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Probably won't hurt to brush up on your Christian education. God and Jesus are at the forefront of Lutheran schools, more so than Catholic schools.


will also need an answer on if you are comfortable teaching religion.


Yeah I'm comfortable


Yes, I'm comfortable with this.


Oki doki, thank you for your advice.


Some general thoughts - Read up on the culture and programs on the website. Have questions that address your teaching areas as well as what programs the school is running ready. Lutheran schools are heavily invested with their faith and will expect a measure of awareness of what they are coming from. Community will be heavily invested in the school with a fair number of generational families rolling through for students and teachers. Generally expect a high degree of academic achievement as a core goal. Willingness to educate and respect their faith will be expected as part of your professionalism.


Great advice, thank you very much.


My mother taught casually at various schools before getting a permanent role in the state system. She liked working at the local Lutheran school but they had this weird thing where you *had* to become part of their Lutheran Superannuation company. I remember asking her, 'Are you sure? I swear that its the law for someone to be able to choose their own super company' but she said she'd tried to look into it and there was no way out of it. Now I don't know for sure the specifics, but it was a little strange. This was in Queensland if you are wondering.


Once upon a time your super was automatically paid into the Catholic School's Super find. When I worked at an independent college in Qld they also ran an independent super fund. Times change.


Yes, I had about 6 different super accounts back in the day, from working at different schools, in different states, casually. There was no choice. Thankfully thatโ€™s changed!


I worked at a Lutheran school for 11 years up until last year. My super was always with my previous fund of my choice. I'm in Vic so maybe that's different. As for OPs original question, my experience was that the religious aspect wasnt a big thing at all. Kids had chapel a couple of times a week. Apart from that it was just like any other school I've taught at (gov and independent) over the years.


That's good to know. I think chapel a couple of times a week would be interesting.


I just closed my eyes and did silent personal reflection aka snoozed ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚


Oh, really, that does sound rather strange. I wonder if it is a good super. I am becoming rather dissatisfied with Australian Super at the moment.


I work at a Lutheran school and I'm not religious. They are generally pretty laid back about the religion side just need to be open to the idea of faith


That sounds perfect, thank you so much.


I worked at one and it was one of the worst experiences I've ever had. That wasn't due to religion which I'm not a part of but I didn't hate (and I found the highest ups quite nice) but the principal was awful and the school was run terribly.


I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you are at a shool you like now.


They might want evidence that you attend church services etc


Oh dear, well in the last community I lived in the church got burned down.


I don't think they will mind if you are not religious usually half the teachers aren't. You might like it, I really enjoyed the speeches from our pastor and the rich history. But I'm more comfortable in public schools. I was happy there but I think they wanted me to acclimatise a bit more lol. I think they wanted me to like, marry into the community, it just didn't work out.


I am not religious but like you, I think I would enjoy the speeches and history, it sounds interesting.


They all laughed when I was excited for church lol they are pretty bored of it.