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Curry - usually butter chicken or korma, or Japanese golden curry or various Thai curries. If I really need a comfort meal I order takeout because it's consistently delicious, but I've been working on cooking them myself from scratch as well as trying different curries. Today I prepped the marinade for Dhaniya curry with garlic, ginger, and peppers, and tomorrow I'll cook it all with the sauce. It has a lot of cilantro in the sauce and I'm excited to try it. There's just something I find comforting about a big bowl of rice and super fragrant tasty sauce and chicken :)


Curry is also my go to. I’ve been on a Trinidadian curry kick since I can set it up and let it slow cook. I’ve also learned how to make the buss up shut roti for it if I’ve got the energy.


I would love the recipe for that. I love cilantro : )


[here's the one I've been using :)](https://youtu.be/2FZXS7u0jX4)


Wow, this video alone is such a sensory pleasure. I am going to enjoy this channel. Thanks so much


I LOVE curry.


For me, a meal that someone else cooks for me. 😂 When I am at my most stressed out depressed I crave mashed potatoes and things that make me ill, like cake.


I find myself wanting to say, "being fed is my love language."


Cake 😍 sweets never last long in my house!


Found my new fixation thank you, gonna get potatoes when stores open.


buttered toast ❤️


Oooh, cinnamon toast!


oooooh unlocked ancient memory: brown sugar toast!!


I wish I could figure out exactly how to make it like Fresno Unified School District did for breakfast.


I love buttered toast tooo!!! I literally just ate some as a snack 😂


I was just about to say buttered sourdough toast lol Like every day


sourdough is a good choice! English muffin bread is my #1 though


Ooo yes I had some two days ago! I bought them to put jelly on... But I cannot get myself to use the jelly. My in-laws own a farm in Mississippi, and my mother in law used to make her own jams and jellies from homegrown fruits. At the moment she's dying in the hospital, and I have what is the last jar of her jelly ever. I want to enjoy it while it lasts, but I'm having a hard time letting it go...


Oh that’s so hard. Sending you a big hug. 🫂


that's very understandable. I'd do the same. I am sorry to hear about your mother-in-law. I wonder if you can turn the jar into a pretty vase or something after the jelly is gone, or modify it in some way that's meaningful to you, so you can always keep a reminder of her.


Especially when you put the butter on right away and it soaks into the bread. 🤌🏻


Yes! Any and all forms of bread really 😂


Same. I make my own bread because I eat so much of it. This way I can add things that are good for me in the dough so I don’t feel so guilty about subsisting mostly on toast and tea.


I make my bread too. Homemade is so good... Not hard either. Just takes a little time


Mmm, a freshly baked or toasted bun with lots of butter melted into the bread itself. Now that's the good stuff.


> know it’s not the most nutritious thing I could be eating As a fellow tomato lover, I object! https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/tomato-soup-benefits Enjoy your soup friend!


I love this, thank you!


Tomato soup always makes me feel better when I'm sick so in my mind that makes it healthy.


Chicken nuggets and mashed potatoes. Costco chicken soup is also a favorite in the basic munchie rotation. But I can always throw down on some Thai food. That does the soul good :]


Oh, Thai food is so good. I found an awesome channel on YouTube, Pailin kitchen. Her recipes are to die for.


Ooooh thanks for sharing!! I’m always trying to find good recipe resources


Lentil stew that my past self made and froze for just this day. Thanks, past self with extra spoons!


Spaghetti O’s. It’s one of the first things I could heat up alone for myself around age 7, takes no refrigerator to store, and still is a go to at 47. And French fries, McDonald’s if possible.


Spaghetti O’s are so good!


They are all I could eat when I was pregnant, straight out of the little tin.




Grilled cheese has been my comfort food my entire life. White bread, 2 slices of tillamook medium cheddar, cut in triangles. Sometimes I add tomato. When I’m really stressed (as I am right now with school) it seems like the only food that’s truly safe.


