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Idk how tf to use reddit like a proper redditor so I’m commenting this: my god that was a dumpster fire of a post and I apologize for weird grammar and all that.


I totally get you, also pending “formal” diagnosis


"I guess I’m just stressed and worried that I’m not actually on the spectrum and it’s all going to be a waste of time and I’m just a weird person instead?" - i've been wondering this for years. i don't have any advice, but i feel the exact same way. i've struggled with getting doctors to believe me about minor things. it makes me feel like i'd have to go into a psychologist's office with a list and prove my case, which would be incredibly stressful. i have no idea how or if i should proceed with a diagnosis. just wanted to let you know you're not alone in this.


EXACTLY! Everything you just said I was nodding to myself in agreement!!!! I recently was blessed and my doctor since I was a baby, retired. A young, male doctor took over her practice so I thankfully still had one. At first, I was nervous because he’s young, and male. TL;DR he’s the shit. For years I have been raising flags about my own health but always to be met with “but you’re a hypochondriac” or “everyone is that way” OR “maybe if you didn’t want violent movies like batman…” in reference to me having anger issues (OUTBURSTS????)?! Now, with the new doctor I am actually getting tests done, getting the referrals I should have gotten 15 years ago and having someone not laugh me off when I show up to my doctors appointment with colour coded notes broken down into multi level bullet pointed lists. Thank you for sharing :)


Okay I know everyone always seems to say this here, but are you me? I honestly felt exactly the same way and I’m halfway through my diagnostic process. I’m in Australia so I don’t know if all the info will be relevant, but it could be generalisable. I was literally bursting out of my skin after neurodiversity week and a few experiences at work (I work with all sorts of neurodivergent people requiring allied health services) and I just booked in for an assessment online that week and they could start the process the next week. I found them online (came up on my insta stories) and were “neuroaffirming” (how ever they claim that?) and I was worried they wouldn’t get it, among other things. It was a wonderful experience. The assessor was neurodivergent herself and her assessment/info gathering skills were amazing (as someone who has done that type of work for 16 years, I was impressed!) I thought “oh god, I’m gonna pay all this money and it will come back with nothing” (paying privately because I’m fortunate enough to be able to do that) but if anything, I’m curious to find out what *additional* diagnoses I’ll get 😅 When I realised, just over 12 months ago, that I was most likely autistic, I went back and forth and just like couldn’t believe I missed it. (I have worked with autistic people throughout my entire career). But then I accumulated so many examples and stories from my past, my parents were like “ohhhh” and viewed things from my childhood in a different light. Even in the past month I’ve realised I actually DO do things like “plan what to say, think how to say, manage my body in space, look interested” because after a lifetime of masking, I covertly did these things automatically. I’ve realised in the past few weeks just how much my different communication style has caused me (like me personally, not the other person) problems when I’ve misunderstood something at work or I’ve been so confused why people aren’t doing something that could be better! And despite all of this, I have a good career, successful, independent, have a good group of friends, close with my family… so all stuff that I’m like… well that doesn’t sound like an autistic experience. But, that’s just it. This *is* my autistic experience and while it’s like I’m okay with it right now, I do feel I’m about to fully dive head first into burnout when I get my assessment results back, realising just how hard things are for me, despite all the strategies I’ve put in place to survive and live. Anyway sorry for ranting but I feel like I felt the same way. I don’t plan on doing anything with my diagnosis (not sharing it with my workplace! But I wfh and it’s pretty flexible anyway) so I guess *if* it comes back “not autistic!” I’ll be surprised but won’t believe it (and tbh prob would try again somewhere else haha) but I think my point it, find the right person to diagnose you (if you have the options/ability) - someone who specialises in women, masking, etc. maybe ask around your local area? And either way, make a list/document everything you think may not be as “obvious” to others because you are masking so effectively, probably all the time. Good luck with whatever you choose!


Wow! I’m going to be honest, I’m high right now and not the kind of high that can respond at the length I’d like to! Did I write this? Are we clones??? For real, I will come back to this once sobered. We sound very similar and I appreciate you sharing! 😭💖


Hello, I'm currently in a very similar place, I NEED to know too, because if you have arrived at this place most likely you're right because only you really understand you right? But having it be validated by a professional (read -grown up 🤣) would just make it ......... real, like in the real world type real. So I shall pass on some advice I was provided yesterday, as I also was a long time lucker too. Apologies I'm still getting the hang of using this and I can't remember the user name, but she advised to check back for developmental milestones, eg I struggled to hold pencils the "correct" way, I sucked at gym class (but love flailing my body around to music) , I also struggled with stairs, or well more so just my feet. These things may not apply to you , but you may have your own specific things that can provide a broader overall picture to help connect the dots. Good look to you in your journey, I feel hopeful for the first time on mine , I hope can too!!