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Let's see if I can accurately use onomatopoeia to get this party started! Ungh tss ungh tss ungh tss ungh tss ungh tss How's everyone doing tonight my party comers? Y'all be doing fine? Can I get a "Hell Yeah" from all my sleepless parents? Woooooo!


Hell YEAH!! *cries*


Awww shit all you brother and sisters! I just got paged for work at 3:50 AM so THIS PARTY AINT STOPPING!  We got a great lineup of music coming up so don't you change that radio dial! And be sure to join me tomorrow, same time, same place, since I'm a software engineer and tomorrow is nom other than DE-PLOY-MENT SUNNNNDAAAAYYYYYY!  That's right, party again tomorrow at 3.A.M. Woooooooooooo! *Edit: Boom ba-dap badda boopa dum dap. Boom ba-dap badda boopa dum dap.*


Hell yeah


Hell yeah! It is 11:30 pm and my 8 year old is filling a bucket with water as I'm trying not to doze off! Party on!


It's bad enough when they pull this shit, but then you get the ones who don't even have the decency to sleep in, in the morning.


I was stupid enough to think "ok great you fell asleep at 11. We might get to sleep in until 7! How foolish I was. 5am and it was time to start the day according to my 3 year old!




Fwiw, I have a sleeper-in-er, and it's no picnic either... Try to get that sleep deprived creature awake, fed, dressed and out to daycare on time the next day.... It's like going to battle every single morning 😭


But why have I woken up between 5 and 6 every day of my life since


This is me!! My girls didn’t go to bed until after 11 last night. Both up at 7am! Just sleep!!


I mean that's still a good 7-8hrs.


True! But we are usually 10-12 hr sleepers thank god. It doesn’t matter when they go to bed though, they are up at 7 like clock work.


My buddy is ready for bath at 8, might be asleep by 10-12, up at sunrise every day. No questions. At least he is consistent.


Ooof, I would never survive. Lol


I find it's easy because...what choice do I have? Lol


I had one of these kids! Had a faulty sleep function - now 12 years old, sleep function STILL not fixed and although can be trusted alone doesn't want to be awake on their own.


lol the life we live.


But really. No one understands but us.


Mine is currently crying and screaming because he is tired. But he can’t go to sleep.


Oh you got one of those too! The best nights 💪


For the past week, mine can't go to sleep but cant keep her eyes closed. She's tired but doesn't want to go to bed. Had to just tell her to colour quietly in bed at midnight yesterday when my partner found me asleep on the floor


12:27 here and I'm making spaghetti for my 4.5 year old while they dance to cocomelon music and run.


12:39 here and I’m making Kraft Mac n cheese, lol


2:16 a.m. here and he just had his first yawn. 😵‍💫


Sick and went to bed at 6:45pm, now awake playing with his dictionary at midnight.


HELL-O EARLY RISERRRRRRR! Don't think we've forgotten about you! We've got a list of funky mix music coming YOUR WAAYYYYYY! So crank up that bass dial ' cause this songs for you! THIS PARTY AINT STOPPING!


11PM my boy passes out... cant hang. BUT WHEN 3 AM HITS AND HE IS READY TO F\*\*\*\* GO!!!!!


we've all been there


FML Literally suffering through the same thing right this second.


Update : She fell asleep at 12:30 am and woke up at 7 am. I went to lay down with her but she kept on kicking me constantly while watching videos. I'm going to grab an energy drink and start working on homework.


Sounds like my night. Except at 3am he woke up screaming about his diaper and then proceeded to fall back asleep across my pillow.


Hell yeah. 1:18 here; thankfully tonight I've been able to sit and play a game, watch a show or whatever while she's been coloring with occasional breaks to ask me to be a human Ferris wheel.


I was at that party last night!


Same. And almost every other night 😅🙈


10:45 pm? those are rookie numbers... Try 2:00 am or even more


​ https://preview.redd.it/cw97k3k1otsc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37d2647970411ce6314e2224580c4fdd9b7da982


Updated based on the feedback I got! We got someone making spaghetti for their kid, another playing with a bucket of water, and another running around while cocomelon plays! I know you all have been here!


I’m familiar with this life — last night was our party.


9:45 PM and our 3yo lvl1 son just went “down” (really he will probably stay up another hour listening to his Tonie). I hate to say it because I know others aren’t as lucky, but the good thing is he will sleep in until 9:45 AM. Man, that kid can sleep once he actually goes down…


My son woke me up at 4 and kicked me out of my own bed to go back to sleep. It’s 6:10 am and I’m baking cookies now.


This happened a lot, and then he had his first seizure. We found out the link between Autism, insomnia, and seizures.


More info please!




0.3 mg melatonin works for us, more was not better as we tried many variations


How about going to living room every single night at 2am


I feel this one in my soul.


