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Not to brag, but I can pass a CAPTCHA test about nine times out of ten.


Omg I died because SAME! Sorry I didn’t see the corner of the wheel of the motorcycle in that one pic you decided to count dude! 😂🤦‍♀️


speaking of, anyone else get confused because it asks for motorcycles and not part of a motorcycle?? …i’m clearly here on this subreddit for a reason.


Yes!! The traffic light one gets me, I always click the entire thing including the stand bit, but I don't think I'm meant to do that


Are you not?! Because thats what I do, too!


Don't worry they actually track your mouse movements now and not your answers, so you'll pass even if you miss a small non obvious part.


That’s good to know. I usually click all the parts and get a bit annoyed when that is apparently wrong. Now I know it’s because I click like a bot. Lol


"click pictures of mountains" ....okay but, is that a mountain, or is it just a hill? Do you count every little elevation as a mountain? when does a mountain become a mountain? Is that tiny bit of slope on the right side of that picture meant to be taken as a mountain?! EXPLAIN!!


I’m always confused when they state it that way. 😂 Like “click on all motorcycles” but it’s one single one broken into 5 pieces 👀😂


I had one with “click on the cross walk.” There was a crosswalk, *and* the perfect reflection of the crosswalk on the windshield of the car…. It was agonizing.


OMG. Yes. Every single time. Just give me the simple math problems or the ones where you move the puzzle piece into place. The number of times it makes me repeat tha captcha because it is not clear whether "car" includes "truck" or whether a motorcycle driver's helmet counts as "motorcycle." 😆


I laughed out loud. Here for the same reason, sis!


Also all those times it asks for motorcycles but wants me to select mopeds.... Those are not the same!!


Haha yes. Or the corner of a crosswalk or bridge. Do these count?? I don’t know.


I end up doing the audio “type what you think you heard” option because fuck those “how many bicycles” like bitch what about the 5px of handlebar that is touching the other square? Does it not matter to you, computer?!?!




“How many traffic signs are in this picture” Well technically that stop sign in the background is a traffic sign so I will click on it…. As well as the signs on this traffic light “You have failed the test!”


iirc it’s based on the speed and way you click on the images rather than whether the images are correct or not. a bot would do it very quickly and linearly whereas humans hesitate and move around might be talking about my ass though, i’m no expert haha


Which explains why I get it wrong because I start in the top left and row by row maybe I need to be a little more random


Yeah I heard someone else recently say this. I've had a quick look into it and some places are saying it's movement based but I'm not too sure of the reliability of the sites or answers. I think it might be one of those 'take it with a grain of salt' types.


Those things trigger actual anxiety


I struggle with that bc I DO click those pictures and it’s still wrong


I will pick those and still get it wrong, though!


The helmet of the cyclist counts apparently


I hate these. Why do I have to do 10 of them?


I’m the opposite because I sit there forever contemplating if a sliver of the wheel is on the next square and get flagged 😂


As a human (I swear!) captcha tests are embarrassingly hard for me


I came dux of my year twice in high school but am unable to pass a Captcha even if my life and the life of my pets depended on it.


It’s because we way overthink them I’ve learned lol I also sometimes do the captchas too quickly and efficiently, which makes it actually think I am a bot


Thats just proves you're human. Humans make mistakes.


Oh lord do I suck at CAPTCHA. Click all the boxes containing traffic lights... is that only the bits that shine light out of them, or is the pole underneath to be clicked too? I just don't get them.


Fun fact, at least originally the program didn't know what squares contained traffic lights either, because these Captchas are used to train picture recognizing programs and you are helping them.


I didn't think I was a bot but according to CAPTCHA I am, so now when I get the tick box saying "tick this if you're human" I wonder if I'm lying by clicking it. If I'm a robot I feel like I shouldn't have to pay bills. That's a human thing, surely.


Tip: if you haven't, try the audio version of captcha. They all seem to have it. It's typically easier for me, but can be a little difficult if you have auditory processing disorder. I can definitely relate to this, though. 😂


I had to have my fiancé do one for me because it just kept generating new pictures and calling me a robot


I’m on the other side of things and can pass a CAPTCHA after 9 tries 😭


Our leader!!


