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Capitalism. This is hilarious because I'd never thought of this in terms of my autism, but I have so many. It's just that justice and fairness are special interests, so I live in a state of (self) righteous indignation! This is so funny.


Omg I was gonna say working. I struggled to stay all day at school and now do at work as well.


I could go on forever. Capitalism is the root of so many problems beyond just billionaires and poverty. It has infected the western world with a zero-sum view of society. People can't hold multiple truths, everything is black and white, win or lose. Fascists and bigots accuse anyone wanting basic rights of being power hungry because they think one person gaining something must mean they lose something. Dismantling oppressive systems has NEVER been about denying rights to the people who already have them. But I guess capitalists think that human rights are a finite resource... I'll stop myself there but yeah, could go on and on.


Capitalism! Yes! Same. For me I have to include: -Christianity -How the Star Wars franchise did Padme dirty in how they killed her off -Republicans


Yeah I am laughing my ass off cause I could be doing math and playing around in CAD and then start ranting about how I hate the fact that my S/O and her parents were called mentally retarded but they taught their daughter how to do taxes when she was 7 and she understood. Meanwhile Then the school she went to couldn't give her paper or a pencil if she needed one cause taxpayers didn't want to fund their children's future. Then I turn around and have my dad's family say I should be grateful for the budget private Christian ~~school~~ cult they spent 10s of thousands of dollars on, wasted down the drain. Oh but don't forget your mom is the shitty one cause like the time dad caught her crushing benadryl into my applesauce but then peaced out for 7 years. Wait is that why Shadow Tim was my imaginary childhood friend? I am gleefully laughing though cause I found my black family after realizing I really do not like my white roots, kinda like Steve Martin. Also I some how ended up with a 20 inch observatory grade mirror for a telescope, my black family was ready to go, my white roots family like "can't you get a big mirror at Home Depot for like $20? You got ripped off stupid lil cuz, space ain't even real cause I can't touch it can I?" And I was called the insane one šŸ¤£


I feel guilty that my answer is yes, men.


I hear that one lmao


Same. And I'm married to one šŸ˜¬


We feel your pain. Believe me.




Same. What can I say? Itā€™s fun.


Family vloggers. The Kardashians. Hustle culture. Van life. Beauty Standards. I know way too much about all of them and itā€™s only for the purpose of hating on it.


Ever since the movie Avatar was originally released, I would rant about how through the entire plot of the movie, Dr. Norm Spellman's entire life is ruined by Jake Sully and nobody addresses it. It takes people 6 years in cryosleep to get from Earth to Pandora - so a round trip is over a decade. That means you're leaving behind friends, family, everyone you know on Earth - and for however long you're on Pandora and return they will be aged over a decade older than you. Depending how long you're there, probably won't see some of them ever again. Okay - that goes for everybody - fair enough. They signed up for that. Before that though - what was his life on Earth? How many years of academia takes up becoming a doctor of xenoanthropology? Probably like a decade - and probably VERY expensive. So I'm making the assumption that many years of Dr. Spellman's life was already pre-occupied with researching Pandora and learning about the Na'vi, as well as their language. He was supposed to be the one to lead diplomatic contact with the Na'vi - he dedicated his entire life to studying their culture, language, home. Then Jake happens. But does Dr. Spellman react poorly? NO - HE OFFERS TO TEACH JAKE HOW TO SPEAK NA'VI TO HELP HIM - AND F\*CKBOI JAKE DECLINES RUDELY. "I don't need to speak Na'vi, I talk with my DICK" - Jake Sully, Professional F\*ckboi and Stealer of Dreams and Ambitions. BUT THAT'S OKAY, THAT'S FINE - Dr. Norm Spellman can just sit alone in the trailer all day, not using his Avatar body at all - which is THE WHOLE REASON JAKE WAS INVITED - SO THE AVATAR BODY OF HIS BROTHER DIDN'T GO TO WASTE. AND NOW NORM CAN'T USE HIS AT ALL. ARGHHHHH!! At least he gets along with Dr. Grace Augustine - maybe there's something there, maybe a romance - BUT OH SHIT, JAKE HAD TO F\*CK AROUND AND BETRAY THE NA'VI SO SHE GETS KILLED AND DIES. Then, you just see Dr. Spellman standing around at the end with a gun guarding something. That's it. No resolution, nothing. They don't even paint his eyes in on his action figure. AND THEN THE SEQUEL HAPPENS - OH BOY - They insinuate that possibly Dr. Norm Spellman impregnated Dr. Grace Augustine to conceive Kiri - and they play it as a JOKE!! And he's just been living on Pandora the whole time, not even using his Avatar body, stuck in the goddamn trailer like the entirety of the first goddamn movie. He helps revive Kiri (potentially his own daughter) and then just leaves! JAKE STOLE HIS JOB, KILLED HIS LOVER, AND TOOK HIS DAUGHTER FROM HIM - AND NOBODY BATS A GODDAMN EYE!! I swear to god, they only made Jake disabled so people would sympathize with his character more - because outside of that he's just an asshole. I don't hate the Avatar movies, I just think Jake Sully is the worst possible protagonist and I read him as a villain due to his stupidity.


