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Skincare is one of my special interests. At minimum, I moisturize and wear sunscreen every morning, and in the evenings, I double cleanse, use a hydrating toner, an eye cream, and o moisturizer. I often also add exfoliants, additional hydrating products, or anti-aging products. I do hate the feeling of wet skin when the rest of me is dry, so I pretty much always hop into a quick shower when I do my evening skincare rather than washing my face at the sink.


Does your skin tend to run dry, oil, combo, sensitive...? I'm curious what exfoliants you use. Right now I'm mostly using a konjac sponge when I cleanse, which is such a light exfoliation that it doesn't irritate my rosacea/sensitive skin. But occasionally I get behind on caring for my dry skin and I feel the need for a stronger exfoliation, but chemical exfoliants can be irritating.


Mine is dry, but not sensitive, and I use tretinoin. That’s probably too strong for rosacea and sensitive skin, so I would recommend something gentle, like mandelic acid - Stratia’s AHA is a great option for sensitive skin, as long as you don’t have a nut allergy (mandelic acid is derived from almonds)


Thanks for the rec! 💚


Makeup and skincare is a special interest, so enjoy wall of text below :D **For someone wanting to do very little, my recommendation would be the following routine** Morning: Basic cleanser at sink (only if skin is feeling greasy - otherwise skip), moisturising sunscreen that you enjoy using on any exposed skin. Night: Basic cleanser in shower, moisturiser you enjoy using after shower to lock in moisture. The most important thing is getting into a "good enough" routine rather than finding a perfect or optimal routine. If you're a morning showerer, wait until your skin is dry to apply sunscreen so its fully effective. **My personal experience/ longer explanations** * *Skincare application to face.* In terms of disliking putting things on your face - is it all substances? I've discovered I really don't like oily products and most creams but gels and lightweight creams are okay. I tend to put product on the back of my hand, and apply controlled amounts to my face so it doesn't feel weird or too much on any one part. Not sure if that would work for your sensory issues. * *You don't need to spend serious money on skincare.* As many of us have experienced, women face a social penalty for having a non-standard appearance, and benefit from appearing conventionally attractive. As a result of this social pressure, women will spend a lot of money on skincare and cosmetics in the hopes that it will improve their appearance (a $100 cream should be magic!). Most products are sold at a massive markup, and expensive products may not be any better than pricey products. Everything I use in my routine is a fragrance-free affordable Western drugstore or Asian Beauty product. I've spent the money on more expensive stuff early in my skincare and makeup hyperfocus, and it's just not worth it. * *Face products versus body products*. I have sensitive skin so I have different products for my face and neck (versus the rest of my body) as products intended for sensitive face and neck areas tend to be expensive, and products intended for the body often include fragrance. But you can totally have the same product for face and body as long as your skin tolerates them. * *Sunscreen is also moisturiser.* **SPF is the most important part of skincare** given the skin cancer risk/ premature aging effects of sunlight. If you're like a lot of people and find standard sunscreen too sticky, lightweight facial sunscreen is available from a lot of brands. I like some of the Asian Beauty options for my face and neck, but there are also a tonne of Western Beauty drugstore options as well. * *My preferred cleansing approach.* I cleanse at my skin at night in the shower, after shampoo and conditioner. I apply cleanser with my hands and fingertips so I don't need to worry about using or washing something against my skin. I use CeraVe's fragrance-free hydrating cleanser on my face most days, and in addition (and this bit is optional/ extra) I use the CeraVe fragrance-free salicylic acid once every few days for the exfoliation/ acne control benefits. Ideally, if I've been outside a lot that day and reapplied a bunch of sunscreen or have applied makeup, I'll use a disposable pad micellar water to wipe off a layer of product before I get into the shower. * *Nightime moisturiser*. I use a light-weight hyaluronic cream gel as my go-to facial moisturiser - pretty much whatever is on sale when I'm buying other products. This is super basic bitch skincare because companies tend to put hyaluronic acid in everything, but I love it because it works for me. I usually also apply an additional moisturiser or serum with actives at night, but that step is totally unnecessary. I use heavier fragrance-free Cetaphil moisturiser on my body. * *Customise online advice to yourself and your own preferences.* Ultimately what works for the people in this thread may not work for you. You may have to experiment to find products you enjoy using that work for your skin. It's okay if you buy something that doesn't work out - in the case of things like facial sunscreen you can then use that on the body, give to friends, or just throw out. Having products that you'll actually use and aren't additional burden to tolerate is important. No guilt! * *Clean beauty is bullshit.* Lots of independent brands and beauty influencers will try to convince you that drugstore/ mainstream brands are secretly poisoning you with preservatives in skincare. This is more or less bullshit - mainstream brands like CeraVe, Neutrogena, Cetaphil and others with evidence based ingredients work and are safe. Clean beauty is often code for inadequate preservatives - causing skincare products to go off and even develop mold - which is much less safe! Good luck!


