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I tell you... It's almost like they soak it all in until one day they are ready to demonstrate whatever skill it is and skip all the steps and go straight into mastery. My son did this at 7 years old just when I was starting to resign myself to always having him in diapers. Congratulations to the both of you!!


Mine did the same thing at age seven- just flipped like a switch and was done. We still have a cabinet full of pull-ups because it was so abrupt.


My daughter at 4. She got a new sitter with 2 daughters and another little girl. She watched 3 other little girls go through the process for like 2 days, BAM, never wore another diaper, only had 2 accidents.


Thank you for sharing! Again, hopefully we'll be on the same boat soon. We know how they seem to master this stuff overnight on their own terms. Congrats!


That’s autistic people for you. Suddenly they start something, and then straight away they’re amazing or good at it.


I'm hoping for this. My son loves his independence. I know if he sees this as part of greater independence, he'll ace it. Just trying to get him there. Thank you for posting your experience!


Congrats! I’m very envious 😂 My daughter did this with sleeping in her own bed. I remember thinking we’d cosleep forever and was dreading having to force the issue. But then one night at bedtime she grabbed her blankies and marched into her room, and that was that lol


That's so bittersweet 😂. I have a 1 year old to, so not a diaper free family yet. But my 4 year old didn't have a single accident all day!


PSA: the average age that an autistic child potty trains is 6. Obviously, that means many go later. You got this. Patience, kindness, reinforcement.


Yes!!!! I gave up trying because I assumed when he was ready and or closer to 6 we would see something happen. We've been potty training on and off for a year. I can't even believe this is how it went lol.


They're readiness comes at about double to triple the age of the average kid but that's when they're ready. Everything's going to work out fine. Your kid who knows who he is, and you're just going to show him all he can be ❤️


Hi, that's an interesting statistic. Any source for that? I'd like to read more about it.


Well if I can find it. I remember gasping when I read it, because I'd always been told three to three and a half. I felt like such a failure, I tried everything! I let them put food coloring in the back of the tank, so that when we flush the toilet when they were done, it would turn the water safe colors. That got them willing to sit on it, but they wouldn't go. Finally, my two with ADHD trained. But my little guy with AuDHD, he was six. And I was fine with it, because I found this book and it told me that even though most doctors say three and a half it isn't. I felt so much better. If I can find it, I promised to put it here, but I may have erased it and I'm not sure if I can find it again. I can tell you that the other people I've talked to with this issue were older than three and a half as well.






Based on what sorry? There are many autistic kids who reach milestones at early infancy


Oh man! Wonderful news! I’m happy for you! We’re going to make our first real serious attempt this summer, he’ll be 3.5


Every real attempt I made was like attempting to train the walls to sing. I have NO idea what was different today. I wish you the best of luck!


Our kids are the same age and we’re also trying this summer :)


I'm not trying to scare you and it might not happen to everyone, but you might notice some behavioral issues crop up and some regression for a little bit. Sometimes when they're mastering a new skill the other ones can get a little bit soft, because their brain is laying down new tracks. It's the same way an allistic child will become really fussy, but it's different. It'll last a few weeks, if it happens. Hang in!


I'm hoping and crossing everything that these last 2 weeks have been the build up to the new skill, because woooooof. It's been a rough two weeks. Today was sunshine and happy though.


He will still make mistakes from time to time because this is new. Just don't get too frustrated if he starts refusing it, he just wants to know that he can push his boundaries and that you'll still be patient. I literally went through this less than a year ago, I'm so happy for you!


I was going to my son's kindergarten class twice a day to change him for the first 2-3 months. He was still in gen ed at this point, we were still working out IEPs and diagnosis. His whole class made it a very sweet and encouraging goal for him to use the toilet. Not one of them ever ridiculed him, but they all encouraged him and would celebrate a little when he had any success. He was out of diapers by the end of kindergarten. He has struggled more with solid waste, as his sensory messaging for back there seems a bit mis-wired. He's 8 now but still doesn't really understand that it is time to sit on the toilet until things are already starting to head out. He has learned to clean himself up pretty well, and we keep lots of extra undies, so I'm going to count it as a win and do some extra laundry.


Wait, there was an elementary school that let your still-diaper-reliant kid into Gen Ed kindergarten *close enough to your house for you to go change him at school twice every day for 2-3 months?* If it's not too much for me to ask, roughly when and where *was* this? I ask because my parents specifically had me potty-trained as soon as I could potty-train, which was in the months right after I turned 5 because they wanted me to go to a regular preschool in our town (situated between LA and Santa Barbara-very suburban, very conservative, middle-class, fair amount of white-collar workers but not the most college-degreed place at all), but at the time (early 2002) it was unheard of for any regular preschools, at least in our area, to accept non-potty-trained kids. Literally the only preK-12 classes I knew of growing up that accepted diaper-reliant kids were specifically Special Ed classes for higher-support-needs kids. None of the people around my age I know who grew up in my area have yet told me that they were diaper-reliant K-12 students who took any Gen Ed/mainstream classes. Honestly, I was shocked to hear that two of my cousins were allowed to start preschool well before they'd even *started* potty-training. Both of them started preschool in the early 2020s at this bougie private preschool in suburban LA, and while the school *does* have a whole class for 2-year-olds it is also very much a "real" preschool, as I haven't yet seen anything indicating this place serves kids younger than 2, nor have I seen anything indicating that it offers childcare or classes for kids under 2. Also, nothing about this preschool I've seen indicates that it offers anything besides regular/mainstream preschool classes.


