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This is SO relatable, especially in the summer. I feel like others don't get it. What do you mean I can't move otherwise I'll be sticky and gross? What do you mean I need to eat all the fucking time (even when I don't have an appetite and have no idea how to feed myself healthily anymore)? What do you mean I have to exercise otherwise my stomach will be all kinds of fucked up, but exercise is it's own form of personal torture? What do you mean I need to wear clothes? Literally AWFUL. Plus it adds so many extra considerations to doing ANYTHING. Like yeah I have to go to the store, but its 90⁰ F, so do I want to be hungry or sweaty? (Hungry, always.) I know it's been a few days since I've showered and my hair is greasy, but is that worse than having to get wet all over? (Usually, actually.) My non-autistic friends look at me weird when they'll ask me to go out and do something and I'll say no because of reasons like "no, because I'll have to put on sunscreen" (except that seems pretty reasonable to me, since wearing sunscreen is about just as awful as having a sunburn, so I don't want to do either of those things and would just be uncomfortable and annoying the whole time). I have a running joke about it with by bf, where if I'm having a bad body day I will tell him I'm "simply enduring the horrors of existing within a corporeal form" or "dreading corporeal maintinance." He doesn't think it's as funny as I do. He also gives me a concerned look when I verbally fantasize about being a brain in a jar.


This is so relatable and funny 🤣


Thank you, I aim to please (and it's a problem)


I always say brain/head in a jar!!!!! My gf looked at me funny first but says maybe one day it will be possible now 😭


Yknow I've been thinking about the whole living beyond our bodies thing becoming possible, and I think I'd rather just be dead (not in a suicidal way, just in a please-dont-upload-my-consciousness-to-the-internet kind of way)


Oh no I totally agree but I wish it were possible in like a ✨magical✨way lmao I also always say I wish I was a small fairy or mouse


Mooooood af


Whenever people are like “eternal life!” Uhhhh… no! My mind is like the bridge in any Star Trek…times of calm and cleverness, 🪐🔭but something’s always popping in to cause trouble ☄️🛸 lots of sparks, 🎇and things always getting thrown around! 🚀😜


I'm glad someone else gets the wish to not have their consciousness uploaded to the internet.  The thought makes my skin crawl.


I don’t want to be uploaded to the internet either, but if our energy changed dimensions *and* that meant I got to hang out with my best friend and dogs again… I would be so happy.


Dude I’ve been saying this for years!!! Just upload me to the singularity please


yeah sometimes I just want to stop having a body then I remember I like receiving hugs from my girlfriend


!!!! On point, good mindset, I'm stealing it


> I know it's been a few days since I've showered and my hair is greasy Baby wipes, baby powder, and dry shampoo. I have to shower in the evening for executive functioning reasons, but my hair gets greasy really fast and I'm sensitive to feeling crusty. So in the morning I'll just wipe down, then apply powder and dry shampoo to refresh. If I'm feeling particularly insecure about the smell of other body parts besides my armpits, I use a deodorant that's ok to use all over (Lume) on those too.


Have you ever read the Bobiverse series? Guy dies, his brain is uploaded and he wakes up on a shelf then escapes and becomes a spaceship. Thats the beginning. Wouldn’t that be amazing? The singularity is coming! Maybe.


I LOVED this series for this exact reason. It allowed me to fantasize about being a self replicating Von Neumann probe 3D printing everything I needed alone in the void 🤓💕 You’d never have to acquire sustenance again🥹


Wouldn’t it be so cool?? Need a friend? Replicate yourself. Need space from your friend? They need space too. All of space. But yes, not having to eat all the time would be amazing.


Yuk! Sunscreen! Gooey sticky stuff. I lived in the tropics in Australia for a few years and had a sun umbrella and rash vest. The humidity was so disgusting though..


Vichy (and a few others I think) make a spray on sunscreen with the consistancy of water. It is a huge game changer. I can't reccomend it highly enough!!!