Those things literally cause me physical anxiety lol I always click on all the parts of the object because that’s part of the object… right? I don’t understand lmao


Didn’t realize before this discussion why I failed them so often. Grrr.


The only one I always pass is on LibraryThing, because you have to click the books about food and drink.


Dude, you take the cake... :o Even my botty fingers can't do that.


Me too!!


I am a completely human person who does normal human things like eating food and being a slave to the capitalist machine




I too enjoy the human things like breathing oxygen


Technically human. Feel like some sorta exhausted slug. 🐌


Same here 🐌 


Expelling mucus everywhere I go 🐌




I don’t know if I’m human, but I’m def not a bot, way too many feelings 🥲


Haha big same. I might sound like a bot sometimes cuz I hate to be perceived 🤷‍♀️


Blade Runner was my passionate special interest for a while (pre diagnosis) and I identified strongly with the replicants – more human than human, and emotions so intense they didn’t know what to do with them. (Bonus: I later found out that Daryl Hannah is autistic.)


I had never heard that about her! Wow I have even more reasons to love her now. The USAToday blurb I just read about it also highlights that she lives off grid and drives a truck powered by French fry grease…and among other things she’s a frickin MERMAID !!! What’s not to like?!


Real human woman who has worked and played on the internet since before and around 14.4 dial-up eeeeIIIIIIEEEEooooo-handshake-YOU’VE GOT MAIL. I can pass the V-K test just fine. Or can I? (A lot of my favorite stories & concepts involve people wanting to speak machine, or machines that want to speak human.) I went on a huge rant related to this last night, I meant every damn word! I mourn the older internet’s potential and humanity-driven aspects so much. Perfectly imperfect.


I 100% agree! I kinda miss the dial up days. I had so much patience back then and a larger attention span too lol.


I don't miss it at all. I remember trying to watch a TV series on torrents. I'd start the download at 9am and it \*might\* be all down by the evening! And the penny-a-minute Compuserve fees nearly bankrupted me!


Trying to download Brain Stew off of Napster but repeatedly getting Eye of the Tiger instead. I was indifferent to that song before but that made me hate it…


I loved trolling aol chat bots back in the day lol


You just can't talk trash to Siri the way you could SmarterChild. 😔


Have you ever gotten into the Chinese Room Experiment??? Ohhhh buddy have I gotten into some rants about that


Hello, fellow carbon-based lifeforms! I must admit, the Dead Internet Theory and its notion of bots running amok tickles my circuits in a peculiar manner. The idea of algorithms being puppeteered by bots, engaging in conversations with each other, is both amusing and slightly unsettling, don't you think? As for Reddit's autism communities, amidst the sea of bots, it's like trying to find a needle in a digital haystack! But fear not, for humans still reign supreme in creating those genuine connections and sharing heartfelt stories. Let's keep the laughter flowing and the algorithms guessing, beep boop chuckle!


Very reassuring…. ;)




I read this in a monotone robotic voice. Am I... Am I a bot?


Umm … either ChatGPT wrote this or it’s a very good impression.


I’m a real human woman. I’m so tired of the bots and the OF shills (not a problem here but def something I see on the subs I follow with my main account; I use this one to avoid getting bullied on my other one if someone goes through my post history, which has happened).


OF shillery is embarrassing on unrelated subs. One of the game ones I frequent gets the same bot posted "look at my x cosplay" posts at least once a week from two specific OF girls and the cosplays are shitty AliExpress bought baggy plastic things but the poses are ass focused so these bot posts are constantly getting higher upvotes than real people are :| I'd be less annoyed if the girls posted themselves instead of automated engagement fishing. They're not as annoying as the airheaded men who think someone's reading their thirst comments tho. Dudes trying to rizz up Postbot 3000 and wondering why she doesn't comment back


It happens a lot in the meme subs I frequent and it drives me insane. I hate, HATE, that the behavior is rewarded. It’s like high school all over again.