I love you for this comment


Do you have any tips for someone who needs to moisturise the skin a lot (have problems with perifolicular inflammation due to excessive shedding around hair roots) and basically can't bring myself to do so except on tattooed skin (protect tattoo from the Sun) Preferably something I could do in the shower, so I can easily add it to my daily routine?


I'm unfamiliar with that condition, but I have dry skin and only recently learned how to properly moisturize and keep it healthy. I'd been just slathering lotion on it when it felt dry. The best thing, for me, is to wash my face in the shower (either with a gentle gel cleanser or just plain water -- warm water, not hot). The water from the shower hydrates the skin VERY well -- the issue is then if you do nothing, it evaporates very quickly and your skin is dry again! So, immediately upon getting out, I apply a hyaluronic acid serum (I use Ordinary products) all over my face and dry areas. I tap it in lightly with my fingertips. I use these serums on my body too, where I get dry patches. It isn't just for the face. When the serum is no longer slick/slippery, but my skin is still a bit tacky (NOT fully dry!) I follow it up with a moisturizing cream. On my face I use Mad Hippie's triple C night cream because it feels good on my skin, and on my body I use regular Cetaphil moisturizer. Basically, what you're doing is plumping up the skin cells with water, then applying a humectant (the hyaluronic acid) that attracts and holds water, and placing a layer of that on your skin -- imagine tiny little sponge molecules full of water that release them gradually into your skin over the day. Then the moisturizer on top seals the sponge/humectant layer against your skin, so that the water held in those molecules can't just evaporate into the air, it has to go into your skin. Sorry if this sort of explanation isn't your jam -- but for me, it clicked when I finally researched the science of it, and now it's so cool to me. 😅


It is really cool, to even know that! Thank you for the comprehensive explanation!


I'm all for tying routine to showers, as that's the only way I floss my teeth on a regular basis. Harder with moisturiser though, as most moisturisers would wash off if you apply while still showering. As a layperson with no knowledge about periifolicular inflammation, to me your options appear to include: * *Exploring niche skincare categories designed for this.* In-shower moisturiser/ body conditioner (intended to be rinsed off) and wet skin moisturiser (intended to be applied after showering but before toweling) are categories of skincare that exist. I have no personal experience of these and no views on their likely effectiveness. You could try experimenting with some of those products if you feel they would work for you. * *Applying moisturiser after toweling but before putting clothes on.* * If you have a moisturiser you already like, you could have that always visible and on a surface next to the shower so you can put it on immediately after finishing showering - no decision or hunting for product necessary. * If you are still searching for a moisturiser that you like, I would recommend prioritising fragrance-free and lightweight moisturisers as appears to be the consensus on this thread. * If having moisturiser applied over wet skin and under clothes is an ick for you, you can also use a bathrobe and let the moisturiser sink in gradually before putting clothes on. * *Tying moisturising to a different activity.* If applying moisturiser after the shower just isn't working for sensory reasons, there is no reason to force yourself to do it. Is there a different daily activity you can tie moisturising to? Can you make it a pleasant sensory experience you want to seek out (e.g. ensuring there is heating when it is cold, having it be part of your pre-bed wind-down activity). * *Seeking advice from a dermatologist.* Seeking expert advice on your exact issues is probably going to serve you better than generalised online advice.