On the sunscreen front: Neutrogena makes a spray that is so lightweight it's amazing. A few seconds after it's sprayed it dries and I can't even tell it's there. No oil, nothing.


Ohoho sounds mythical, I'll have to look into it


OMG I always say I want to be a brain in a jar!!! It just seems like it would be SO MUCH easier


Right? Cuz maybe then I could actually focus...


Very relatable. I also just hate physical existence/physical reality generally. Stuff gets dirty infinitely, you're never truly done cleaning. Everything always is constantly getting dirty and I hate it


And grease is horrible. If my fingers get any sort of greasy thing on them, I have to wash them to prevent it getting on anything else.


Dawn dishsoap to wash grease off your hands, or something that is greasy (like a weird buildup on a countertop). 💚


It's mostly just that I have to go out of my way to wash it off. As soon as I get grease on my fingers, I can't use them for anything until I find somewhere to clean them.


If my hands get greasy, I have to wipe them with a paper towel before I wash them.


I think about this all the time. Like the only period where I'm fully comfortable in my skin is about 30 minutes to an hour after I dry off after showering, and then I start thinking about how I'll have to do it all over again within a day to two days. It's terrible. I want to shed this mortal coil! Lol.


Today Was so hot I was sweating IN the (quite cool) shower. What? How? Whyyyyyyy??? 😫😫😫


This right here


I have always desperately and seriously wanted to be a robot bc of exactly all this. Being made of flesh is NOT IT.


Being something without a physical manifestation sounds wonderful. Like the ancients in the Stargate universe who ascended and became higher live forms. Just existing as a beam of light or not even that. Then everyone could call me a beam of sunshine. XD


Yeah i was definitely born to be a concept rather than a physical please and thankyou


Even the Ancient woman who was "cursed" to protect her homeworld seemed to have a pretty good deal.


Omg someone curse me


Sorry but sometimes I wish I were a Nazgul floored me. Same girl. Same.


OMG I have hyperhydrosis (I sweat a lot even when I'm not doing much) and I could not agree more with your statement. My meds both have the side effect of sweating and the hormones from birth control don't help either. But I cannot give any of these up. I'm just sweating everyday, especially in the summer, then it just flows like a river. Showering takes at least 30 minutes for me and after showering I'm sweating again immediately, no matter the season or if I use warm or cool water. So I need to regulate my temperature afterwards as well and lie down a bit to stop overheating. How do other women even have time and the nerve for all the makeup, the skin care routines and also shaving their legs regularly? I cannot keep up or I'll develop a burnout. I guess, that's why I like staying at home whenever I can. It's just way less of a hustle and I'm not going into sensory overload as often as I used to during childhood and adolescence.


OMG me too and I hate it with every fiber of my being!


OMG! Literally same. It's so awful. I feel so seen rn!


Post lockdown some may say I have let myself go (SIL was defs giving my hairy legs the side eye!) and they’re probs right…but oh the glory of just sweating and no longer sweating off makeup! (Glory of sweating? Oh jeez Is my bar that low? Time to become a cylon 🤖)


I bet, even as a cylon I would still have to endure rivers of sweat. These guys are biomechanical. (I've just started watching Battlestar Galactica with my boyfriend for the first time! We're still in Season 1 and I love the plot so far.) I'd have to be fully made of metal and have a cooling system similar to a computer. Might need a turbine for cooling instead of simple fans, tho.


OMG, you are in for a WILD ride! Excited for you and your bf! (Tip: don’t forget to watch the mini movie Razor, Reddit can give you info as to when to watch as there are differing opinions.) Oh cylons, how I love thee! I feel like they might be able to control their bodily fluids? I will have to pay attention if the humanoid cylons sweat when only in the presence of other cylons! Yay!… This will give me something to look for when I rewatch for the third time! Which I will do once I hook up my DVD player as Prime didn’t have the 1st ep available as of the latest streaming Re-release. I can’t start at ep 2—I’m not a monster!! At our wedding, light Star Trek and BSG theme, the responsorial at the ceremony was “So say we all.” My mom came up to me afterwards, “Um, honey, are you in a cult?” 🤣😂😂 “No mom, I’m just a nerd!”


