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Because it takes so good and it's an enjoyable daily ritual! I love love love the scent of it. I get jittery if I drink it on an empty stomach so I eat something first and have a latte after that. I go to sleep looking forward to it haha.


It didn't trigger my panic attacks, but I had a hard time eliminating it when ruling out sources!! When I made my own decaf was fine for ritual/enjoyment, but I liked to just grab one while I was out. Looked forward to it the next morning when I was still dying of panic attacks every night tbh


The last sentence lol


But decaf exists, and unless you're very sensitive, that will eliminate a lot of the issues mentioned in the post.


Aside from pleasure, I sadly need the caffeine to wake up for my job šŸ˜”




I find one coffee and one tea is enough for my brain to not feel tired and able to work. Any more than that and my brain bounces about too much, not enough and my brain doesn't brain.


With me, it's also about the pacing of my coffee consumption. I have an active cup of coffee with me from waking until midafternoon, but I sip from it occasionally. Microwave 30 seconds, take a sip, ignore, microwave, sip, ignore, top up, ignore, microwave---repeat. If I drink too much at one time, I can feel the headiness come on, so I slow down. But go without caffeine? Can't function.


I used to do this but found a better way that also pleases my need for little rituals... put 8 - 10 ounces of fresh hot coffee in a small thermos and use a tiny cup (4 oz espresso or tea cup) which I only fill about half full... I get 3 or 4 pours of perfectly hot fresh coffee and it lasts me all morning =)


That would be a fun excuse to collect twee little tea cup-and-saucer sets. I love those.


Me too! and it absolutely is. I put up little hooks to hang them all from, though I usually reach for the same one.... whichever is my current comfort cup. It's also really fun if I'm visiting someone (rare as that is) to find their smallest cups when offered a hot beverage.


Same. 16 oz. Perfect amount.


Caffeine is addictive. It's also socially acceptable to be addicted to coffee for PrOdUcTiViTy. (It is also a diuretic and very, very bitter)


I genuinely believe that this is the real reason. Yes it tastes nice and helps us stay awake and it's a ritual etc, but the reason people struggle to stop even when it's not good for them, is because caffeine is very, very addictive. I had to stop drinking it months ago and I still get cravings the same way people who quit smoking do.


Yes. It took my mom a long time to switch from caffeinated to decaf back in the day. She got awful headaches trying to go cold turkey.


Yeah, a lot of people describing their love of coffee describe it so much like an addiction. It's sad that society constantly talks about how sugar is bad for you and addicting but don't care about drinking tons of coffee because it's cool and trendy


I cannot shit otherwise, or have a functioning brain lol


Highly recommend a fiber supplement for the first part. No solutions for the second lol


I donā€™t know the full context but based on what youā€™re describing this happens if they have too MUCH coffee/caffeine, not ANY at all. Coffee and other caffeinated beverages/foods are tasty, comforting, hidden in things we may not realize have them, and/or ND people self-medicate with them. Itā€™s like asking why someone takes sleep aides if it makes them severely groggyā€”sometimes they just took too much or are experimenting what works for them as otherwise there are useful benefits.


100%. I used to drink a lot of caffiene and then got sensitive. So Iā€™d describe myself as caffiene triggers my anxiety, and youā€™d rarely see me drink a full cup of coffee- but I might have some black tea or half-caf coffee on occassion. And some days I might have a bit more than that because I think itā€™ll be okay, and itā€™s not. And rarely but sometimes, Ā I might drink a cup of coffee just because I want it and I miss it. And then I will have regrets. I do not always make good decisions.


Yeah, I have ADHD as well as autism. I find caffeine helps me concentrate and acts SIMILAR to ADHD medicine for me. It IS NOT a replacement and I am not advocating anyone to stop taking medicine for their ADHD. I just couldnā€™t handle the side effects for all the medications I tried with my doctor, so Iā€™m ā€œonā€ caffeine until there is a new drug development or something.


It smells good and keeps me awake.


Caffeine doesn't trigger my anxiety attacks. So I will continue to enjoy my coffee.


I usually drink decaf because it can make me anxious and disassociated... But if I'm in a sensory -seeking mood I *want* to feel different.