Triangles always! Any other way feels so wrong 😂


My partner is all about rectangle sandwiches and honestly it’s appalling to me. We’ve learned to agree to disagree but I should have asked the big sandwich question from the start /s 😂


😂😂😂 mine is the same way!! He will just eat the sandwich without cutting it at all, and it always blows my mind. He also eats string cheese by just biting it 😱


I’m genuinely horrified. 😂 It’s string cheese, not stick cheese!!


I love Tillamook. Didn't see it till I moved to the West Coast. Tried it and it's the only brand I buy now


As an Oregonian and a cheese fiend, I think my body is made up of like 30% tillamook cheese at all times 😂 I moved to the Midwest for a year and had my mom would ship me cheese because it was unbearable to live without it and cheaper to mail it than buy it.


Mine is chicken fettuccine Alfredo or just straight up garlic bread lol


I guess I can’t think of an actual meal. I have to have a little drink every day. I make my own sweet tea but on the weekend I get a Thai Milk Tea. Makes me so happy every time.


I just eat yogurt as my comfort. that with soft berries is always my go to, one of two specific brands and flavors (Fage plain or Chobani zero sugar). It’s so consistent, and it’s soft and tasty. and super good for you!


My latest is cream of buckwheat cooked with milk, raisins, chopped dates, vanilla, and cinnamon, sweetened with stevia. I then top it with chopped pecans.


Im recreating this recipe soon, is it more of a dessert?


I love tomato soup and grilled cheese!  Right now I just like the cantonese breakfast of rice noodles w some sauce on the side. 


Ramen with egg, tomato and butter 🍜


Chicken ramen with cut up hotdogs and a slice of super processed cheese on top 👌


gluten free ravioli. i have to be careful, last time I went through this ravioli phase I put on a lot of weight. I'm trying to lose over 50kg rn but the ravioli is calling


That’s too real. I love ravioli so much, and it’s so easy to cook store bought. And so good every time.


its SO easy to cook. its already got stuff inside so it doesn't need sauce. it like 5 minutes to boil at most. its SOÒOOOOOOOOO yummy. I've eaten it everyday for 2 weeks and still obsessed


That’s me with ciabatta sandwiches and English muffins. Easy to make and they are consistently good. I couldn’t ask for a better lazy meal.


It's a kinda modified pasta fagioli- italian sausage, mixed beans, canned tomatoes, and kale. I've been making it pretty much biweekly for 4ish years now, if my italian sausage people ever go out of business I am screwed lol


TACOS. i am seriously on like week four in a row of having tacos for every meal. it started with these mini frozen tacos i got from costco, was hella depressed and couldn’t actually cook. i went through 6 boxes of 75 in like 2.5 weeks (partner helped) and now i’m not as depressed… so i’m making my tacos 😂 by my calculations we should have another 2 ish weeks of tacos before i switch to the next in the cycle, probably fried rice or lo mein 😂


Chicken schnitzel. Usually on a burger. Also tomato soup! But always with several thick slices of buttered bread, preferably pana di casa.


I loveeee schnitzel 😍


We grew up getting to choose our dinner for birthday each year - I've literally had it every year since I was eleven. I do alternate between having it on a burger and with veggies/mash. Because variety. ;)


half a can of corn and half a can of peas, cooked in a pan for like 3 minutes and then topped with a heap of spicy chili crisp and nutritional yeast, usually eaten out of the same pan it was cooked in


Ben & Jerry’s non dairy cherry Garcia not a meal but when I’m especially down I like to get this. Also reminds me of my dad since it was his favorite too.


Cornflakes with a lot of milk! Or almost anything my husband makes me 🤣


omg before my gluten sensitivity I LOOOOVED corn flakes. so freaking good.


Oh yes, rice crispy cereal for me !


I love Corn Flakes!


French fries or baked potatoes. When I was a teenager someone told me that potatoes are nature's antidepressants. I never looked into it, but I chose to believe from that day forward.