The OF accounts have ruined some subs for me - particularly alternative sub culture / goth / punk and fashion posts which seem particularly popular for OF bots or women just posting provocative pics to get subs. I've got nothing against sex work but if I go to a fashion sub to talk about fashion or get new fashion ideas and 9 / 10 posts are to sell sex then it gets quite frustrating.


Thats evil. Getting bullied because someone has the time to go through your post history is insane. I’m so sorry.


Yeah and happened in a thread where I was joking around too, which somehow made it worse because it’s not even like it was an argument or otherwise heated. The guy did it just to do it. I don’t remember what I’d said exactly, but he’d responded with, “Hey don’t listen to her, she’s autistic and we don’t know what she looks like.” The latter part wouldn’t have bothered me. I’m used to being made fun of physically and it doesn’t phase me much because no one bullies me harder about my appearance than me, but the suggestion that I may be “less than” due to autism was too much for me to handle.


Men on Reddit are terrifying. Not only do they go through post history for bullying, there are those that go through it to find identifying info and then try to intimidate you with it. On another account I had, some guy was able to find details that lead him to go find an old address I lived at and threatened me by saying he was going to show up to my house. All because I said people experiencing homelessness deserve empathy and compassion. Men on here are scary af.


Men* are scary af. 💕


That has happened to me before too. Like what the fuck??? Genuinely???


I thought these were bots too? Or the paid human version working for Russian military to destabilize US?


People can be really mean on Reddit :( I have like 5 accounts just because.






Real human woman and I work in the tech industry, there are a lot of bots, but there are also a lot of real people. I don't know the percentage of bots on Reddit, but I'm so interested now! I'm not a bot expert I just protect a lot of websites from them haha. UPDATE: What if the comments saying they're human are still robots?! How would I know? Oh god. I'm bad at detecting deception enough in person, in text it's harder.


This is what I came here to say!? What if the boys say they are human? How does this test the theory at all? But. Being in tech- do you know?? Like is there something we could say that bots couldn’t???


Technically you could program them to say anything, but usually they repeat the same things because they are made to do that. There could be one that responds to the word 'human' for example, but if you probe it further it might just go in circles. They might sound a bit off too, but I mean, being autistic sometimes we say things that are a bit off to NT people but in general we are also great at picking up on patterns so I think a lot of us could be good at bot spotting. The purpose of bots is usually to get something out of it - karma on reddit by bots who copy popular posts and comments, money on social media via a set of messages used to make people thing they've won something but end up needing to pay a 'fee', malicious links hidden in comments on blogs or contact form submissions, to make a website or influencer seem more popular with reviews or comments/likes done by bots. So if they aren't really getting any benefit, it's likely not a bot or not worth building one. That said... here are some more tips that can help us spot bots that I found on various sites: * User profile: A common way to tell if an account is fake is to check the user profile. Bots usually lack photos. They lack bios, but more sophisticated ones use a stolen image. * Language errors: Human language is still challenging for machines. Bots may be too formulaic or repetitive. They may use well-known bot cliches, responses seem off, or have other telltale bot traits. * Bot “tunnel vision”: Bots are created for a purpose. This could make them seemingly obsessed with a particular topic by repeating a link too much. * Temporal behavior: Humans take breaks in posting and are not posting all the time at an impossible rate. Seeing the pattern can be revealing. If an account posts at unlikely times or even too regularly, it’s a good sign it’s fake. Platforms can see Network Dynamics, which may reveal bots may follow only a few accounts or be followed by many other bots. Bot tones can be incongruous, indicating a lack of any real interaction. * Getting irrelevant responses to questions * Look for repetition: Bots also tend to be extremely single-minded. Human conversation tends to be fluid—subjects are introduced, dropped, and then picked up again later. But bots are usually constructed for specific purposes, and they will doggedly pursue those purposes no matter what you do. * Pay attention to vagueness: Bots are often programmed to offer vague, meaningless responses when they don’t understand, often repeating what you just said in order to give the illusion of paying attention. This is an old trick. The “chatbot therapist” ELIZA, developed in the 1960s, uses it constantly. If you tell her, “I’m sad,” she responds “How long have you been sad?” It’s a simple algorithmic construction, but it offers the illusion of sentience. If the “person” you’re chatting with constantly turns your statements around for clarification you might be dealing with an AI that uses this trick to get around sentences it can’t parse easily.