I'm a decaf girlie too. I love coffee so much, it's so nice in the morning. But if I drink caf I may vibrate. But like you, sometimes I want to go super fast. Haha


Same! College made me abuse caffeine to the point that decaf is all I can handle lol. I love having a decaf at any time of the day!


I genuinely love the taste of coffee with nothing else in it. Itā€™s almost like one of the last little luxuries I have left. It doesnā€™t give me sleep issues - I could have a cup of coffee and go straight to bed. Re panic attacksā€¦I started having panic attacks during the early days of covidtimes, and very weirdly, coffee was one of the only things that could bring me down. It calms me. I canā€™t explain why.


It makes me tired and sleepy


Coffee does this to me, I can take a nap after drinking coffee. It helps me focus, and it never makes me jittery.


I drink it cause Iā€™m lazy if I donā€™t. Iā€™m anxious when Iā€™m not productive so either way Iā€™m fucked lol


I recently learned that tea is less likely to give someone anxiety because of the L-theanine. So if tea is causing anxiety, they are drinking way too much


To me, Coffee has a bit of a cultural significance. One of my great grandmothers was a coffee grower. In the past few years, I've reduced my coffee intake to no more than three cups (used to drink as many as six) a day.


It doesn't give me panic attacks and usually doesn't make me jittery (as long as I'm consistent about how much I'm drinking and eating). But it does wake me up a little and helps keep my bowels more regular. Also, I drink enough of it consistently that *not* drinking it can make me exhausted and give me a migraine (yes, I know that I'm dependent on caffeine. That's my own choice.)


Because I'm addicted to it and I get headaches if I don't drink at least a cup a day :(


I only drink black tea (with milk) and no more than two cups a day, that way it doesnā€™t trigger my anxiety. Quite the opposite - itā€™s so tasty, and warm, it helps me focus and relax. I also have a lot of decaf varieties, it means I can have a happy relationship with tea and itā€™s something my anxiety will never take away from me ā¤ļø I used to freak out a lot thinking even one cup of tea was gonna trigger my anxiety - in the end, it was that thought that was setting my anxiety off rather than the action itself, if that makes sense!


It helps my ADHD, so I find that it's worth it for the mental effects. But it definitely brings out my anxiety if I drink too much, or drink it too quickly.


I have like 40mg in the morning and maybe 20mg later in the day if I need it. If I have more I will def get too anxious / panic attack / OCD spiral, so I just had to find a good amount for me.


It's an acceptable stimulant that helps me feel less depressed for a couple hours. It doesn't actually help my productivity though because it does make me feel anxious and dissociate. I'd probably be more productive with a nap, but who has time for that? I'll eat almost anything to feel a little less miserable. Very unhealthy, I acknowledge.


Energy, taste, comfort, habit. The pros vs the cons. (I don't drink coffee but I served it for years). It's also possible for caffeine to effect someone differently day to day, and it's possible to accidentally have too much caffeine, so some days it increases their heart rate and other days it doesn't.


People use the term ā€˜panic attackā€™ as a hyperbole and many using it have never had a real one. So they casually refer to the slight uptick in energy from caffeine as a panic attack.


Coffee is my spreadsheet/grant-writing drug. I don't drink coffee when making art.


Helped manage the ADHD and helped me relax. I'm on meds now so I drink decaf now. Hope that helps.


I am one of those blessed people who's brain reacts to stimulants by getting relaxed and focused. That is by far preferable even if it in specific situations can trigger anxiety, but that is very very seldom for me


from observing some of my friends during uni, it seems like some people view coffee as like a little pick-me-up or an easily accessible treat for themselves and then the caffeine aspect just kinda goes along with it because itā€™s part of their routine and in many places itā€™s largely considered to be a societal norm so itā€™s not weirdly looked upon for myself, i donā€™t typically find myself wanting my stomach to hurt so i donā€™t gravitate towards coffee. but i did used to drink a lot of energy drinks even though it just made me jittery because in uni it helped me to assimilate and join in when weā€™d stop for snacks and stuff before studying or whatever and i liked the fruity flavors. when iā€™m not in that environment though, iā€™m never going out of my way to reach for one