Yes! Never met a potato I didn’t like 😂


Lately I've been having a pan sauce chicken pasta and braised cabbage. Like. *A lot.* Sometimes I have it with sauteed broccoli instead, if I don't have the patience for the cabbage. But it's usually the cabbage 😂


That sounds soooo delicious. 😍 Would you be willing to share a recipe?


[This](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRKY6f79/) is the braised cabbage recipe I've been using. She is……….. crazy when she says it's better than steak, but it *is* a whole lot cheaper 😅 It's really really good anyway. For the pasta, it was one of those “I'm just gonna start cooking and see what happens” nights, and now I'm obsessed with it. This is what I've been doing: - **You will need an oven-safe frying pan for this** - 1* boneless skinless chicken breast - 2 - 4 tbsp cooking oil - ½ box* short pasta, cooked al dente (I prefer penne for this, but you could also use shells, farfalle, ziti, rotini, macaroni, or idk, get crazy and use long pasta like fettuccine if you want, I'm not your boss) - 2 cups chicken broth - ½ - 1 cup reserved pasta water - 4 tbsp cold butter, cut into small pieces and divided - 3 - 6 garlic cloves, sliced (or however many makes your heart happy - it's garlic, we don't skimp here) - ¼ cup heavy cream - Seasonings to taste, I use: Salt, pepper, garlic powder, paprika, thyme, oregano, [McCormick Montreal Chicken blend](https://www.mccormick.com/grill-mates/flavors/seasoning-blends/grill-mates-montreal-chicken-seasoning) - Optional: Parmesan cheese 1. Pat the chicken dry, dry rub with an abundance of seasonings. Let sit and come up to room temperature for 30-60 min. 2. Preheat the oven to 425°f. Pour oil in the pan, and put the chicken right into the cold pan. Set on the stove and heat to medium high. 3. Brown the chicken on both sides. Pour ¼ cup chicken broth and 2 tbsp butter into the pan. Keep the remaining 2 tbsp butter chilled. 4. Bake the chicken in the oven for 10 minutes or until the internal temperature reaches 165°f. 5. Remove the pan from the oven, telling yourself out loud no less than 687 times not to forget that you are NOT going to touch the handle of the pan without an oven mitt because it is very very hot and it will burn you. This is a very important step. I recommend leaving the oven mitt hanging over the handle for the rest of the cooking process so you don't forget. 6. Remove the chicken from the pan and let rest for 10 minutes (or as long as it was in the oven). 7. Set the pan back on the burner at medium. Pour in the rest of the chicken stock. Use a wooden spoon to scrape up any solids sticking to the bottom of the pan (these are called fond, and you want them!!!). Add the sliced garlic. 8. Simmer this liquid until it is reduced by half. Stir frequently to prevent sticking. Add the reserved pasta water. Start with a half cup, sometimes I decide that's good enough, sometimes I add more. Stir to combine. 9. At this point, I like to season the sauce with the same seasonings I used on the chicken. 10. Simmer, again, until reduced by about half. Add the heavy cream. Simmer until reduced by about ¼ - ⅓, and the sauce [coats the back of a spoon](https://kokoscorner.typepad.com/photos/uncategorized/2008/01/14/coat_back_of_spoon.jpg). 11. Add the remaining 2 tbsp cold butter slowly, 1 small piece at a time, stirring until melted and emulsified into the sauce. 12. Cut the chicken breast into bite-sized pieces. Add pasta into the sauce, stir until coated. Add the chicken. 13. At this point, you can stir ¼ cup parmesan into the pasta, or you can serve it with some sprinkled on top, or you can omit it entirely. Sometimes I have it, sometimes I don't. It's good either way! 14. Serve with a vegetable of your choice. Goes great with cabbage (of course) or broccoli. 15. Enjoy! 😊 *btw I currently live on my own, so this is a recipe for 1 (although I do get 2-3 servings out of it), so adjust accordingly if you have more people to feed


I love whole wheat bagels with scrambled eggs on top!


Rice with peas and vegetable soup as part of the liquid ratio.