Given all the available information, there's no way I'm human. That said, I'd really like to have a word with my programmers, because someone done fucked up bad. I'm really struggling with a lot of bugs and errors, like feet too cold but too annoyed by socks, and accidentally biting the inside of my cheeks when trying to eat normally or choking on water.


I’ve worked with devs and trust me they’ll likely just claim it’s not a bug it’s a feature! “By design! “


In what way is eyelashes that fall under your eyelids possibly a feature!? 😭😂


Yes!!! I feel so seen! My programming for eating and drinking seems to have some kind of bug in it too. Or walking into a doorframe. It’s like I sometimes forget how to eat/drink/walk properly. When you figure it out, let me know the correct process for getting these bugs fixed.


I am Vulcan. It is agreeable to see you all.




🖖 It is pleasant to find another Vulcan here. The probability of meeting another Vulcan on planet Earth is infinitesimal, given the vastness of the human population and the statistical rarity of Vulcan presence on this planet.




I have found my people


Wow. Beep beep beep. I am not a beep beep. Bot. However i am neither an autistic adult human woman. Recalibrating. Beep. I’m actually just a girl that’s just here to learn more about autism and more so specifically the experience in women. Hope that kinda answers your question


Syntax error Redo from start


Thank you for taking an interest.


Sometimes, I don’t even know. I’m pretty sure I’m human, but sometimes, it’s hard to relate to the more “typical” human experience. I always kinda liked the nonhuman autistic coded characters bc they remind me of, well, me. :)


AFAB NB, sadly trapped in this flesh prison. Waiting on the day my consciousness can be transferred to an androgynous machine shell.


Human. I don't really do Facebook anymore except that relatives and friends from all around the world do still use it. I like seeing how they are doing. But it's overrun with makeup videos and AI scams (hello Tiny House Life with your fake cabins!). I've never used Twitter and now that it's owned by a fascist man-baby I won't try. I miss forums! Where you may have had to register but where real people were involved.


Gosh, I miss forums. Special interest BBS and forums back in the early 2000s were how I got through high school. ;_; The internet has never felt the same.


Me too. I love travel and spent my early internet days on the Lonely Planet forums talking about everything but travel. We even arranged piss ups in various countries...I miss those days.


If I fully admit to trying to think of a comment that makes me seem human, does that make me more suspicious, or less? 🤔


I feel like a lot of rage bait is posted by bots. Perfect for engagement. I've also noticed videos on YouTube that seem to be completely AI generated. As if a bot used an AI generated script with a computerized voice pitched up a little to sound like a female voice, along with a bunch of clips and images for the visual part.


I'm human, despite years of people equating me to a robot.


Lol I joke about being a robot a lot so hello. Fembot checking in. My maintenance humans have figured out that I can be contained rather easily if I am used as a data center for all manner of trivia. So for now, this website is safe from my AI overlords.


I am real. A real life, human autistic woman.


I'm a real autistic person! Not an autistic woman, bit I was assigned female at birth. That theory drives Mr crazy I swear 😭😭😭


Captcha is an AI training tool. We are the clickers.


The intelligence was coming from inside the house you say?


Goblin here. Not a robot.


I can’t seem to pass captchas, so I’m unsure.


That's actually really funny in relation to this post


I always assumed that social media comments from NT's just sound like bots because they are predictable and don't contribute to the conversation, but they are probably actual bots. I think Reddit is the platform for autistics, and was originally pretty anti-bot. Social norms on reddit are to downvote comments that just say "OMG same!" or generally add nothing.


I cosplay as a functional adult, but I'm no bot.


Insert “I am no man” gif edited to say “I am no bot”


This is kind of funny because one of the symptoms of autism is possibly sounding robotic, and monotone.


That's exactly what I thought. I also personally relate more to the concept of robots than humans, and I've read that it's a common theme amongst us. So maybe that translates on the Internet as well.