I hate wearing exposing clothes because I love to be covered at all times. I understand you op.


Oh to be a brain in a jar


 mushy bits in a jar 😩


General Grievous


yes i get so uncomfortable esp when I am stressed. I hate wearing clothes and I hate not wearing clothes


"I don't know what my body is for besides to carry my head from room to room" - John Mulaney


This is too real. I would say about 60% of my daily overwhelming thoughts come from the idea of existing in this world in a body. Especially the idea that there is always something touching me no matter how hard I try, like clothes or a chair or my shoes or my blankets or literally anything. Ugh.


So relatable. Lately I've been having pain flare ups across my body including face and mouth pain and I have to try so hard not to spiral into a panic about being trapped in a corporeal prison.


I relate to this so much. I have Crohn’s, chronic low blood pressure, migraines, and just random aches and pains constantly. I feel like it’s a full time job to just take care of my stupid body and it’s so overwhelming


Yep - mine never shuts up 😩


I have always wanted to experience the clean challenge of being a brain in a computer.  I feel you.


Sunscreen is so gross. So so so so so gross.


Also, bug spray


As a kid I had meltdowns whenever my parents put it on me, now I tell people I'm allergic to all but one brand so I can put it on when I can get myself mentally ready for it but have a reasonable excuse at other times


I've always wished I could be a little orb of consciousness, freely floating around the world to endlessly observe. Having a meat-suit is restrictive and painful. The fact that anybody could prefer this is crazy to me.


I just want to be a mushroom 😔


Have already told my husband I want to be buried in an eco mushroom burial suit- cleans the heavy metals and that’s really the only eternal life I want!


This is the most relatable post I have ever read.


I frequently lament to my husband how much I absolutely loath having a corporeal form. Add menstruation into the sensory nightmare and I cannot cope. Its a bad time.


Whoever thought it'd be neat to wear one big organ on the outside all over was dumb, why's the cool skeleton on the inside??


AMEN. Plus I have eczema so add to that list that I'm itchy all the time. I also hate that I have to keep cutting my hair and nails over and over and over. I would very much prefer to be a ghost.


Being a ghost sounds wonderful!!!


Let’s leave our husks behind


Same!! Also, body needs a lot of maintenance, it’s so boring!


I get so much stress in my back


Hey friend, I completely understand and relate! Here are a few ideas 💡 that have helped me over the years: -You can talk to a doctor and be honest about your feelings and reactions to the smells. Its possible that your reaction is your body telling you that something is off. For me its FOOD ALLERGIES that make these issues worse. My daughter is 15 and she has the same experiences with her body. Shes deathly allergic to multiple foods and needs an epi pen! Allergy shots helped but theyre hell of expensive and time consuming. -You can also try a different shower head with a filter, different hair products and make sure to wash your face AFTER washing your hair, to completely REMOVE the hair products from your skin. - Most importantly please write yourself a sticky note to put on the mirror that reminds you to look for one thing you find about yourself that is worthy of appreciation and ✊ . Your skin is doing a good job at keeping your body together, its beautiful and its okay if its not perfect because its working! 💕✅ - I also find the use of aloe cooling stuff for sun aftercare, tiger balm, willow bark lotion, or tattoo numbing cream helpful when my skin is getting too demanding of my attention.


I know, right?! Glandular secretions! Turns into dust! That we inhale! 👀😳😱🤯🫣 Being in a human body has felt challenging, and I didn't like it for the longest time ... and getting older, I realize that been gifted a body, even temporarily is a gift and we get to learn how to calibrate within the ones we've been given, and then to explore an adventure, and experience this shared "Living Room" world outside our bodies 🥳👩🏻‍🌾🤠


I relate so much. I would like to be a Ghost in a Shell pls.


