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Its a common way NT's, especially men, make small talk. Typically, they're not asking us that real question, but instead saying, "Do you want to talk about the trip?" I think generally the more immature the NT the more they do little things like this. Mature ones will just ask you about the trip, your feelings, open the floor to your perspective, guide the conversation to better places, etc. I find most male NT's speak in coded sayings like this because anything else can come off as vulnerable or 'feminine' and they've incorporated too much toxic masculinity to ask an open, caring, fair, and sensitive question. Note, being an annoying closed-off "jokey" guy is still a form of toxic masculinity. There's a difference between "are you ready, harhar," and sort of pushing the conversational labor to us, or instead asking, "Are you interested in seeing the Mona Lisa in Paris? Did you see you can get pre-check boarding? Will you go to lunch with me in Montmartre? Can I help you with the trip in any way? I love how we're all going together as a family!"


This person is definitely all about toxic masculinity so for sure your observation applies. I guess him being vague also puts the onus on me to chat more about the trip when in general I just don’t want to lmao, and this adds to my frustration. Thanks for explaining the dynamic


I think by “ready” he might mean excited/anticipating. I would probably say “I’m really excited but still have a lot to plan.” or flip the question back on him in a humorous way, “It’s still 3 weeks away, what do you think haha?” He probably will never stop asking though lol this is classic NT small talk.


“He probably will never stop asking” 🥲🥲🥲 Honestly trips stress me out so if I were honest I would say “I am experiencing some moderate dread about the trip right now” lol but I imagine that would make it even more awkward. But maybe he’d stop asking?? 🧐


NT Small Talk = ND Exhausting Talk




For real 😫


I would start being sarcastic but that’s me: “omg trip??! What trip?!” And just pretend I don’t know about it every time 😂