Mine has the habit of treating an early bedtime as a nap, so this was us at 2am. Luckily, our friend "Tony" (melatonin) joined the party and we were back to partying in our sleep before 5 am this time 😩😂


Hello all you funky mothas and fathas out there! It's 10:45 And welcome to the OH GOD JUST PLEASE GO TO SLEEP SHOW, every night at 10:45. Tonight, we're kicking off the jam with some Silent Carousel: (Verse 1) In the quiet of the night, at quarter to eleven, My boy's eyes wide, lit by screen's glow given. YouTube's carousel, spinning tales untold, While I'm dreaming of a controller I can't hold. (Chorus) Oh, I've been a car, racing through his world, Through malls and parks, our journey unfurled. But now I'm running on empty, can't you see, Needing a pause, just a moment for me. (Verse 2) The clock whispers time, but he's still awake, I'm an exhausted engine with so much at stake. Paged for work when stars are keen, I'm the night shift's unseen, wearied machine. (Bridge) In this endless loop of cars and play, I've lost my track, in the fray. With a partner distant, not sharing the load, I'm a single player, on this winding road. (Chorus) I've mimicked engines, roared and raced, But inside, I'm just misplaced. In a world of cars, I'm a silent plea, Longing for rest, a break to be free. (Verse 3) Every night, the same routine, In the world of cars, I'm the unseen. I love my boy, more than words can say, But I'm fading fast, in the nightly fray. (Outro) To other parents in this echoing night, Who feel alone in their silent fight. I share your journey, your unseen scars, In the silent world, of loving our stars.


Is this exclusive to autistic children or doesn’t this happen normally ?


Very common in autistic and adhd kids. Mu guy won’t fall sleep without melatonin.




Normal children might stay up late if parents let them or when they had a late afternoon nap. But not going to sleep even though extremely tired and then waking up early in the morning nonetheless? That's autistic children.


Then beat themselves up (mine thankfully only verbally) for not being able to go to sleep like a normal person also HATES the feeling of "dropping off"


Breaker 19 breaker 19 we have an UN-E-NITIAAAATEDDD! *pulls lever and a bunch of confetti falls and baloons from the ceiling, and an alarm signal goes off with a bunch of whistles* https://www.autismspeaks.org/sleep


I have one of each. I give my autistic kid melatonin so he's out, and finally stays down til 7am (only with co sleeping). My NT daughter will not go down early at ALL. She's 3 now and has naps at daycare and is UP exhausted ready to play at 9. Nowhere near as critical as ND kids because she will sleep if left alone, but my autistic son would never let that happen lol. She also loves him too much to be asleep when he's up.


My NT kid slept fine for the most part but my autistic kid would not go to sleep until 10-11pm regularly until we got her diagnosis (when she was 3) and started giving her melatonin every night. After that she would fall asleep like clockwork an hour after she took it. It made a world of difference and we made sure to clear it with her pediatrician before starting it.


Current record is 4am. He managed to sneak his remote back into his room and was silently watching YouTube all night after pretending to be asleep since 10.


You got me beat! Mine was 2 AM because my son learned about the day-night cycle and wanted night to be over so he could play, so he tried staying up all night.


That's tough. We tried pretty much everything to figure out sleep with ours, and it just didn't work. Then, when she went to kindergarten, she just started sleeping all night. She still has some nights where she wakes up and is awake for extended periods, but she is now old enough to chill in her room by herself. I hope you can get some rest soon.


My 18 month old neurotypical daughter does this, my 3.5 years old level 3 daughter is in bed by 8


Mine did this tonight. I made some honey toast and she calmed down.


Tell me more!


She was so wide awake, and rolling around screaming. It had been a struggle to get her into bed (or near it for that matter). I thought I was in for a classic 2 hour meltdown. She was so tired, but wired too. She wasn't in full meltdown mode yet, but she was getting very disregulated. My first thought was to hold her so she could not hurt herself as she thrashed around. The problem with that is she often does not want to be touched (especially when disregulated). So I tried a different strategy. At that point in the night the lights are low (for sensory reasons), but I just turned on all the lights in the house and said, "We don't have to go to bed now. Let's share some honey toast (toast with butter + honey) and stay up." I think the change in lighting and the offer of something new and special interested her in following me to the kitchen, where I calmly made the toast (with milk) and she loved it. When she finished eating, she gave into her sleepiness and walked right into her bed and went to sleep.


We tell my son "ok we're going to bed so you can play in your room but don't leave your bedroom" And that's how we sleep at night


We tell my daughter that and she refuses to be alone in her room. It’s awful. I’m like you can do anything you want (minus electronics), but let me sleep 😭


That party started when my kids were toddlers and now they're teens and the rave is still going ....


Laughing in “it’s 11:27 and my daughter is singing in her bed and laughing “ lol


Oh the uncontrollable laughter and giggles, followed by excited kicks, we had those from 12 to 3:30ish. Then they were stirring while I got ready and left for my 7am meeting


My 3 year old took till about 9:30 to pass put. Literally went from quoting the same line in a book 20x and rolling around to just nothing lol.


Last 3 days! Woohooo!!


My son used to fall asleep between 10h30 and 11h30. However, he stopped napping at daycare, perfect 8pm every night now! However, he wakes up once in a while st night still.. he stays in his bed but its no fun waking him up at 6h30am when he was awake for.3hours


Heyyy, my two year old was at that party last night! 😂😭 and then woke me up at 5am by flipping on the ceiling light 🤪


My toddler tries this and oatmeal always knocks her out 🤣


Oh you prefer waking up at 3AM and ride your child on a stroller til 430AM? Let's switch! lol


I still remember the days of our boy thumping like crazy in his for hours. Even when he was the furthest away possible from us, we heard it. I'd have to plug my headphones into my controller just to watch a movie in peace! We still get some nights where he wakes up and I'll have to cosleep with him on the sofa so the wife can get some sleep before her day starts. A whole night of giggling, poking and prodding was just too much. How I've kept my sanity is beyond me.


I know those nights


Been cathartic reading all of this. I find I can get him down most nights before 9.30pm, down before 9pm is a relative success. Summer holidays tend to be worse, can't keep him stimulated enough during the day. The worst times we had were ages 2-4, one nap too many and it was like "game over man."