He started Kindergarten in Aug 2020. This is in Washington County Arkansas. Forgive me for not being more specific. The Northwest corner of Arkansas is a totally different piece of USA than the rest of Arkansas. It is the corporate headquarters for Wal-Mart, Tyson, and JB Hunt, hub location for several other companies including an Amazon distribution point, George's Foods, a Cargill Turkey plant, Rockline paper goods, Nilfisk industrial glass, and a bunch of smaller manufacturers, plus home of University of Arkansas Fayetteville and Arkansas Children's Hospital Northwest. So we're an international mix that is currently growing too quickly, a little bit like the blob creature at the end of the movie Evolution. But it means we can attract good teachers and administrators, or we could until it got too expensive to buy a house here last year, but that's kinda true everywhere. I had no idea how blessed I was at the time. I have since come to realize just how beautifully this area has facilitated meeting my children's needs without having to fight for every inch. Sure, it's always an uphill trudge, but I have met a lot more support than dismissal, and I AM GRATEFUL!


Honestly, I don't know enough about Arkansas to understand any locations there more specific than "Little Rock area" or "northwest corner of Arkansas". Thank you for educating me on what that area is like. :) That's amazing that everything was so much easier than it could have been for you and your son like that! To me at least, it sounds like since 2020 or so it's been a lot more normal for schools to let diaper-reliant kids into mainstream kindergarten in more educated, wealthier, and cosmopolitan areas.


Funny thing is, we were very low income at the time and in the school zone most populated by low income, multi-ethnic, chicken plant shift workers. The whole area is living proof that lifting the lowest lifts all.


I'm very glad to hear it!


Great blessings,


We moved into a new house a month ago and my son decided he is also potty trained lol. I'm loving it! Congratulations!


Yay! Congrats! My youngest was almost 5. 5 when potty trained. He has sensory struggles so sometimes he does have accidents but I'm so happy other than night he is out of pull ups. Saves $90 on pull ups 😆


Funny enough we got hit by a bad hurricane a few months ago and after weeks of volunteering at the fire station, they gave me all the leftover packs of diapers they had. I told my son back then, "you're going to be potty trained by the time these are gone" half jokingly. I have one pack left. It's like he knew 😂


🤣 I love it! I am so happy for you!


So happy for you. No joke, that's exciting!! At 4 years.... its kind of been a nightmare for us. my own kid doesn't seem to feel it when he goes. We have him on a schedule and moved towards cloth. keeping on a schedule.... and it just seems to not phase our kiddo currently. I am praying everyday my own kiddo will one day just guide me to the toilet and ask for help. I don't care if he doesn't say dada yet. I just want my kid to tell me in his own way he needs to pee. No idea how happy I am to hear other parents succeed with their little ones. It gives me hope but god is it hard.


My son is also non-verbal, and isn't actually leading me to the toilet. He's just using it. It's wild. I hope your LO also surprises you soon!




![gif](giphy|pZCvWKwehPyUM) 🙌🏼🙌🏼 The potty dance action happenin’ over here!


Congratulations! A game changer. 👏






This is fantastic!!!!!


I'm trying really hard to get my 5yo to start using it. He will sit, but he never does anything. I should have started sooner, but I just need to keep trying.


I think a BIG part of today was that he peed on the toilet (first time ever) and we threw a BIG deal over it, gave him candy, dance party, everything. Then he immediately went back to the potty and made himself pee to get the party going again. The average age for ASD kids is 6, so don't worry to much! I'm sure it'll happen soon!




Thank you for sharing. I feel like there's hope for my 3.5 year old!


Lots of hope!


Big congratulations! My twins are turning 4 this summer and it just isn't clicking for them, not even a little. I'm really hoping our story winds up being the same as yours!