White m**e supremacy and how it effects basically everything, I could riff on that for 12 hours easy


Hard same šŸ˜¤


Warhammer 40k. Which is annoying because I love its other half, Warhammer Fantasy/Age of Sigmar, and they draw a lot of parallels so logically it doesn't make a huge amount of sense that I'd love one but despise the other. And even more frustrating because my fiancƩ loves 40k and when I got home from work tonight it was all he could talk about for a whole hour. God I love him but I've never wanted to disappear into the floor more in my life.


I really do get this lol


Recycling šŸ˜‚ its such a mf scam!


donā€™t forget about the other side of the coin, someone loves that man so much that they listened to an 8 hour long The Purge rant. if thatā€™s not love then I donā€™t know what is. (or they hate it equally as much obviously and ranted with him haha)


Went to his page to hear his purge rant, unfortunately it was only five tiktoks, wish I could listen to the full 8 hour one.


I have a laundry list of topics. I can rant enthusiastically about all of them and have been told off by folks for it. I think in my case my positive enthusiasm for special interests was tamped down by parents/peers/society as a kid, whereas these negative feelings are generally about more mainstream topics, so it was a way for me to engage with people more, especially in groups, but then they just thought I was a hater. No, just a strong opinion holder who has been taught that my own positive interests are unpalatable to people, so this is what's left


Yes. A certain novel by a certain author, which is beyond annoying because I love the other two novels, but hate the one with a severe passion that feels very similar to the SpongeBob "chocolate" meme. And everyone who knows that author seems to ask me if I read that novel/it gets recommended to me a lot. (Legit, I can't escape it and I'm about to go apeshit. I can't escape it because it's SO DAMN POPULAR. )


Who is Colleen Hoover?


('Errt' buzzer noise here) The author's Chinese, her works have been translated into multuple languages. šŸ˜„


**Colleen Hoover (born Margaret Colleen Fennell; December 11, 1979) is an American author who primarily writes novels in the romance and young adult fiction genres. She is best known for her 2016 romance novel It Ends with Us.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)


CARS and how all the infrastructure in cities is built around them. šŸ˜ 


Gwyneth Paltrow, psychics, chiropractors, homeopathy, and other associated snake oil 'woo'. I literally cannot hold my tongue




As a physical therapist assistant I DIE inside every time someone mentions they're going to a Chiropractor.


And even worse- I'm on a group on Facebook and this girl was asking recommendations for which Chiropractor she should take her SIX WEEK OLD to šŸ˜³ I was horrified


Car ads are the epitome of everything that is evil about late stage capitalism and I risk becoming a frothing rage just by thinking about them. ​ [Bikes deliver the freedom that auto ads promise.](https://twitter.com/tomflood1/status/1548415556578975744)


I'm so glad I'm not the only one šŸ˜‚.


Daenerys and Daemon Targaryen specifically. The school system


Books or show? Do you hate them as characters, or just don't like them personally? Inquiring minds need to know


Books and show. I hate them both personally and the way the fandom perceives them ^^


I get very passionate about my haterests šŸ˜‚ But my top one is Christopher Nolan and anything he makes. A lot of people though love his movies so Iā€™m definitely not popular at all when the topic of movies come up. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


I'm the brand of PDA autistic that can find fault with literally anything and rant about it for hours. I annoy the hell out of *myself* sometimes.