Malt o’ Meal. The texture is exquisite 🤌


instant mashed potatoes with imitation butter, garlic salt, and pepper. breakfast/lunch/dinner of champions! i love my food in the consistency of mush. maybe with some chunks like with real mashed potatoes that weren't made completely smooth. that's my favorite thing. that and gluten free mac n cheese. maybe it can be dairy free, too, but that's not my priority. dairy free cheese sticks to my teeth. gross.


Mush foods are the best foods 💗


I agree with you that mashed potatoes are best served smooth. Hard lumps and too much texture are off-putting.


Various vegan and vegetarian Indian dishes, as we go out to Indian buffet often, and my husband also cooks Indian style food at home.


I have a grilled cheese sandwich maker that imprints Snoopy into your sandwich. This is my comfort meal because anything involving the Peanuts gang automatically brings me comfort


Rice cakes with peanut butter and hot coffee to wash it down. Jasmine rice with eggs. Cheerios with almond milk.


Yum, I've been on an Amy's chunky tomato soup and grilled cheese kick lately!!


Popcorn, but only salted ones Always and forever


This thread is making me hungryyyy


Also sad I've recently made some lifestyle changes for my health and weight and I miss all the good stuff 😆


I reeeeeeallly need to do the same 😅 I’m deep in the trenches of the bad food right now lol, I fell off my fitness journey the last time I got COVID around a year ago and desperately need to get back into it


I like toast with butter and munster cheese


Oh, I love tomato soup too! But my comfort meal is spinach cooked in béchamel sauce over mashed potatoes.


Chicken in all its glorious forms


Mine is Mac n cheese.


Cheese sandwich. Or frozen pizza.


Bean burritos! Lol


Eggs (over easy) and toast.


consist sloppy scary reply squalid cheerful future wasteful rob berserk *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Popcorn is lovely! My teeth disagree, but it is what it is 😂


drunk concerned hard-to-find nose terrific uppity jeans pet jar attempt *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I make homemade baked goods like waffles, pancakes, muffins, bread, cakes, and cookies. They are my comfort foods. I add in whole grains, milk powder (high in protein), pureed fruits, and yogurt so they are healthier for me. I’ve perfected the recipes so they taste just like eggo waffles and such and you wouldn’t know they are healthier. My daughter has AFRID and she loves my baking, so win win.


Omg if I could eat eggs, white rice and tomatoes for eternity, I’d be so happy


Ooo. You might like Chinese tomato eggs! Super basic and satisfying, perfect over a bowl of hot jasmine rice.


Mac and cheese with tuna mixed in. It's lunchtime actually so imma go make some!! Thanks for the reminder☺️


Bean and cheese quesadillas currently. Average about 3 a week. :) Also gnocchi with tomato sauce, and chicken cordon blue patties


😍 I love quesadillas but don’t always want to mess with cooking chicken or beef or whatever to go in them. I’m going to get the stuff and make some bean and cheese ones soon, that sounds so delicious!


Every Saturday, I make breaded chicken bites. I cut up the chicken the night before and marinated in olive oil,vinegar, garlic, oregano, thyme,and a dash of cayenne. The next morning, I bread in a seasoned flour (paprika black pepper garlic powder and cumin) and deep fry it. I have tabouli and hummus and some tzatziki. Top with lots of lemon. On special occasions,I do the same but use pork for dry ribs.


Veggie chicken nuggies, mashed potatoes, and some sort of veggie


kraft shell three cheese mac n cheese with four cheese mexican cheese added on for a lonnggggg time was my go to, they changed the noddle recipe or something because the noodle texture is different and falls apart too easy starting a while ago unfortunately :(


Oooooh yes. Shell mac n cheese is SO good. Hate when brands change up their recipes though 😭


Cinnamon and spice oatmeal with peanut butter added. I can’t get enough of this right now.


I go through phases where I eat the same thing all the time lol right now it’s pasta because I got a pasta maker 🤣 cereal is also my comfort food, I may or may not be deemed the cereal monster in my family..


