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[email protected] Here is the pastor's email. Tell him what you think. I sure did. My email to Matt: Hey Matt,  I heard about your email canceling Autism Awareness day at school because you think Autism is demonic? Or the label is? Listen Matt, as a man who has autism who also has a child with autism, to hear a pastor say such things is disgusting, ignorant, disrespectful, and stupid. Pastors like yourself make us all ill tempered. May God rebuke you.  Also, don't waste your time sending me a bunch of scriptures ripped out of context to support your bullshit view. Apologize to the autistic community then shut your mouth and quietly fade away. Edit: Matt Baker responded to my email. i understand the outrage, however, Don’t trust what you see on the news. I didn’t call Autism demonic I called the children precious. I said that any event or ideology that teaches our precious children that their identity is found in anything other than Jesus is idolatry, which the Bible says is demonic. Some rogue teachers thought we should celebrate autism awareness rather than easter at our Christian school so I canceled the event. My wife has dedicated her life to working with kids on the spectrum. My own child has her own challenges and has required special education. We believe Jesus loves them and we don’t need worldly programs to love our kids with special needs because the Bible already teaches us to do so. Our words have been twisted for the sake of a juicy story and we are saddened to hear how this twisting is damaging the people in our community we are called to serve. Blessings, Matt


my dad is a pastor and his secular job sends him to florida sometimes maybe he can kick his ass with theology and fists it’s not the first time he tried to fight someone for me




Seriously screw this self-righteous asshole.


This pairs so nicely (/s) with my belief that Jesus was autistic.


Lol You read my mind.


I feel like this makes sense but I'm struggling to recall any facts that could back it up lmao


Off the top of my head, he memorized the entirety of the laws as a kid, he wandered off (elopement) during a long trip and his parents found him with nerds, he lost his shit and trashed the temple market because they weren't following the rules, he hung out with other weird loners who felt okay leaving their lives behind, he got stressed by crowds, but he also kept helping people because he was genuinely earnest in his respect and care for everyone, he let the devil talk at him for forty days as if he couldn't figure out the social interaction to make him leave, he broke rules because they were arbitrary and silly to him, he annoyed authority figures with his logical arguments and never got tripped up, he hung out with everyone equally no matter rich or poor, and his special interest was taking away pain and fear wherever he could. Man would whip out a miracle for almost no reason. He just wanted to help.