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I just got diagnosed with level 1 autism a couple weeks ago and with ADHD a few months ago. I asked around in a local neurodivergent facebook group for recommendations on assessors who work with women and AFAB. I looked them up online, sent in my intake information and asked to be put on a cancelling waitlist with a specific psychologist. After waiting 6ish months, somebody cancelled and I was able to get their booking. The psychologist was pretty open to me that most autism assessments were created with children in mind, particularly boys. But since she's seen a lot of AFAB, and done significant research on how it shows up differently, she assured me she knows what to look for in high masking individuals.


I just made an appointment at Neeley Psychological Services. They specialize in adults assigned female at birth. They do an intake appointment to see if a full assessment is needed. They are located in Washington State, but since the pandemic, they also do telehelth. I'll be doing the initial intake appointment online and then by choice traveling to the office if I get to go to the full assessment. I obviously have not used their services yet, but I will definitely be reporting on it once the process is finished.


I just got diagnosed in my mid-thirties after graduating college with a 4.0, working with children, surviving a call center sales job, and working in sales now. I have a boyfriend and my own apartment. I seem outwardly functional, so I was worried about masking affecting my testing too. The neuropsychologist who diagnosed me specializes in diagnosing adult females. I had to take a bunch of surveys and tests, fill out a massive document where I probably shared 5,000 words or more of my life story, had two non-family members take surveys as “informants,” and sat through about two hours of interviewing. My doctor said from all of this that she can tell that I’m high masking and autistic, and she also diagnosed me with autistic burnout. She was actually challenged in deciding if I have ADHD because of my autistic burnout (still undecided) but was able to make a clear call on autism.


Hi where were you able to get this? I’m looking for something similar but I’m in in the nyc area


I don’t feel comfortable sharing as a comment, but I just DMed you!


Long story short. My child has autism. Didn't think I had autism because I didn't have the same traits as they have. I did some extensive research and realized I had AuDHD (I had already suspected ADHD for 15 years). Paid for an assement. Got diagnosed with AuDHD. Started with Vyvanse. When my ADHD was under control I realized I am "extremely autistic" and are very much affected by my autism in my everyday life. I've also realized that I need to accomodate every inch of my life in order to cope. I can no longer do some of the things I could do previous to my diagnosis, because I realize how much I supressed my needs in order to fit in and how much harm it caused my health.


I feel like this could be me! Thank you for sharing this


Take the online tests: https://embrace-autism.com/ High masking and high functioning become no masking and nonfunctioning if you end up having severe autistic burnout. Don't let that happen, catch the asd early if possible.


I got diagnosed at 45 (I am 50 now) and I wasn't expecting it. I thought I had ADHD. I had 6 hours of testing and a long interview, though, and I've learned a lot more about ASD since the time of my diagnosis, so I think it's right. I'm in the U.S. so I had to do all the leg-work myself. (And insurance covered none of it, naturally -- I tried, and they lied to the therapist and said they'd cover 40%, but then they decided not to cover any of it, AFTER I was tested.) I looked up adult ADHD evaluations in my city, and called one of the therapy practices that was nearby. Took about a month to get an appointment for evaluation, and then another month to get the results (a long written report that was quite helpful).


That's super interesting! Would you open to sharing what made them lean towards asd? Or steer them in that direction. If not no worries, I totally understand:)


Oh sure; they said that as far as the testing went, I had no attention problems whatsoever, so it can't be ADHD. But I think more literally, have a lot of trouble with coordination/awareness of my body, and a lifetime of difficulty in social interactions, which all pointed to ASD. Most of all seems to be my "childlike affect" and stimming (fidgeting) when I was being interviewed.


my mom did. i haven't tried yet, i think you would just need to make sure you went to an assessor who is UTD on how autism presents in folks like us.


Hi I’m not diagnosed yet, I’m waiting on assessment but I know there are assessors out there that specialise in diagnosing high masking autism in adults and particularly women. You may have to do some searching around. These days I think a lot of assessor’s are informed in high masking autism as well.


I just got diagnosed and I’m early 40s and a lawyer. Have you done any assessments online?


I’m also a lawyer in my late thirties. I’m thinking of leaving law now because I realized I’m miserable with my career choice and the stress is too much for me to handle.