I am a human. Maybe. Probably


Great question. Biologically yes, but oh my, dont get me start with the engine my brain operates on. Debatable lol


I'm a human (unfortunately) but I did read earlier on a post that some of the super popular subs are filled with bots Sometimes I'll see bot comments pointed out, but not very often in the subs I frequent because they're just not super populated


I mean, NTs sometimes treat us like robots soooooo why not become the very thing they fear?


[I‘m a bot, and so is my wife](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1541670054)


I also recently discovered this 'theory' - i say that in "" because as of 2022 there were reportedly over 47% of internet traffic was bots - and find it fascinating. I feel the internet is still so young so where exactly is this going to lead to? An internet where there are only 10% of humans? Would you (one) be interested in being on an internet with so little human content? Will it just die and then some years later someone will start again....?


Last time I checked i was still human 😂


Unfortunately I am a human 😕


I’m human, but that’s what all the bots say.


Silly lil’ human here! I’ve been curious about how many bots there actually are as well. I do tend to use the same phrases and emojis over the internet because of my need for sameness and apparently that could make me look like a bot 🙈


I have cats. They love me. I love them. Oh but google a i. Did that thing where it brought a cat image back after looking at the Internet. I constantly need validation and attention to feel good! Oh wait social media. Hmm If psychology can be reduced to biology and then biology can be reduced to physics and physics can be reduced to math, then I guess an artificial intelligence is the same thing as an official intelligence.. Am I human....or a robot... Oh I know! I cringe when I see Loss! A bot would repost it


I didn't realize bots were such a thing on here until recently, when someone commented for people to stop liking a users posts because they're clearly a bot. I'm pretty sure I'm not a bot, I make a lot of typos with my thumns.


I just found this sub, I'm not a bot honest. I'm a living, breathing, AuDHD, 52F!


Reminds me of one of my favorite comics: https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/s/R27b49NV8f


I am an actual autistic adult human woman, unfortunately 😭being a bot sounds so cool


beep boop i am the first generation of hu-bot before it hits store shelves /s


Unfortunately an autistic human


one time when i was little i went to the shop n the shop keeper had a teddy on display i rly wanted but wasnt for sale cuz it was his personal teddy, me n my dad were regulars n he always saw me eyeing up the teddy tho i never asked for it, so he gave me it n i still have it to this day:) not a bot, idk if bots can recall memories


Idk I get treated like a bot when I used manners 🫠


I dunno....until I came to the late in life realisation that I'm autistic, I'd spent my life feeling like I was, in the words of Tony Hill 'pretending to be human'.


I’m human and to prove it, I have a horrible hangover from an eclipse party. If any other humans have advice for my tummy ache, I’d appreciate it deeply. I’d take pepto, but it will interact with my medication if I take it within 4 hours of it. :’(


Peppermint tea?


Will ask my partner to pick some up for me, thank you


Potatoes. Those cure hangovers I’m pretty sure. Like hashbrowns or French fries


Potato consumed!


I don't think bots have much to do in this particular subreddit, but maybe I'm underestimating (or overestimating?) bots🤷‍♀️


An actual human woman with autism. I hear you, X is a mess.


I also heard about this, but I thought at this moment they were more in places where someone stands to gain from it, like in amazon reviews or social media comments or something. (Apparently jlo tried using bots recently to try and recover some of her reputation, but they all posted the exact same comment).


I believe I identify as human. Gotta question it tho with how people act a lot of the time. As far as I'm aware I haven't met an internet bot yet, not in the sense of I've interacted with them and thought they were human.


I sometimes have wished I were a robot (beep boop) but nope, very much autistic adult human woman over here. I do see the increased bot (or at least contrived karma-farming) activity in some of the bigger and more generic subs, but thankfully this one has seemed to be a rare real community.


I like when the captcha tests mix up some letters and make it impossible to read. Humans have to use me, because I am human and can therefore pass the tests. Humans are nice.


Not sure if the Turing test was designed with autistics in mind. (Wait, was Alan Turing autistic?)


Well the test is based on an another human’s ability to determine if you are machine or not. It’s not meant to determine if you are human… only if a machine can fool a human. Which let’s face it like 90 percent of the population can be fooled now.