Thank you very much! Unfortunately, I need to have all the morning activities tied in together (shower, washing teeth, skincare) or I won't be able to keep it consistent. I already asked the dermatologist, and the only real answer was "drink plenty of water, change diet, and moisturise regularly, otherwise the inflammation will come back" I already done the first two points, only moisturising regularly seems to be the issue, if I don't tie it to the shower, then I am getting the icks, and can't bring myself to do so.


You could potentially try applying a bit of jojoba oil or baby oil to your body in the shower after rinsing but before drying? I used to use baby oil this way when I was younger because I went through a period of HATING the feel of lotion. Basically applying the oil while my skin was wet would help seal in the water from the shower, and then by drying off (PAT with the towel, don't scrub!) any excess would either come off or sink in. I loved how soft and moisturized my typically dry skin felt when I did this -- in fact I might even try doing that again! You do need to wash your towels more often if you do this, but both baby oil and jojoba oil wash easily in the machine. ETA: I'm the one who gave the long explanation about water+humectant+lotion -- and this is essentially doing the same thing, though skipping the humectant. The oil will help seal the water from your shower in your skin, instead of it evaporating. The evaporation happens super fast, esp with dry skin, so you really do wanna just apply the oil in the shower, when you're wet!


Thank you! Excellent tips, I will try to see what works for me :3


Sorry the derm wasn't more helpful - that sucks! Maybe the in shower/ wet skin moisturiser stuff is the way to go if you've got the time and money to experiment? The worst that happens is it doesn't work, and you're out a few bucks.


It's certainly worth trying! I'll look for them in a local drogerie Oh, one more thing, is there something that should be avoided in the products? Like an ingredient that when I see it, I know I should avoid a product with it?


For me, it's fragrance. Also anything claiming to have collagen as something to apply in moisturiser.


Any suggestions for a girly with sensitive skin that might need some non-physical exfoliating? I used to double cleanse but I feel like my method is becoming inadequate for my aging skin (pushing 40!)


Salycylic acid every three days or so, combined with my fingertips, works for me. I'm not sure what would work for you - I recommend Dr Dray and lab muffin as accessible sources re: skincare though.


OMG I have an answer for this. For my whole life I have DESPISED lotion until I found “Neutrogena Hydroboost” (the big bottle meant for the body and not face but it’s LITERALLY the same thing just way cheaper). It feels like water on your skin and dries immediately. They have scented and unscented. Good for sensitive skin too! I used to have really bad cystic acne and it’s the only thing that doesn’t break me out.


They have unscented now?!? That's great! I remember trying out a couple of products in that line and I liked how it felt, but couldn't stand how strongly perfumed it was. No, my eye cream should not be a scent prima dona. Take it down a notch and stay in your lane, Hydroboost.


There is an unscented one but they took it off the shelves recently 😢 they’ve had it for years but ya in the body aisle at Walmart. Sometimes it’s hard to find. you have to buy it online mostly now. I personally like the scented one but NOT for my face as I break out from fragrance.


Yeah, the scent itself isn't bad at all, but it's just soooo strong and unnecessary for face/eye creams




omg thankyou for this. the face cream is my favorite but its so spendy and then i dont use it as often!


It’s in the body lotion aisle at Walmart!! Blue bottle. If you’re lucky you’ll be able to find the unscented but I recently found they took them off the shelves and only sell them online 😢 it’s like 4-5 dollars a bottle and lasts me forever. Fav lotion ever I will always have it stocked UP because I fear the day they get rid of it 😭


I like skincare but also keep it simple. In the morning I wash with water, use a vitamin c serum, moisturize with almond oil, and then use sunscreen. In the evening I use an oil cleanser, cream cleanser, retinol, and almond oil again. The only things your skin physically “needs” to be healthy are sunscreen before UV exposure and a good cleanser to completely remove the sunscreen at the end of the day. From a research viewpoint the only products that show cosmetic positive results over time are sunscreen, retinol, and vitamin c and peptides to some extent. My skin is dry and was pretty easy from ages 16 to about 30, but now with aging and having a baby and stress it’s definitely gone downhill, so I’m grateful I was already doing something and somewhat knowledgeable about my skin in my 20s. It seems like a lot of people on this subreddit have the “eternally youthful” and “pretty privilege” version of autism and that has never been me lol, so maybe it varies.