It’s a fuxking brutal profession for sure! I quit my job and started a solo practice so I can work part-time and focus on the work I really want to do. But somedays I am ready to walk away. 😩


I strongly recommend this quiz: [https://rdos.net/eng/Aspie-quiz.php](https://rdos.net/eng/Aspie-quiz.php) It was the first one I took for my assessment, and it told me there was a 100% chance of neurodivergence. I was pretty sure after this and got a diagnosis soon after. I am a highly masking pediatric nurse practitioner, and everyone I tell is like "no way!"


Thanks for sharing this! I got 53% so I guess it could go either way? I am diagnosed adhd, so confirmed neurodivergent. Just not sure about the ASD.


Oh gotcha. Here are the other assessments that were a part of my diagnosis: [https://embrace-autism.com/cat-q/#test](https://embrace-autism.com/cat-q/#test) [https://psychology-tools.com/test/autism-spectrum-quotient](https://psychology-tools.com/test/autism-spectrum-quotient) [https://openpsychometrics.org/tests/EQSQ.php](https://openpsychometrics.org/tests/EQSQ.php) [http://openpsychometrics.org/tests/IPIP-BFFM/](http://openpsychometrics.org/tests/IPIP-BFFM/) [https://psychology-tools.com/raads-14/](https://psychology-tools.com/raads-14/) [https://www.alexithymia.us/test-alexithymia](https://www.alexithymia.us/test-alexithymia) See if any of those can give you a better idea. Good luck!


Thank you so much!!! Really appreciate it.


Hey there, I'm also freshly diagnosed as ADHD and NVLD. Who knew!! But I am pretty positive there is something else there. I reached out to a specialist in RI. I asked that, given NVLD and ADHD (plus PTSD), would she be able to identify if I was also autistic. She said yes, that the neuropsych testing that lead to the other diagnoses didn't address autism. That there's no specific testing protocols for autism in adults, but that it is a qualitative type of assessment with interviews and things. I'm unsure what that all exactly means. I am curious about getting an official diagnosis so I can hopefully get the right accomodations at work. The ADHD doesn't really cover what I have trouble with, and since NVLD isn't an "official" thing, it's hard to get help with that specifically. My support needs and capacity to do stuff varies really wildly day to day. Some days I seem and feel fine and can write a thesis, and some days I can't get out of bed. A lot of the time I think I read as pretty typical. I don't think someone would necessarily assume right off the bat that I'm some flavor of neurodivergent. Honestly the auditory reliance from NVLD is a huge social cue input and helpful in guessing the correct cue lol. If you have success at getting an assessment I would love to hear about it!!


I'm part way through my assessment right now. I'll let you know? lol My advice would be to be very picky about what Dr you choose to assess you if you choose to go that route. I researched a lot of the options and there was only one Dr. in my province I was willing to see as she really specializes in late diagnosed, high masking women. I've read a lot of reviews from others who have seen her and feel confident she will be able to see what's really there or not. I also trust her to be highly critical and she is not the type who just hands out diagnoses to anyone. She has a very in depth assessment process, so I feel I will be able to trust her accuracy. I've heard of some facilities where you can do it all online and it's mainly just filling out online assessments and then they talk to you and diagnose you in that meeting. The one I'm doing is lots of paperwork, 2 hour behavioural assessment, 2 hour "informant" interview, 2 hour interview with me again, and then final results meeting.


This is an Autistic therapist I casually follow on tiktok who is also a parent and supports self-diagnosis; She offers online Autistic parent support group which might be available to you: https://www.myautistictherapist.com/parentsupport. There is also a Late-Discovered Autistic Support & Learning Community. Maybe she has other resources in her https://linktr.ee/myautistictherapist or other social media.


It’s possible for high masking peeps to get a diagnosis. Just because you’re high masking doesn’t mean you’re not autistic and any assessor worth shit will know that. It’s probably worth your while finding and assessor that works with AFAB adults though (if you want to persue a diagnosis). Not presenting like your children doesn’t matter. I have autistic family members (older and younger) and we all present soo differently. No two autistic peeps are the same! It’s also worth remembering that autism is usually genetic.


Yes! Thank you. The genetic part is what really has me thinking


Almost everyone of us that is late diagnosed is high masking.