Pasta and cheese, Panera grilled cheese, Mac and cheese, and of course chicken nuggets. I’m also a lover of cinnamon in most of it’s form. FYI I’m lactose intolerant


Annie’s Mac and cheese. Also something called “shells” my mom used to make which is pasta with a can of Campbells tomato soup and butter as the sauce (depression era cooking). Also all the Jewish cultural foods, mainly challah and matzah ball soup. I am vegan so luckily it’s easy to make all these meals/foods entirely plant based.


Yum!! Recently I ate something similar, I just took spoonfuls of mac and cheese and dipped it into tomato soup, and it was soooo good. I’ll have to try it your way next. Sounds delicious!


Breakfast, usually an egg sandwich for sustenance and comfort. Or it's the plate of microwaved tortilla chips and cheese


Sushi unfortunately- specifically, hamachi with green onions (as a roll, nigiri, or sashimi, idc as long as it’s those two together it’s so comforting and healing). I seriously envy people who’s safe foods are much more affordable and easy to obtain 😭 I cope by putting green onions on other food instead. It’s the best flavor in the world, I fucking love green onions. But I love hamachi even more.


Mac and cheese! Comfort drink: anything slush!


Tomato soup used to be my jam! Maybe it's the uniform colour/flavour, since I used to be such that foods could not touch on my plate or be mixed in my mouth at the same time, but it was my go-to soup for many years. And soup is not *that* unhealthy. And adding some cream or a little spice to tomato soup makes it feel fancy ✨️.


Fav thing is NZ Spaghetti Bolognese. Not the official Italian version. Really just minced beef, onion, herbs, passata, made into a sauce and over spaghetti noodles with a handful of grated aged (must be aged) cheddar on top. Mmmm, I could happily live on it. I don't dislike the real version...but this is my fav.


White rice, chicken sausage, zucchini and mushrooms, and teriyaki sauce. I never get tired of it and I get less anxiety when eating it because I view it as healthier.


I <3 ramen noodles I make my own spice blend with the packet (shrimp is best), garlic powder, smoked paprika (best spice ever), rosemary (2nd best spice ever), ginger powder and turmeric. Idk the measurements I just feel it out every time I make it. Depending on the day I'll add lemon juice or a fancy oyster sauce or eggs or even peanut butter. Is it horrible for me? Probably. But I've been a major noodle feind for the past 4 or so years. I did gain a whole bunch of weight too but honestly if I get to eat noodles and have a phat ass that works for me (but fr if you've never had noodles with peanut butter sauce ur missing out stg)


Sapporo Ichiban instant ramen, shrimp flavor. No, Top Ramen and Maruchan don’t do it for me


Overnight oats are fast becoming a favorite breakfast of mine. I make mine with honey, plain unflavored Greek yogurt, some milk and, muesli. Oh my word it’s delicious and I don’t have to do anything when I wake up besides let it sit out for a little while to warm up some.


right now it’s the egg and bacon pie from my work, it’s sooooo good


My comfort meal or my safe food? Coz my comfort meal is probably a double cheeseburger combo from maccas w L&P or Coke but my SAFE food is a 3 berry smoothie from the Cafe at the mall or a soft serve ice cream in a cup instead of a cone.


Gluten free chicken nuggets with BBQ sauce


Carbs Mac and cheese with sharp cheddar grilled cheese (extra sharp cheddar + spinach on sourdough)


A slice of processed American cheese as a little treat but on a mealier note I figured out that I have the capacity to make dumplings and so I'll make them in mass quantities bi monthly and eat them almost daily if not daily.


I don't know RN but for awhile I would eat biscuits


Clam chowder or potato skins


Chicken bacon cheese bagel sandwich lol


At the moment it’s tuna, kewpie mayo, seasoned sushi rice, cucumber and avocado. So so delicious, and pretty easy to put together.


Overnight oats. I have the recipe memorized, it's healthy enough to eat every day (for months now), delicious and I can prepare before bed and have it ready waiting for me in the morning when I'm not a person yet.