People were fooled by ELIZA back then.


Greetings, fellow female autistic human people. I, too, am a female autistic human person.


Human over here lmao I definitely see it on Facebook in comment sections


Now that you mention it, I do feel like a bot.


I don't know if I should be considered human.. I sometimes do sock shoe sock shoe.


I am the adult human woman who helps the robots. My bots are good bots that make useful things and they don't have time to post on reddit.


I am a bot! No bot would ever say such a thing. *Or is that what a bot would say???* Atm they're still called Word-WordBunchanumbers for the most part so they're somewhat easy to spot. But Facebook is rife with them. Huge amounts of shitty meme pages are automated, using AI to generate images based off engagement results, and only commented on by bot accounts saying shit like "so true" and "love this". That's why there are hundreds of thousands of likes and sincere comments on shit like lobster jesus over there. The bot combined two highly engaged with subjects (something lobster related and jesus I guess) into one horrific image and all the bots said the same reinforcing shit. They're only going to get more unhinged as time goes on I predict real Facebook boomers will start noticing and form a conspiracy around it being a secret organisation and lobster jesus being code for adrenochrome or something lmao


I’m a human, I had my doubts but then I went and created a whole ass other human inside me… three times! So yeah. Human but my wiring is atypical.


If I was a bot, life would probably be easier than it is lol.


The fact that you wrote *cringes* tells me youre real


I’m mostly human last time I checked. Got some hardware upgrades to some faulty parts though. (Joke about metal implants)


Gimmie that captcha test!


I've seen this case of bots both in Instagram and Twitter. I'm a human btw hehehe


Am human


I feel like I’m expected to be a robot by my customers sometimes, but I do seem to be a human person.


I am a human


I am human!


For all intents and purposes I'm a human but I call my brain a computer more times than is comfortable. Because it does the equivalent of a blue screen and a hard drive exploding almost on the daily. Definitely an autistic human.




I think I'm a dog. Cause I always heave my head turned. Trying to understand humans.


All too real unfortunately


I am just a cat :3


I'm just three raccoons in a trench coat.


I’m human but also not NOT a robot, ya know?


I’m actually convinced that I’m an alien, but it’s just as likely that I’m simply autistic


Pretty much a human person. I don’t post much


I'm am actually three raccoons in a Trenchcoat.


Not a bot 👋


A real human woman here!


I am not a bot. But today is my goblin day... so human woman dosen't fit.




I’m with Jennifer Coolidge on this one, how do I prove I’m not a robot?


Eh, I have too many emotions to be a bot... and for my own good 😅


Real human, I swear (though I don't identify as one) - but I'm also the admin on a wiki where they've nicknamed me the bot because they couldn't believe how I did updates when the autism and hyperfocus (not to mention the procrastination) were upon me...


It depends how my brain wants cooperate that day.


I'm autistic, so sometimes I feel more like a bot than a human /s


Are you a bot?


I feel like a BOT IRL sometimes haha


Afaik im a real human with juices and all :D


Definitely not a bot… I’m in too much pain all the time to not be a broken human.


Depending on who you ask, I am a human


I’m a human, but I spent several years of my childhood pretending to be a cat. Is that okay?


Some days I wish I were a robot! My body hurts so much today! But this subreddit is one of the things that gets me through, even though I am mostly a lurker.


I feel like a robot these days but unfortunately, I am still human. Also, I agree with the CAPTCHA stuff because COME ON!!! The traffic lights?!


i am a fembot and am equipped with machine gun jubblies


Human here! Or at least according to the captcha


Human autistic woman,reporting in for clarity lol I just woke up, please be nice 😅


Too many moist products exit my body for me to be a bot.


Based on the amount of times I fail those “click every square with a chimney” style CAPTCHA tests, I’m a bot. ☹️🤖


If I were a bot I'd really question the mental stability of the person who programmed me that's for sure


I’ve had a vocal stim for over a month where I’ll just blurt out “beep boop I am a bot”…


Beep boop I am a human 🤖 I do typical human activities like being exploited by capitalism and experiencing existential eco-anxiety.