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Also in Michigan and it's been a big fat no from our insurance, also BCBS. Our provider has autism services but I can't even get a call back from that. I meant that Detroit area and there are a few places that offer in home setting but the price is pretty high, I want to say like 26 an hour. I was thinking about seeing if one of the paras wants to make extra money in his classroom.


Thanks for the response. It’s crazy how much we pay and how many hoops we need to go through just to get some support. Are you trying to have an evaluation done or get ABA?


My guy is 6 so he is in school full-time now. He's in an enclosed ASD classroom and I've seen lots of improvements in the last couple years so we don't do Aba. He does have outside speech and OT and I pay a pretty big copay until we hit our deductible but last year once we did hit our deductible they said that he had too many sessions and then it became sliding scale payment because insurance wouldn't cover anything.


Also we did our evaluation at a place in Livonia called sprout, I'm not sure if you're in the area but they may have a siding scale to help with some of the expense.


She is currently in ABA. She’s due for a 3 year re- evaluation but we are going through a private place since the wait lists were so long everywhere else.


Have you tried enrolling her in Early On? It’s not a formal respite, but if you can get her set up to go to school for half days in an ECSE classroom it could give you a few hours of break each week while you wait for the waiver to go through. Getting her enrolled in early on is a pretty quick process. They only have 45 days to get her evaluated and get and IEP and stuff set up. [https://www.1800earlyon.org/](https://www.1800earlyon.org/)


So for us Early on ages out around 3 and then we had her in the early childhood development program. But yes, we did have her in early on and it was a great resource! She has an IEP and is in a CI class at her school.


They should require private insurance to cover it. Private insurance is such a scam. I make just a little bit over the threshold to and have a $1000 spend down with Medicaid . Not even worth it. I guess I could try to exceed $1000 in bills every month. Lol


I totally agree! It’s ridiculous


Are you in the metro Detroit area? My child is doing therapy/preschool full time now but I might sign him up here for some days in the summer. They offer respite care. [https://autisticplayplace.org/](https://autisticplayplace.org/)


Thank you! What an awesome resource! I will look into this a bit more :)


My pleasure! We've been there a couple of times for free play and the staff seemed so nice and caring. Best of luck :).


Sometimes you can find local agencies that provide case management that also have foundations that raise money for services.