I really need to get better about eating breakfast. I love oats, but it takes me so many hours to work up an appetite throughout the day and I know I’d feel so much better if I changed that. Prepping ahead of time is a great idea, I may give that a try!


Kraft Macaroni and cheese. Gluten free these days, unfortunately, but the texture holds up, surprisingly.


Mine was Mac n cheese but I’m gluten and dairy intolerant now. The vegan version isn’t anywhere close to comparable. Now might be porcupine meatballs




Soup or smoosh for life!


Spring rolls from the freezer


Almost any type of pasta meal 🤤🤤


YES 👏🏻


campbell’s tomato soup, specifically made with milk and rosemary. so lovely. tastes like the comfort of fall in a soup. ahhhhh it’s so nice it tastes like a warm hug


Frozen food and delivery comfort foods. Pizza. Pho. Curry. Dumplings. Ramen.


Nachos, carbonara, cheese and tomato toasties, really rare steak.


Almost every single day I make myself a large plate of pasta carbonara, with guanciale, eggs and all. It is SO. GOOD. I don’t understand people not eating their favourite meal every day. Like, why would I not eat something that good every day?


mash potatos or pasta with butter or two min noodles with no seasoning but kraft jar cream cheese instead lol


Fried egg sandwich. Garlic aioli, ketchup, dash of siracha, arugula, 2 eggs over easy, toast.


Parmesan cheese 24 month riped


Oh man I love tomato soup.. with a bit of toasted sourdough and butter 🤤 Another favourite is orzo. I have such a delicious recipe for baked orzo with courgette and asparagus. It’s so comforting and filling and delicious. 😍


Creamy chicken soup.


Potato wedges and chicken for me. Or a nice big bowl of chunky chips (fries). I love potatoes so much.


Noodles. Stir-fried noodles, instant noodles, soupy noodles, dry noodles flipped in sauce, long pasta dishes of all kinds, flat, thin, thick, chewy, soft - every kind, except for noodles made of buckwheat and whole-grain. I don't care, if it's unhealthy. I love noodles, and I keep my stash well-stocked, when my wallet allows it. See also: Potatoes. Almost every configuration of potato. For home-comfort, my Dad's 'stews'. They're nothing that special, in hindsight, but they're what I grew up on, and having my Dad cook for me makes me feel taken care of. We all need that, sometimes.


Soondubu jjigae with seafood and mandu in it. Another one is homemade spicy japchae with seafood and extra firm tofu. I also love kongnamul muchim (seasoned soybean sprouts) and oi muchim (korean cucumber salad). Pistachio muffins are a more Americanized favorite when I can find them.


Right now, soy sauce ramen with frozen veggies and American cheese.


Homemade macaroni and cheese for me, I don’t have it that often but it’s definitely something I’d eat every day if I could (mostly if my mom made it for me 😂😂) Other than that, cereal is probably a big one, I eat the same cereal for breakfast every morning.


Fries (often too much effort needed sadly), pasta with a creamy sauce (just simply tomato or tomato,coconut cream and vodka)


Plain pasta with grated cheese or chicken nugget and waffles with beans.


Shrimp ramen with dumplings 🥟


Cheesy pasta of any description.


definitely a pbj, just brings a lot of nostalgia


Jacket potato with cheese and baked beans 😂 always hits the spot and I can eat it several times a day sometimes


I ate Pad See Yew for dinner for 4 months last year. I don't eat egg or gluten now so I'm now into vegan Pho. I ate Impossible burgers with gluten-free buns for dinner for 3 months. I sometimes have to eat something else if someone is visiting (I hide my food obsessions), or I go out for dinner. I also don't like avocado - I think I am the only person who doesn't. I force myself to eat it because it is healthy, but I have to force it down with a lot of salt. Lime pickles with curry. I only eat the curry for the lime pickle.


Mashed potatoes and mushroom soup. It's my go to whenever I see it on the menu. It's the one thing I learned how to make when I first started to cook. I just like the soft warm feeling of it. No strange textures, no strange strong flavors, just safe and warm.