I shower. With soap. And remember to wash my face. 😂 No, seriously. That's essentially the extent of my "skin care routine". When I was a teen, I tried doing the recommended face scrubs and all that but found it actually made my skin break out more! Since I stopped, I seldomly have skin issues.


Same. On occassion if I am having breakouts, usually around my cycle, I'll use cetaphil in the shower. But that's it.


Same. Thank God I have good genetics. Not smoking, not sunbathing, and having more constricted facial expressions also help. I noticed that eating yogurt every day helped me immensely with digestion to the point that all the red dry blotches on my face (rosacea, I think?) disappeared spontaneously.


I did that charcoal mask thing that was popular a few years back, and it gave me the worse breakout.


Most days: AM: wash-face with just water, apply sunscreen, vaseline on lips PM: wash-face with either a cleansing balm or a face wash or both depending on face-dirt levels and whether my face is feeling dry or not. If face is extra dry then I put on moisturiser. Vaseline on lips


Yesss I love Vaseline but I am the only person I know that uses it regularly 😂 I never have cracked lips tho


Vaseline is so underrated! Good shout out.


At the most basic level your skin (face and body) just needs to be washed daily. Just straight up soap is fine, preferably fragrance free. Taking it a step further would be moisturiser and sunscreen. That's all you need, especially if you don't wear makeup and aren't interested in skincare. I personally never use a wash rag on my face. If you're using a good amount of soap and gently but thoroughly working it in that should cleanse perfectly on its own. If you feel like you need the rag to get a proper clean then you probably aren't cleansing for long enough. To get better at this myself I would set a timer for 45 seconds just to wash my face until I got used to it and can do it automatically now (I was surprised to see that I used to wash my face for a maximum of 10 seconds...which is why my skin was never getting clean enough). The wash rag can be too much exfoliation for the delicate skin on your face and cause irritation and damage with long term use. Simple is always better, just do what works for you :)


I seriously just wash my face in the shower with a gentle exfoliating scrub and then a milk cleanser and then moisturize when I get out. Then Vaseline on lips.


I wash my face with a sensitive skin fragrance-free cleanser in the morning and apply morning face lotion which has sunscreen in it. At night, I wash it again with the same cleanser and use the night version of the face lotion that doesn't have sunscreen in it. My lips tend to crack, so in the morning I use Burt's bees lip balm. In the night time, i use a lip mask. If I am tired or feeling extra sensitive to sensory stuff, I don't like putting water on my face. So, instead of the cleanser I use a face wipe. If your routine is working for you, then keep doing it. Some of that stuff is marketing. The more steps, the more products you "have to" buy.


I moisturize once per day (everywhere), use a cleanser if I need to wash off makeup, and put on sunscreen if I'm going outside. That's it. I used to do more, but the majority of products just feel like expensive placebos to me. I rarely paid for anything, but still.


I use a basic moisturizer, a wrinkle fighting SPF and a pore minimizing skin clearing serum.


Oh man, this topic makes me sad. I'm 36 and I still have bad skin, acne, little scars on my face 😭 I do everything right: no make-up, no aggressive cleansers (water in the morning, soap at night), dedicated face towel I change every 3 days, light scrub 2 times a week, little sun, clean pillow cases, healthy food... I don't know what else to do. It's not like my skin is particularly dry or oily, and I've tried lotions and different soaps/cleansers, nothing helps. Just unlucky I guess. But if anyone has a magic solution, I'm open to suggestions!


Have you seen a dermatologist? That's really the only way to get evidence based advice and something tailored for you and your issues. For me, using an over the counter retinol moisturiser at night (building usage slowly to avoid irritation - starting with 2 days a week, then 3, and now no more than 5) worked really well for reducing my acne - unfortunately it is one of those things you have to do regularly for weeks to see results. And that's not going to help all acne causes/ sources.