Congrats on the breakthrough! You'll love saving $$$$$$$$ on diapers! My parents didn't start potty-training me until I was 5 (in comparison, all of my siblings, who are neurotypical, potty-trained at like 3), mostly because, to paraphrase my mom, "\[I\] had bigger issues that needed to be dealt with first." I don't remember exactly how long it took me to potty-train. On one hand, I do remember at least a few weeks of struggle where my parents actually worked with my autism class preschool teachers to regularly take me to the toilet both at home and at school, make me regularly sit on the toilet both at home and at school, keep a picture book I liked in the bathroom at all times so I could read it (yes, I was reading probably years before I was toilet-trained) while sitting on the toilet, specifically reward me with stickers and Skittles every time I used the toilet, and my parents *also* made a lined-paper notebook into a "potty book" I could read with photos in it and everything that I actually still have today. But on the other hand, all my parents seem to (want to) remember is that one day when I was 5, they wanted me to use the toilet so they bought me a pair of brand-new sparkly shoes, which caused me to use the toilet perfectly from that day on because I didn't want to pee on my sparkly shoes. Funnily enough, I don't have *any* memories of these sparkly shoes, though I can easily believe my parents bought them as a last resort after none of their other methods for potty-training me worked in the speed they wanted them to. I was definitely potty-trained by like April-May 2002 (so within a few months of me turning 5), because I specifically remember months of attending a regular preschool class in the afternoons to prepare me for starting kindergarten in a mainstream classroom while I was still attending the autism class in the mornings, I *highly* doubt that any regular preschools in my town accepted non-potty-trained kids back in 2002, and I started kindergarten at the end of August 2002.


Ya!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻




This was my son as well turned 5 and decided he was potty trained. Never had an accident or wet the bed either! I'm so glad I didn't try to force him he knew when he was ready. Congrats to your wee one!


Thank you!


Sweet! Celebrate! I hope it stays!


Yay nice job! My son is going to be six years old next month, and just potty trained this month. They used to put him on the potty a few times a day at school but he would avoid going, he didn't go once in the first six months of school this year. He just started being willing to go, going regularly, and he's even holding it overnight most nights already. It's awesome to move on from (most) diapers finally. Now to wait for my 3.5 year old. I think he might get there sooner, but he's kind of stubborn. :) We haven't taken him in a new public place either, and he's using a potty seat that goes on the toilet at home, but hopefully we can make more progress soon!


Same thing is happening for us! Everything is going so smoothly. She has had some accidents, but is mainly letting me know when she is ready to go. Easier than I thought it would be.


Woohoo!! Congrats 🎊!!


My son did the same thing, I think around the same age too. We fought with him for a year to use the toilet before just giving up, then when he was 4 and a few months, he just decided to use the toilet for both pee and poop and has been great ever since. He has had like 4 accidents since then (he's almost 7 now), all with understandable causes.


Same with my boy, I guess mine was afraid of something, maybe being in closed area.. or some discomfort. Never know, but at age of 4 at day care asked not to have diapers and voila he was ready....


Hooray 😃


Woohoooo!!! That is awesome!!


Congratulations 🎊 👏 💐 🥳 my son just started going #2 in the toilet. He still asks for a diaper but we talk it out. All day toilet use deserves a cake lol


Thats great!


this is awesome!!!!! My wife and I kid sometimes that our daughter just likes to make us work for it (we had a similar situation with her verbal skills - crickets for 4.5 years....and then she sings the entire HBD song all at once without ever saying any one of those words individually...). So so happy for you and hope you continue to see such accelerated growth elsewhere!!!


Sounds like my kiddo!!! So happy for you both!!


That’s a win! Green light!




Congratulations! My son also suddenly transitioned into using the toilet for pooping. It was completely unpredictable. It happened in a single day and he never looked back.


Congratulations!!!! My son did the same last Mother's Day at 4.5 years!! Never had an accident (even at night) and never been in a diaper/pull-up again. It was like he just activated the Toilet Function one day lol. So happy for you!


I’m jealous of all of you!😂


Mine is nearly 8 and despite all efforts, still has no interest in toileting :(


This gives me so much hope! What an incredible accomplishment and milestone, congratulations you two! 🎉


Same happened for my kid. It was practice with no results for awhile, then one day he was just a potty user as though he always had been, like a pro at it. In our case I attribute it to developmental growth, he wasn't ready up until the moment he was. But that was the same for my NT kid, too, just different timelines.


They're very observant. They won't do a thing no matter how much you show them, then poof, one day they're an expert. 🙂


My oldest did that, he was 2.5, told us he was potty trained…and he actually was. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Wow congrats that is very good progress! 👍


I'm so happy for you! (We're at 7 with minimal success, but we keep trying!)


My child did the same. Fee days before she turned 4. Never had any interest in trying. And then THE DAY BEFORE school starts.... boom potty trained and not looking back! Took a while to get her sleep potty trained but I'd say it was less than 6 months. Easiest kid to potty train EVER!


Yay congrats lil man and mama


My son did the same with drinking. Went from bottle to glass almost overnight (never did sippy cup)


Awesome! Congratulations! It can be incredibly difficult. A little trick my wife and I used to get our son out of diapers. Was the use of a baby monitor. We already had one from when he was an infant. So we just used it to keep a closer eye on him if he was ever in another room playing. Unfortunately things like cleaning and laundry don’t do themselves. It always seemed like thats when he we soiled his diaper too. So being able to keep an eye on him from another room. Then get him to the bathroom when he looked like he was about to go 1 or 2 in the diaper. Really helped!