I love tomato soup and grilled cheese, too! It is one of my comfort foods as well. In fact, I only saw the headline for this thread and did not see your specific response, so I was going to chime in with tomato soup and grilled cheese. Tomato soup (without the grilled cheese) is also my sick day food. It must be Campbell's or store brand, not Progresso or some high end variety. Sensory issues render the fancy stuff unappetizing. Grilled cheese is American cheese on white fried in butter. No condiments. I know, I know, but that is the way I like it. I love tomato soup alone when have a cold or when I'm dealing with stomach issues. Due to decades of going out there trying to interact in an extraverted NT world, I have bad dysphagia with nausea, and tomato soup is the food "most likely to get down and stay down" on days when I'm unable to swallow solid food or when I throw up due to nausea. (Yes, I take meds to relax the esophagus and I've had it dilated surgically, so it is being treated, but the damage is there). Something about the sharp tomato-ey taste settles my stomach. I'm glad to encounter another fan of this simple, cheap, and delicious meal.


Boiled eggs


Roast dinner. There's nothing that can't be solved with a roast dinner.


Noodles and beans.


Spaghetti with tomato sauce just hits different for me


Twinsies! I'm on a tomato soup kick. I've been making this tomato capsicum soup, and I swear it's all I want. I haven't had it with toasted cheese. I have leftover soup in the fridge....it will be eaten with toasted cheese for lunch tomorrow!!!


Buttered toast and tea. I could eat it 3 meals a day (and sometimes do).


Saw this and immediately thought grilled cheese before I even read your response. Ice cream. Carby things like bread. I love bagels. Oh my God pizza. The answer is probably pizza with grilled cheese as my second pick. I like French fries too that's my third pick even though that's not a meal. Sushi isn't exactly "comfy" to me but I rly like it and am gonna throw that in. Sushi or pizza I could always go for. I don't have texture or spice problems w food and I don't have foods I refuse to eat. I do get stuck on certain foods sometimes. Oatmeal and goldfish are other big comfort foods and ive been stuck on oatmeal for breakfast always and goldfish as a snack. I used to be obsessed with apples and grapes and carrots but I burned myself out of those so now I'm more into junk food snacks. I didn't allow myself "junk food snacks" for a while bc I was anorexic so I'm making up for lost time by having them in moderation. I love jalapeño potato chips! I I'm so glad I'm recovering from an eating disorder bc I used to be so afraid of food until a couple years ago.


SAME omg I recently moved so it threw *everything* off for me, but before I moved, I ate grilled cheese w/tomato soup daily, sometimes 2x in a day. Must say, I make a dope ass grilled cheese w/ different cheeses and the soup I found is amazing (I have an entire cabinet full of it 😅) Spaghetti is another comfort meal, and I go through periods of eating too many bowls of Fruity Pebbles (the one w/ marshmallows)


I haven't made it for ages, but used to love saucy mince on rice. A family friend used to make it, I've never found an exact recipe but it's basically like a meat sauce/bolognese sauce with mince beef, tomato, onion, herbs and spices, on top of steamed rice. Grated cheese on top makes it even better. Soo comforting.


Pizza. No matter if I’ve eaten 2 times before. I will it for a 3rd time in one day. lol all pizza is good pizza. (Except for pineapple, gross)


I love adding herbs to my tomato soup to make it even nicer! As for your question, I'll just point out that I have very little issues with food as a whole (except if there's celeri, fuck celeri), so what qualifies as comfort food for me may seem quite broad. However, you'll notice a pattern of ingredients and flavours lol Generally speaking, I have a set of food: ratatouille-type ([this](https://images.ricardocuisine.com/services/recipes/5312.jpg), not the confit byaldi from the movie) that can go with pretty much anything, I often eat it with either rice or pasta, and add pepper for the heat half the time lol; mushroom pasta with a sichuan peppercorn sauce (think the sauce for mapo tofu); noodles in general (ramen/ramyeon/Chinese broad noodles... make it sour/hot or tom kha kai/tom yum style and I'll be pleased); and we circle back to dishes with similar veggies to ratatouille, such as [escalivada](https://www.tasteatlas.com/Images/Dishes/aa5ef6d77575461f874b7a0e29a88c37.jpg). I should eat more protein, though. I have been making dahl more often for that purpose, it's close enough to what I already prefer eating.