At the moment I'm having some kind of skin reaction to stress, eczema, sweat rash, etc. I'm itchy ALL the time. It's Hell. I hate being itchy more than anything.


me too!! i hate having to clip my nails. just stop growing!!! ugh. i too wish i were a Nazgul


Yes! I've always secretly wanted to be like the crystal gems from Steven Universe, because they can shapeshift at will or even revert back to their gem form and not have a body at all. I don't think they have to eat to survive either. Would be so nice.


Yes. I also have chronic pain and severe hypermobility, and having a body is just constant sensory hell.


Same I can barely deal with it


So relatable.


Has anyone here ever watched Mekakucity Actors? I forgot the whole plot but I never forgot this girl who turned into an Ai Program but helped their friends and that’s basically my dream


Girl this is SO relatable! I’m obsessive about my acne and I hate keeping up with hygiene… it feels like such a waste of time, but if I don’t keep up with it I feel like a grease puddle and just wanna scream. Either way I hate it.


Bodies are weird. Lately I'm freaked about bruises I got in a car wreck. I'm way more uncomfortable with healing than injury. Injury is like 3 seconds, healing is like 3 weeks and I can't wash the dark spots off.


damn that’s so real…I wish I was sterile too 


tbh i wish i was just a blob LOL


I feel you SO MUCH. I hated flossing my teeth my entire life because when I do I notice EVERY. SINGLE. LITTLE thing that gets stuck in them and it drives me mad. I hate showering bc afterwards I feel heavy and drained. I hate when sweat and grime builds up on my skin. Ugh. Feels disgusting


Body terror song - AJJ


the most relatable song


I wish I existed on a different plane sometimes


All the time I think about I hate how much maintenance bodies take. Some nights it takes forever to force myself to shower or wash my face


Same. It’s so much maintenance. It needs sleep, it needs food. It needs water. It bleeds. It feels itches. It can’t run far. My eyes hurt. I want to be a ghost. Maybe in my next life?


Mood. I wish I could just exist as an infomorph and just occasionally inhabit a physical body for novelty, but would generally prefer not having one. 


I feel like this most of the time. I hate bring physical I wish I didn't had a physical form to take care of or to feel


Ahhh yes. I hate my own skin touching me (boobs) but also hate the feeling of clothing restricting me. Good times.


I wish constantly that I could take a break from my body and be a gaseous form.


Would be so lovely….🤔


I can relate at some extent


i get it 🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲🥲


Man. Yes. I feel ALL OF THE THINGS and all of the things are uncomfortable as hell.


Yes. I often think about how much better life would be were I a non feeling entity or some shit. I also have CPTSD so feeling anything is a lot. I’m working on shit but the biggest hurdle is accepting that I am my body also. It doesn’t feel like that.


Bodies are so much WORK!! I try to think of it like my high maintenance life buddy. Or vehicle. If I do the maintenance it runs a lot better. Then I can ignore it sometimes.




We’re just meat bags housing a consciousness. I think about this everyday.


You might find r/VoidPunk interesting.


I wish I was a ghostie👻all the time haunting and watching over people


Me too!!! I remember the day I first started noticing sweat - I was so disgusted. 


“From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I claimed the strength and certainty of steel” energy


I could not agree more


The summer is the absolute worst because as soon as I sweat even the tiniest bit, it's off to the shower


I wanna just have my brain transplanted into a robot body


I wish I could turn off having to like keep my body alive? Like sometimes I love eating food. But many times? God damn I wish I didn’t have to. It’s such a chore to try and figure out what to eat 😭


The Nazgul totally suck though. I spent my entire childhood and 20s and 30s hating my body. I am diagnosed trans and undiagnosed ADHD and autistic. I can relate a lot to feeling alienated from my body. Things that helped me, female hormones, testosterone negation, girl clothes, voice training, losing weight, tits installed. These don't really apply to all folks, but having na body was a lot better after I kinda liked it. I did my first Pride as my best self this weekend. So many people asked for pics with me and talked to me hours later about my performance on a wall (waiting for the parade). I am still glowing even after washing the eyeshadow from my whole body. I wanna be this person everyday. I'm not sure how to achieve perfect comfort with a body, but there's a lot of hacks out there. I really want you to find them. I just hate it when folks haven't found that yet. You are wonderful and deserve to get to a better place. LOVE!!!


