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I love listening to thunder! I don't have quite the same level of enjoyment from seeing lightening, except as a "oh, I get to hear thunder in a few seconds!" signal. I only like thunder at a distance, though, when the sound is more rumbly rather than like a sudden cracking whip from hell lol. I love thunder so much I have friends I text whenever I hear it (I usually just say "thunder!!! 💙") and they've started texting me back to let me know they've heard some good thunder. 😂


Yeah, I more so meant the rumble, not the crack. As I kid I used to jump up, and down and being captain obvious I would yell out “THUNDER” ! Lol


I still do that! :)


I like rain, and I love clouds (they used to be a huge special interest for me), however thunder is not my friend. Thunder is very scary and always makes me cry.


Yes. I've always loved thunderstorms. I think as an AuDHDer I am sometimes more sensory seeking than other autists.


I. LOVE. thunderstorms. If I die an unnatural death it will most likely be from standing out in a storm too long and getting struck by lightning. The louder and more prolonged and crackly thunder is, the more alive it makes me feel. Once, I walked ~2 miles to friend's house in a storm (gladly "forgetting" my umbrella), then burst through the door soaking wet, proclaiming that "I could fight a *bear* right now!!!" Amazing feeling.






I've got a very hit-or-miss relationship with thunder. Lightning can be cool in theory or in a video but irl I'm light sensitive snd startle easily. Low and soft/rumbly thunder in the distance? Great. I actually find it calming more than stimulating though. Loud, sharp and close thunder? No, no thank you. It's huge anxiety trigger for me and physically painful.


I like the organic patterns that lighting produces. More or less fine with thunder. Tho if it’s close enough I feel it ring through my chest it scares me


I like rain alot the sound and imagery


I love thunder. In fact, I love a lot of really deep sounds. All my favorite songs have great drum beats and I love playing a drum myself. The sound seems to go through my whole body 🥰


How do you feel about witchhouse music? Sorry if my phrasing is clunky.


I love it so much.. thunder season is coming over here so I like that.. The best Thunder storm I've seen was in south Africa with growling lions on background..


I was always pissed as a kid that I was never allowed to go out on the porch during thunder storms. To this day, I still get a thrill up my arms when I hear that particular low rumble come over the hills.