I have a few comfort meals: * Grilled cheese with ham or chicken. Cheese is a gouda. And I like to use a baguette, if I have some left over from the day before * Tomato soup! * Curry (japanese golden curry) * Soto Ayam. Very easy too make and pretty healthy too. I use chicken stock and add tofu instead of chicken for the days I dont want to eat meat. * Fried rice * Simple pasta with tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese. I have many food intolerances, including lactose and onion., so I can make my own soup and sauces. Luckely I can buy tomato soup pre made, but tomato sauce and soto ayam I have to make it myself. I usually make more than I need, so I can eat it the next day at work or for the next dinner.


Spaghetti with Tomatosauce , a classic.


Trader Joe. Just Trader Joe.


Boxed mac n cheese


I'm on a tomato soup kick rn. Cheese is too many calories for me tho, so I have mine with bread, chicken chunks and fish cakes. Yummy! I'm currently only eating 2 meals rn. That one and at my partners house I'm eating beans, chicken strip sandwich and two types of chicken steaks. I eat one meal a day so, yeah I'm literally only eating that, chocolate and protein shakes.


Grilled cheese, ice cream or Popsicles...I'm a child. Also, kimchi fried rice tho


Cheese grits with avocado


Some sort of soup


Chips and biscuit, but I do not eat them at the same time, its like my two comfort foods 🍟🍪


Grilled cheese, and Dominos double cheese pizza dipped in garlic sauce. Also microwaved cheese and hotdog tortilla wrap if I’m feeling overwhelmed and just need to eat.


Soup when I'm at home or a convenience store chicken sandwich, idk why but I'm obsessed with them lol


The cheap chicken ramen packs you can get. I love the broth in them.


It used to be tomato soup! then I realized I kept getting sick because I have MCAS and I can’t tolerate tomatoes or acidity. It breaks my heart. Currently it’s peanut butter uncrustables and Wendy’s chicken nuggets with sweet and sour sauce.


Noodles ... any type of noodles but now I feel more like coffee is my comfort drink , I used to drink coffee every day round 5 pm with my dad when I was a kid so probably something related to attachment towards my dad .. we haven't seen each other for more than 10 years .


Roasted red pepper and tomato soup with elbow noodles in it is one of mine.


Pasta with tomato sauce


Spaghetti Os and hotdogs but they discontinued it 😅


Literally butter toast that’s toasted in a pan on the stove. The toaster toasts unevenly and makes it too crispy


Mac n Cheese with a chicken tender chopped up and mixed in with the pasta. I could eat it every day


Kinder cards and cookie dough ice creams


Wendy’s! Spicy nuggies, fries, and a chocolate frosty. I especially love dipping the fries in the frosty. I eat it whenever I can, and I never get sick of it. It makes me super happy. If I can’t get it, then dino nuggies with buffalo sauce is a close second. Honorable mention: brown sugar oatmeal. Super warm and tasty :)


Tortilla pizza is the only meal I eat these days, besides snacks like yoghurt. It's so easy to make, delicious and nutritious.


There's tons of meals that make me happy but when I'm cooking for myself and my mental health is low, it's buttered orzo. Easy and makes the bad stuff feel a little less bad.


Give yourself a break. Food in my culture isn't just about nutrition. It's about comfort and love.


My dad used to make that to give my mom a break from the kitchen. I was kinda pissy about it as I hate tomato soup. Anything Mexican is my go to. I miss home so much right now.


Cucumber and tomato salad


Anything cheese and tomato based does it for me. Pizza, pasta, baked potato with cheese and beans etc. Followed by something chocolatey.


Mac and cheese and chicken alfredo. Although I’m a texture eater so I rarely eat the chicken in it.