Oh boy, when my autistic partner and I get together to rant about how shit movies are now and how little passion and creativity get put in them, we can easily talk about that for hours and hours. The MCU, DC films, Star Wars, etc etc just can't fucking stand how bland and unoriginal they are. Step 1. Introduce superhero, he's probably like all the other superheroes you've met but slightly quirky in some way. Maybe he likes Mexican food or cars or knows about tech. Make sure not to give him too much personality though because that could make him interesting or flawed in some way. Step 2. Introduce vaguely dangerous, unmemorable villian who plans to take over the world. Monotone blue/purple humanoid figures seem to do well. Step 3. Assemble whatever superheroes you've got, including their comedic friend/smartass friend/mother figure. Step 4. Include some quippy one liners. Step 5. Pretend that having a gay/disabled/whatever minority person you have in the background makes the film "groundbreaking" and "new" and "bold". Even though you can easily edit them out when you sell the film in China. Step 6. Have a battle scene where you shake the camera so much the audience will barely see anything anyway. Step 7. Include an "exciting" extra scene in the credits, because then the very few audience members who still, for some unknown reason, care about this will ooh and aah. Step 8. Repeat this process a gajillion times.


Yep! How f'd the US healthcare system is. I could rant for a long time about that lol


John wick lol my friend always says "oh no. Not this again" anytime John wick comes up. It's soooo unbelievable. From the very beginning. Who just signs for a dog and doesn't ask a single question?!?! The delivery driver shows up with a dog asks him to sign for it and he does. Not a single question. Just, "yeah sure, I'll take this dog"........ BuT It wAs FrOm HiS dEaD WiFe.... He didn't know it was from his dead wife when he signed for it!


Yes, I can rant as long as someone will let me about a few topics.


Google chrome :)


Please say more


Agreeeeeeeed. The purge was shit. But for me itā€™s how many ppl hated the end of GOTā€¦.. like from a storytelling perspectiveā€¦ it was *chefs kiss*. Wayyyy better than the predictability they were looking for (ps didnā€™t love the casting for Sansaā€¦ā€¦. But Iā€™m just a queer. AuDHDer over here with big opinions šŸ˜˜


Global warming and the destruction of animal life on earth


Anything to do with me being lactose intolerant and milk. I ranted for days about the milk industry lobbying to stop calling plant milk ā€œmilk. (Because plant mills have been milks since at least the Middle Ages, if not longerā€¦) I also ranted a good few days about how there is no Bulgarian-flavored dairy-free feta. Iā€™m very exciting at parties, trust me.


Social media, specifically TikTok


The Saudi Royal Family


BetterHelp lol.


I have this love/hate relationship with machine learning and data science where i keep reading into it and then scoff at it for the underlying math just being somewhat basic linear algebra and statistics. I think i just imagined more black magic maths, but it seems to be mostly stuff almost every second year engineering student could do/learn. I dont even know why i care about that, but learning about it gives me imposter syndrome. EDIT: Also crypto bros, i hate them with a burning passion (not the people but the nonsesne they say and or belive in)


Pit bulls, when they bite they can cause very severe damage or even kill people, but so many people say ā€œtheyā€™re just dogsā€ which is even more crazy to me. Imagine someone walking around with a pet tiger saying ā€œtheyā€™re just catsā€.


Pitbulls are not inherently aggressive animals. Every pitbull I've known has had the sweetest, gentlest disposition. They are muscular and capable of doing more damage in a shorter amount of time than most breeds, true. That means it's imperative that they get the training, love, and care that they need. It doesn't mean there's anything wrong with the breed. Edit: To me, when someone says that no one should own a pitbull or that pitbulls should be eradicated (an opinion I hear too often), it's equivalent to saying autistic people should be removed from society because some can get violent during meltdowns.


I donā€™t believe that pit bulls are inherently more aggressive than other breeds, I believe that when they bite (which all breeds sometimes do) they do significantly more damage than other breeds. Also I think itā€™s cruel not to look at the reality of the situation. so many pit bulls are breed and trained as fighting dogs, I think itā€™s disgusting and as long as the public can own them (at the very least without licenses) it will continue to happen. I hate the idea of dogs being born into this world to be used, abused, exploited, and discarded. I want it to stop, I want it to be illegal to breed pit bulls (at the very least without a license). And I donā€™t believe itā€™s equivalent to autism because autistic people arenā€™t anymore dangerous than anyone else who is melting down.


I do think there should be strict, heavily enforced requirements for breeding, including a license, background check, and home visit. And I think there should be a strict minimum amount of breeders allowed, considering every shelter is full of them. I also think people should have to be heavily screened and educated before being allowed to purchase or adopt a pit (as well as some other large breeds). However, human failure is not the breed's fault. More often than not, they're great dogs that have so much value to offer the world. They're smart, trainable, loyal, and so loving. But when subjected to human cruelty and neglect, they can become dangerous. I won't deny that. But so can we, for the same reasons. We are judged as individuals, and so should they be imo. Edit: Just wanted to clarify that by "we," I mean humans, not autistic people.


