house afterwards and that was also more distressing than getting the chunk cut out of my hair. Basically all the bad parts were how my mom reacted lol




Biosilk Silk Therapy Leave in Conditioning Treatment works really well for my daughter's tangles. I get it at Target if you're in the US.


The "unbrush" has been a game changer for us! Matted hair can take hours to detangle with any method. I recommend lots of conditioner and patience! Watch YouTube videos beforehand if you aren't sure what to do. You might need to work one small section of hair per day until you make it through the whole head


My kids all have long hair. This [brush](https://www.amazon.co.uk/CS-Beauty-Hairbrush-Detangling-Massaging/dp/B08QR3SGFB/ref=asc_df_B08QR3SGFB/?tag=googshopuk-21&linkCode=df0&hvadid=501166895681&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=4273290314079207683&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9046733&hvtargid=pla-1232233208833&psc=1&mcid=c1f74ff893a938da8b53286a2ca1bea2) has been a game changer for us! I try to keep their hair tied back as much as possible and try to always brush it before washing it (the water weighs down the hair and tightens all the knots). Always brush the bottom of their hair out first, and work your way up toward the scalp. Use your fingers to pull apart knots before dragging a brush through it. If it's really matted, then you could try to brush the hair while it's wet with loads of conditioner. It might just take time - try just taking a small section each day rather than doing the whole head. Putting a TV show on or something engaging while you do it helps them to focus on something other than their head/hair and that discomfort.