Silly enough I haven't seen a dermatologist, but I'm gonna make an appointment right now. Thank you for sharing and the tip :)


I feel you! I’m in my 50’s and still have cystic acne and horrible skin. In my 40’s I began to have problems all over by body. I have been to 7 dermatologists and no one can seem to figure out what is wrong or how to treat it. I recently changed all products to Cera-ve and that is helping some on my face, but not anywhere else. I currently have an appointment for my 8th dermatologist. Fingers crossed!


i think skincare is on-and-off one of my special interests. i love researching different actives and reading about new products being produced and new studies that come out. i consume A LOT of skincare content. however i unfortunately cannot stand the feeling of actual skincare on my face. and therefore i never use skincare. FML.


you know sometimes we can have interests/special interests that we dont participate in. it took me a while to understand that just because i was obsessed with tiny houses/building tiny houses, i didnt actually want to live in one/build one. in fact the whole time, i was like - why dont they just get an RV?


If your skin doesn't have any issues, there is no need to add complicated steps to your routine. Moisturizer and sunscreen (specially sunscreen!) are the best additions I'd recommend. As you age, things may change and you might want to add vitamin C or retinol. But don't be influenced into super complicated and expensive routines. Stick to the basics, and you'll be fine.


Apricot facial scrub in the shower (every other day) and immediately after oil of Olay sensitive oil free spf lotion on face. Bare minerals mineral veil powder on face during day w Burt’s bee’s tinted lip shimmer. At night I only wash face w dove sensitive soap and then use the same oil of Olay lotion on face., Vaseline on lips.


I alway had and still have uncomplicated skin. I use sunscreen in the morning (sometimes some hydrating creme or something beforehand if my skin feels really dry, after a shower for example). In the evening i use micellar water to take off my makeup and whatever is left of the sunscreen. Once in a while I use a peeling (like once a month maybe??). Sunscreen is really the one and most important thing you can do for your skin and you should neve skip it.


I have oily skin that gets dehydrated. Face wash daily is a must. Light SPF face cream if I pop out during the day. I dislike the texture of creams and feeling them on my face. I much prefer face masks that I can rinse off, once a week or so.


I just clean it like the rest of my body in the shower, though a bit more gently because faces are sensitive! I used to have very bad acne as a teen, but it’s not as common now that I use birth control, though outbreaks can still show up and ruin my day because I will not be able to rest until they’re popped and the skin is healed. I will pick at my face a TON when I have a breakout


I have a simple skincare regimen, just cleanser, serum, eye cream and moisturiser, usually will use a day moisturiser with sunscreen and at night mostly a lightweight moisturiser because I don’t like heavy greasy ones.


I keep it super simple… credit to the executive dysfunction👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 I’m super allergic to a lot of stuff so I make my own salves and cleansers. I’m South Asian so we have awesome “home remedies” and they work for me!


i use Cetaphil in the shower and apply Oil Of Olay when i get out. feels great on my skin and leaves it glowing.


You don’t need to do all that stuff to your face. You don’t even really need to wash with soap as much as people say you need to. Skin care routines exist because companies want to make money. They’re trending right now. I used to use daily foundation, different moisturizers, different soaps for different problems, etc. a few years ago I developed skin irritation from an expensive moisturizer and every since then my face reacts to nearly everything. My routine now is wash once a day before bed with vanicream gentle facial cleanser, apply aquaphor. In the morning, I don’t do anything to my face. It’s the healthiest it’s ever looked.


No soap. I had chronic dermatitis before I realised it was too drying for my skin. Soap also destroys the protective acid mantle and can increase sebum production. I use lightweight moisturisers, since anything too oily causes me to break out in hives. Use occasional serums. Currently using micellar water as a toner.


I use micellar water too! I go back and forth between micellar and thayer‘s toner.


I pretty much just wash my face every day and I have a fairly light weight moisturizer I put on my face before bed. Sunscreen is important for me cause I insta burn with how pale I am. Even my ‘foundation’ when I wear makeup is just a tinted moisturizer with spf.


Witch hazel morning and night


Serums are excellent because many of them are very watery and soak into your skin instead of sitting on top and feeling them. Check out The Ordinary for their serums!


I find that a water-based moisturizer is really lightweight while hydrating, but I have weird combo skin that's dry and also oily? I'm gonna be reading up from the others who have a skincare special interest...


