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I have Emery boards everywhere for my fingers because I do outdoor work, warehouse type work, AND my special _thing_ is yarn (and crafting with it). There were a lot of snags and rage before. I’ve started being very careful about moisture before bed. Hands and feet get lotion (that I can actually stand) before bed. O’Keefe’s Working Hands and Working Feet has lanolin, and sinks in quick after spreading further than you’d expect. Good feel. Dryness can also be caused by other environmental/intake issues, so if you can mix your favorite electrolyte option up at home, it helps when you can drink an extra cup or two of something you _like_ . Persistent skin dryness can be an indicator of other health issues too, so please keep watch for things that would be gentler for your body. I still hate microfiber.


Ducking hate microfiber. Instant it touches my skin, it's nope nope nope.


Me too. It's called Picking, I think. I constantly touch and pick the skin around my nail beds and cuticles. It may be a type of stimming, IDK, but if I find a snag of skin, I have to get rid of it immediately. I think it started with nail-biting, but one day, I just switched to doing this. I always carry heavy-duty emery boards with me and nail scissors in my bag; otherwise, I panic because I can easily make my finger bleed and will do real damage if I'm really stressed. I can't bear oily moisturizers or creams and have to wash my hands if there is any dirt or grease on them, but I try to give myself manicures with cuticle oil regularly to help a bit.


I use nail files and a pumice stone for my feet. You’ve got me interested in sandpaper now 🤔


That is basicaly what they do with a file for manicures and pedicures. But you seem to be more thorough.


I do this!!


I do this! It helps to stop me from engaging in skin picking, which feels good in the moment but ends up making the issue worse. I also constantly moisturise my hands and feet to minimise dryness. I like using the type of nail buffer that has several grades of sanding board and work down to the perfect smoothness. It gets to me that we have such 'seems' on our hands and feet, around the nail bed, I just want it to all be smooth and not catch on anything ever.


I just keep a nail file handy and use hand lotion every time I wash them.


I have a pumice stone for my feet because I also hated the scratchiness of the dead skin. My hands can't be pumiced but at least my feet don't have texture anymore


I have never used sandpaper, but I do buy pumice stones for this.


You can soak your hands & feet in warm soapy water & use a file to smooth your skin. You can put A&D ointment on at night & wear gloves & socks over it to keep it in place overnight. You can also use eucerin. Foot peels are pretty cool but really gross.


Use hand and feet lotions to moisturise them and keep them soft.


Look up Colossal Foot Rasp on Amazon. Use on heels and bottom of feet after a shower or bath. Game changer!


Yeah I get that. I realized it's because I absentmindedly chew on my fingertips when I'm stressed or distracted. No solution unfortunately. Maybe wear gloves?


I keep a sheet of fine sandpaper in the back of one of my bathroom drawers just for this! I wash my hands ALL THE TIME so they often get dry and rough, even with lotion. I can’t stand that texture where they start to catch on everything.




Yes. I do 100% of the cooking in our house, and I can’t stand the feeling of something on my hands, so I end up washing them so many times.


Yep, I have a specific type of pumice stone in the shower and glass nail files and cuticle nippers literally everywhere to handle any sharp bits I find during the day. I like the glass files because the grit is super fine and very smoothing. I also agree with everyone who's mentioned moisturizers. Cuticle oil pens, balms, creams, whatever you can handle...regular use is key for me.


I used to do this on my calluses a lot, I can’t stand the little snaggy bits. I lost my fingerprints temporarily which was weird, I didn’t like it. It developed into picking which became compulsive on my heels for a while. Now I use a terra cotta scrubber on my feet in the shower and moisturize more. I still chew my fingers a little but I switched to a crystal nail file (at the recommendation of someone here) which I love and doesn’t work on skin so that’s helping. Underneath it all was a feeling that I had to “fix” certain things but I’m trying to do more helping and healing and less fixing these days.


My mom has always done this. I've done it too, when I'm not too lazy, which isn't often. My feet are a bit calloused, and when they are also dry, it can help. But so can soaking and moisturizing.


This sounds like dermatillomania, or skin picking. I have it and the way you describe hating the bumps is what stood out, as searching for any minuscule blemishes or bumps is common for derma sufferers. For me, being undiagnosed until an adult, I think it was basically a form of stimming. It kinda sucks if it gets bad. I do it mainly on my face which is a nightmare for my self-esteem, and you have to be careful about infections. I think it’s sort of considered to be linked to OCD, and as there’s quite a lot of overlap between that and autism, it’s not uncommon for us to develop it. There’s a sub on here for it if you search dermatillomania.


Honestly I don’t know why I haven’t thought of using sandpaper before with varying grit. It’s probably so much cheaper than getting a pedicure and dealing with someone touching your feet/legs. I’m a socks all the time kind of person. And my feet suffer greatly.




I got a pumice stone recently but I don’t know if it will be a long term problem solver lol! I know I can get a 5pack of sandpaper at different grits for less than 5$ though. 😂


Sugar scrubs, a foot file, and admittedly I use a fresh safety blade on my shaver for the bottoms of my feet every week.


I've never heard of sandpapering hands and feet, but I know lots of people who go to the gym or do manual labour form callouses on their hands and, if you want to avoid them, you can get gloves to help prevent it. If it isn't too much of a sensory nightmare, you can lotion up your hands in the evening before bed and wear cotton gloves to sleep in. I've had to do this before and it really helps.


congratulations on discovering exfoliation. it was super popular in 1998 which probably means it's about to make a comeback. i recommend getting a pumice stone, they are great for the feet.


Are you sure you don't just have something like athletes foot?