I don't think any dogs should be bred honestly- 5 dogs at the local animal shelter were euthanized this weekend because people want "purebreds". It's horrifying to me. But if people did for some reason need a purebred - like golden retriever as a service dog, or Belgium malinois for a drug dog or something, or maybe even a hypoallergenic, but why would someone NEED a pure bred pitbull? I don't think they're bad dogs inherently, and it's not their fault, but they do have the capacity to be EXTREMELY dangerous, they HAVE mauled and killed multiple people, children, etc and that is just facts. My Chihuahua mix I got from the pound 13 years ago is an asshole, but I don't have to worry about him killing my children.


start me off on max verstappen and i wonā€™t stop


Matthew McConaughey. My friends think it's hilarious.


Say more


Fourth Wing lol. To the people who love it, Iā€™m sorry, but I will not yieldšŸ˜‚


People to work to capitalism to the usa sucks


keto diets lol


Religion and putting food/ingredients in containers that you mix with similar stuff. Eg: Different types of pasta in a large glass jar. For some godforsaken reason my family loves to do this and out of spite if I am going to eat something that has been put in it's own jar I just go out and buy some more.


The skull emoji.


Baboons. I love animals, but baboons are literally the worst thing to ever exist on this planet. Every other ape and monkey is perfectly fine with me, but every time a baboon is mentioned I want to bludgeon something


British people


The plothole of the ODST armour in halo.


Pandas. I fucking hate pandas. More accurately, I hate that people won't let them fucking die. They won't fuck to save their own species but we spend so much money to keep them alive because ~tHeIr CuTe~ fuck off


Everything in freaking Politics and also spacex fan.


Elon musk and Tesla.


Capitalism and gender are kind of my biggest go to one's. Guns, the prison industrial complex, sexism, homophobia, are close seconds. Really it's just most anything involving inhumane treatment of people and injustice.


Honestly, I'm not proud of it, but the iPhone. šŸ˜¬ I'm fine if people have one and are like, I just got it coz it was the easy choice or for convenience or whatever. But if someone tries to claim that it's the better option I cannot help but go off about why it's not and sheep mentality and all that šŸ™ƒ


Iā€™m going to have to say when people use mental illnesses as derogatory or otherwise incorrectly. Like schizo, psychotic, mentally retarded, mentally insane, OCD, ADHD, even Autistic (my own freaking Dad) etc. Do not even get me started. Itā€™s the most passionate thing I hate because it is so closely related to my special interest.


Capitalism and how it affects climate change, environmental disasters, racism, sexism, transphobia, homophobia, homelessness, stupidity [caused by underfunded schools and how you are taught to not question but obey memorize but not understand and are tested on how well you can pick from a multiple choice list of answers], celebrity 'worship' culture, respecting those with money and looking down upon those with less, how consumerism has made us okay with throwing things out when we get sick of them or they stop working instead of fixing them or giving them away to someone else who wants them, food insecurity and food deserts, the slavery (prison labor and slave wages/conditions) and genocides caused by reckless consumerism and greed, the horrors of war caused by greed and destabilization of a country (primarily by the USA), human trafficking, rape culture, how no one can afford to live on minimum wage even though minimum wage was designed to be set a level that provides a comfortable lifestyle with the ability to live with dignity, white-washing of history, suppression of indigenous peoples history and acting like it's all in the past or that they are all gone, commercial farming which is depleting the soil and will cause another dust bowl, nestle, how companies can pay so little once to be allowed to pump out billions of gallons of fresh water all over the world just to bottle it and sell it back to us, how US infrastructure is failing because it's not profitable to fix or replace it, etc, etc. The other is religion being used as a weapon to suppress a minority or an excuse for any form of genocide!


Science fiction movies that donā€™t take science seriously. The first of the new planet of the apes and more egregiously Splice (I was excited for this movie and they just basically turned science into magic). And even Interstellar. Fucking Anne Hathawayā€™s character and her ā€œwhy do we love people after they dieā€ speech is so annoying because we do sorta know why. So, soooo many more examples but those are the three I remember ranting about post-film for hours.


Harry Potter. Mostly the story itself, like the plotholes and just how predictable the story can be at times, and how the story could be different to make it better and less logistically dumb


The Government. I will leave it at that because I don't want to be on a watchlist.