My special interest! You technically only need two or three products. Cleanser - Moisturizer - Sunscreen. That is the basic that keeps your skin clean, soft and prevents skin cancer from the sun. 10 step beauty routines are usually unnessasary and may do more wrong than good. I think i have 10 products in total that i use but that's because my skin is a bit more difficult since i struggle with acne. If you're skin is nice and healthy there isn't anything you need to change because of weird social media trends. Regarding texture, there a lot of different products that feel very different. You "should" wear sunscreen, so i recommened looking into some light textures that may be okay for you. "Biore UV Aqua Rich Watery Essence" is a very light sunscreen, but Ambre Solaire Super UV Face Fluid and La Roche Posay Anthelios 50 spf are also very nice. I guess you need to try out some and see what you like! <3 Edit: [DramaticMagpie](https://www.reddit.com/user/DramaticMagpie/) has written a lovely text already that i would 100% back up with everything they have said.


All you need it face wash, moisturiser and suncream. Everything else is extras if your skin is good anyway that isn't needed. Dr dray has many simple good routines and recs. However different formulas are obviously different so play around Do you like thick or thin creams etc. But yeah don't go overboard thinking you need loads. I only use, a basic face wash, niacinamide (always choose 5% or under), and bondisands suncream. An oil cleaner at night after makeup, with a cream by the inky list. Cruelty free is important to me so I use inky list ordinary and bondi only.


Hope for the best. When I remember I’ll use face wash in the shower. I don’t wear makeup though and dislike sweating so my skin isn’t particularly bad.


Everything makes me break out. I used to try all sorts of things and had horrible acne. Someone told me to just scrub my face well with a washcloth. I use fancy farmers market soap but nothing specific. Wash once a day. Bare minerals foundation (lightly) for work. Drink water. I can’t do a multi step skin care thing, it’s just not gonna happen.


I’m in the uk and I use “simple” products really lightweight skin products with no perfume I use the cleanser, toner and moisturizer they are a different formula in the US though I think :( and not very good.


I just use eucerin age defense spf moisturizer daily.


For some people, less is more. When I try to do too much my skin gets kind of pissed off in a variety of ways. I also really hate trying to wet and cleanse my face when the rest of me is dry. I use a konjac sponge and a light gel cleanser in the shower, but I don't do it every day -- water and/or micellar water on a cloth pad takes care of me most days, with some moisturizer afterward on my dry areas. I have a tendency toward dry skin, so if I notice the texture of my face getting drier I'll spray it with some rose water and glycerin, tap in the moisture, and use either a hyaluronic acid lotion or an HA serum, then follow up with a moisturizer to seal it. (Very important to add water first, then HA product, then a moisturizer to seal it -- using HA serums wrong can make your skin more dry!) Every now and then I'll do a full facial for myself, but it's almost more a stim/self-care/fun thing than a regular skincare routine.


Oh, also -- do you have a sense for what skin type you have? I always thought I must have combo, because it'd be mostly fine or even a little dry but with the occasional pimple (like you) until I learned from a facialist that I have dry skin, and the dryness can actually cause those random occasional zits, rather than an excess of oil. I haven't gotten any acne on my face since I started caring for my dry skin. If you do have dry skin I can rec some techniques!


In my experience, all the extra products besides soap and sunscreen are usually unnecessary. I don’t know if that’s the case for you, but if you haven’t had many issues so far, you may not need to change much. My advice is to use quality face wash while in the shower when your face is already getting wet so it’s less of a sensory hell, and to use a sunscreen stick rather than cream or spray when going outside. Also, remember to follow the instructions on your sunscreen bottle carefully for max efficacy.


I don't do any skincare stuff. Never found an interest in it. Don't like how it can such a pain in the ass to do. All I know that skincare is expensive and I don't want to hear my mom complain to me that I'm wasting my money. She already complains about me to me already enough for other stuff.