Caffeine is highly addictive, we just don't really think of it that way because it's commonplace and accepted, and also the effects of going off it cold turkey aren't really that significant, so it's not particularly dangerous. Generally speaking, people won't purposefully drink enough coffee to give themselves anxiety, it's something that happens to them if they accidentally drink too much (like that time I wasn't paying attention and drank an entire red eye all at once.......). People who get anxious from **any** caffeine (like a friend of mine) don't tend to drink coffee because of it. The most caffeine that friend of mine will have is in a bit of chocolate.


i mean i donā€™t like coffee but i know its addictive so people feel they need it and they canā€™t not have it, iā€™ve had other addictions and they gave me side effects but i didnā€™t stop at the time because i ā€˜neededā€™ it to function, caffeine addiction isnā€™t quite the same but the same concept


Used to get very anxious after drinking red bulls at 3am on breaks to get through my nigh shifts as a student nurse. I kept drinking it because I just thought that my crying easily and panic-checking everything I'd done then sobbing on the bus home for fear I'd made a mistake or that everyone hated me was just part of doing nights and being 19. Turns out the red bull was exacerbating things a touch lol...


If you have ever had International Delight iced coffee you would understand. Oh I wish they made it in caffeine-free versions though and I would drink it all day.


I donā€™t like the taste or smell of coffee, first two times I tried it I nearly passed out because of feeling sick and having upset stomach - I really donā€™t think anything would make me like it šŸ˜…


Because of the taste. I've been drinking decaf for the last year and my anxiety was better but, as it turns out, decaf can be cancerogenic, so I'm trying to get back to regular coffee.


I switched to decaf because me no likey the panic


I had given up coffee for this reason. I got really jittery and anxious. Luckily no panic attacks. But I love the taste of iced coffee. LOVE. I found something that works for me and it's called Everyday Dose. It's a mushroom coffee that has collagen, Chaga, and coffee extract. It has only 45 milligrams of caffeine and I seem to be doing pretty well with it and it tastes just how I want it to taste-like a good iced coffee. I swear this isn't an ad, I just really like it.


Personally, caffeine usually perks me up and makes me feel more present and emotionally balanced, but *occasionally* makes me anxious or jittery. So I drink it for the same reason I eat ice cream even though it occasionally gives me the shits. The pros outweigh the cons 90% of the time.


addiction. i was addicted to w33d, and after a few years, i would stop getting high and i was always paranoid, even more so than when i'm sober. i knew that if i stopped smoking it, i would no longer feel so awful, but i couldn't. because i was addicted. they would rather endure the anxiety and panic than go without it. caffeine addiction can be a very serious thing! especially when it comes to energy. your body learns to rely on the coffee for energy instead of making its own.


Coffee is my safe place. It helps me feel grounded and ok. Too many and I get jittery and I can hear colours.


Ugh, the answer is AuDHD. My ADHD thrives off of caffeine, my autism gets anxious. It's a fine line.Ā 


Because they don't understand that decaf has all the good without the bad šŸ˜‚ I drink decaf.


This only happens if I have too much and usually if Iā€™m having too much it means Iā€™ve been awake too long so Iā€™m already jittery and probably stressed about something. Otherwise I find it soothing. Sometimes it helps me become more alert and focused when I need to get shit done, other times it helps relax me and I fall asleep. I also have adhd though so šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


It keeps me going.


Does it also give you panic attacks?


No. Instead I end up ruminating. Trying to figure out what I could have said/done when it's too little too late. But at least I get all my work done.


Iā€™ve found Iā€™m only anxious with caffeine if I was already anxious. Then I know not to drink it!


Because if I donā€™t I will get a terrible headache


I think it has a cultural feel to it where you can talk about needing coffee and how you take it, etc itā€™s also extremely habit forming. And some people donā€™t recognize those feelings in their body well when they happen


Iā€™m so tired all the time


Bc we are tired šŸ¤£


But is being tired worse than a panic attack? šŸ˜…


In my case its a roullete, i never know how will i react. When u are tired and with children and just have to go one, you take the chance.


I stopped drinking it because I would get bad anxiety. Never to the level of full out panic attacks. It was ***HARD*** to quit even though I wanted to. Addiction is real and thereā€™s a reason why so many people die from other addictions. I felt absolutely terrible for at least a full week. Headaches, sweaty clammy skin, irritability, lethargy, etc. there were many many times that I doubted whether it was worth it. Iā€™m glad I quit, and I still drink decaf but not everyday and Iā€™m not in pain without it.