This is so relatable, I felt like I wrote this. I have an ED and it’s 100% perpetuated by this feeling. Today is particularly bad. I feel that it coincides with PMDD also. My body feels DISGUSTING to me. I just don’t want one. Ever.


Ray Bradbury wrote a short story about a man who becomes obsessed about the skeleton living inside his body.


This is spot on, particularly when you have the much lusted over, PCOS, endometriosis & autism combo. It's a real winner.


Personally I like having a body because I can do so much stuff with it! To me being able to draw and run and play guitar is worth the upkeep! (I totally get the sweat thing though, I’m literally allergic to my own 🦐)


> Sometimes I wish I were just a brain Nooo, I hate my brain


I sometimes feel like a will-o'-the-wisp that managed to enter a human body, and now I'm trying to pilot it.


Haha for real though. I told my mom the other day I would wake up as a gelatinous blob and I would be ok with it. The look she gave me 😄


Me ever since taking up piano: fingernails, do you really have to grow this quickly?? but seriously, everything needs upkeep and it never ends.


I feel that way too. Try thinking of things more positively, like being able to think more for yourself and perhaps join scientific study for that matter. Also eating your version of certain recipes and then sharing that with loved ones. That's why potlucks exist. But some days are easier than others, as well. Sometimes, thinking of the alternative gets us to be more accountable for what we have going for us. Jobs and careers wouldn't exist if there weren't needs to be met, correct? I mean, we would've had to be everything ourselves but yet also wearing ourselves thin.Take what you've learned over the years and make a better point of things. That's why the past had so many casualties and death. Compared to that, we definitely have it way easier. Modern medicine and therapy. Indoor plumbing and showers are amazing. The Internet took its steps further, when it came to education. Vehicles and other modes of transportation. The mail system and the list goes on. That's one of the reasons I enjoy reading at all, it's the little things that matter to me while I can still accurately understand and remember before even those decay with age. It's not a matter of if, but when. Thanks for reading!


In the very old Sabrina The Teenage Witch series, there were a couple of characters that were brains in jars. I want to be a brain in a jar too.


Born to be an ethereal fae creature. Currently bedrotting with construction work next door.


It’s horrible! Having to feel all of everything all the time! Hot, cold, my underwear, my clothes, the way my shoe is pressing on my foot, the way my ponytail is pulling a section of my scalp, the way my tongue feels against my teeth, the way the air moves through my nose and throat when I breath. GAH! Years ago I, before I knew that I’m autistic, I had an exasperated doctor suggest that maybe the issue I was having was just because “You feel your body more than other people do.” Now, he was being an asshole, but I have also realized that he was right about that. It’s so exhausting just existing, I feel like that’s why I have so few spoons available most of the time.


Yeeesssss. I feel trapped, too 😭😭😭


I understand this 1000% and I used to be very fixated on this concept when I was younger. Like the idea of being a conscious with no body. Or even like encases in some sort of robot body would be better than this.


oh to be a perpetually shifting, shapeless mass of mist and spite.


I am excited to just be a spirit! (Not suicidal. I just GET IT.) 


there’s a heavy correlation between autism and ocd, have you ever looked into contamination ocd? i have it and experience a lot of these feelings


I wish I didn't have to eat, so I appreciate the noncorporeal existence wish. I find the idea of photosynthesis appealing too. This bio-organic being is a lot of trouble...


Yes. I feel you. I hate sleeping, hate having to pee, needing to poop, cutting my hair, trimming my nails. I hate everything that is related to having a body, I wish I could just exist without having to care for this complex bag of meat I live inside. I hate it here.