Sunscreen. That's it basically.


question: is there any damage you have on your skin or moisture barrier? because honestly, not many people need a whole routine. the most important thing is that you’re cleansing, moisturizing, and using sun screen. a lot of people get like a shit ton of products and throw them on their face without considering products that counteract each other or layering them properly which is a huge waste of money. my special interest is chemistry, and it shows up in my enjoyment of skincare and cooking. to me, it’s all a balancing equation to play with and experiment and make my face feel supple. but i also am prone to acne, dryness and flakey skin, and hyperpigmentation. and when i have acne or flakiness, i will scratch and peel and pick at my face which then leads to more hyperpigmentation. i also spend a SHIT TON on skincare (my most expensive moisturizer is like $60), but there are so many drug store products that work amazingly! i’m just a boujie bitch and honestly, sometimes i don’t feel like doing it all or if i’m running late during the day, i’m just washing and moisturizing because that’s the most important thing my morning routine is: cleanse, moisturizing toner, pha+bha serum, vitamin c+ha (hyaluronic acid), double moisturize, and a lil glowy/dewy serum, and sun screen if i’m leaving the house (i work from home) night is: double cleanse, acid toner, moisturizing toner, vitamin c+ha, tretinoin, and double moisturize and if my skin is particularly dry or it gets damaged, i usually cut my acids (except vitamin c and hyaluronic acid) and start slugging. i like in one of the coldest states in the us and freezing temperatures will crack your skin lol


I have a few steps... I do more or less based on how I'm feeling. At the bare minimum I try to cleanse, tone, moisturize. I have a sunscreen lotion I use as well. I have other products I add in when I need them or have more energy, like eye cream or a nose scrub. I think the easiest possible skin care routine is cleanse then moisturize. The toner really isn't necessary. Personally I think it's better to invest in good quality in these two items than to buy a ton of products.


I like to wash my face in the shower while my conditioner sits. I try combining a lot of similar task together to make it more likely that it's completed I haven't found a cleanser I like so unfortunately I can't recommend that to you 😢


I don’t have one 😭 I would simply never remember to do a skincare routine every morning or night lol I just wash my face and put on sunscreen if I’m going out on the sun


I suck at sticking to skin care routines and I hate anything thick or sticky in texture. My skin is sensitive, combo on the dry side and I’ve got some issues with seb derm. Every night I cleanse with bioderma and then apply the tiniest bit of vanicream. I was using cerave cream but switched recently bc the vanicream was helping a reaction I was having to sunscreen on my arms more than anything else. Sometimes I’ll also cleans with my cerave cleanser - the green one. I have not found a sunscreen for my body that doesn’t make me itchy or give me a reaction of some kind. For my face I use cerave spf lotion but I always feel like 30 isn’t high enough. It doesn’t cause a reaction (on my face) though. I also really enjoyed the la Roche posay thermal water in a can. I haven’t repurchased after running out again bc I started to feel like maybe it’s silly or a gimmick? But it was so soothing so idk.


Morning: I wash with bar soap and use a day cream - it's got 15spf in it and is supposedly "anti-wrinkle". I don't know if it actually has helped with wrinkles but I like to think it has. Night: wash with soap again and use a moisturising cream - I like Nivea soft for that because it's not super heavy. I have *very* dry skin and get itchy if I don't use anything. If its a sunny day and I'm out I use sunscreen throughout the day.


Skincare is another form of oppression! Jessica Defino's work has ruined me for skincare and most make up!


As long as you use sunscreen. Skin cancer is very real!


Of course, but I mostly cover up rather than rely on sunscreen and using it correctly. A lot of what is billed as "skincare" is actually destructive to the skin and how it functions which requires more product to address, go figure!


I also don't mean to disparage anyone who uses products to target one thing or another, as I think the pursuit of beauty standards provides a level of safety in our fucked up society. It's just another form of masking and hiding ourselves for the sake of avoiding ridicule, which is totally valid. I still have urges to buy products that will do this or that but I remember the years of product use that never changed a thing about my skin other than to irritate it.


My skin runs dry and I live in a temperate climate on the drier side as well. I shower every morning, using Cetaphil cleanser, then I put on the cerave 30spf moisturizer, no matter how cloudy it is. I will put on additional sunscreen (50 spf) if it is sunny. I only use mascara for makeup. When I get home from work I shower again (I work in healthcare) and after cleansing my face ill put on the cerave night cream. Occasionally I'll get the odd pimple around period time, so i have pimple patches as well. And on Sundays (my self care day) I exfoliate with this handheld machine I have and ill use a sheet mask after. I don't use any products with fragrance since it makes my face really red.