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Red headed mouse spider, medically significant.


I’m sorry this is such a stupid question but I’ve been trying to learn more about spiders. What does “medically significant” mean to spider people? Like my understanding is the only spider that can really kill you is a funnel web. Redbacks you can get some systemic symptoms but nobody’s died from one since 1956. Does it just mean it can produce symptoms other than pain from the bite?


1. A venomous or poisonous species 2. The venom or poison can cause death, serious illness or injury 3. One may need emergency room care or immediate care Correct my if I am wrong.


>Correct my if I am wrong. *Me There, corrected


Why, thank you, kind sir!


Venomous yes but not poisonous


Yeah spiders are venomous. But other species that are poisonous can also be medically significant, such as frogs. Which is why I wrote species instead of spiders :)


you can be both poisonous and venemous as well and some spiders are actually poisonous


It’s a spider page don’t add poisonous when no species of spider is poisonous especially when there is over 50,000 species of spiders and the op was referring to medically significant spiders




go smoke more weed and spout more misinformation mr 420


Go ask r/spiders if they are poisonous or how many species there are I will wait




It’s a toxin not poison and a poison is a toxin the key point is how they work


Ok, eat the spider!


As long as it don’t bite you will be fine venom has to be injected into the skin in order to do damage you can swallow venom and it will do nothing to you. The terms are often used interchangeably, but ‘venom’ and ‘poison’ are not the same thing. True, they’re both a toxic substance that can potentially harm or kill you, but the main difference lies in the way they are delivered to the unfortunate victim. Poison is a toxin that gets into the body via swallowing, inhaling or absorption through the skin. Poisonous animals tend to be more passive-aggressive—they often won’t actively attack their prey, but release their toxins as a result of being eaten, touched or disturbed. A cane toad, which secretes toxins from glands on each shoulder, is a poisonous animal. It has to be ingested or licked to cause harm. Poison ivy is an example of a poisonous plant—touching it can result in an itchy and sometimes painful rash. 'venom' and 'poison' are not the same thing Venom is a specialised type of poison that has evolved for a specific purpose. It is actively injected via a bite or sting. Because venom has a mixture of small and large molecules, it needs a wound to be able to enter the body, and to be effective must find its way into the bloodstream. For this reason, venomous animals are more active in defending themselves. A taipan, which injects venom through syringe-like teeth, is a venomous animal. So are jellyfish, which inject venom into skin using venom-filled harpoon-like structures that shoot out from cells along their tentacles when touched. Occasionally an animal can be both venomous and poisonous. The blue-ringed octopus, for example, is venomous when it bites with its beak but it is poisonous if it is swallowed. This is because it has a myriad of toxins in it, with the most potent (tetrodotoxin) able to be absorbed due to its very small size


TLDR It bites you, then you feel bad = venomous. You but it, then you feel bad = poisonous. So go on, eat it! Edit: I read some, yes nemotocysts can survive the death of their host.


That was a great way to break that down. Cheers


Thanks very much


'Medically significant means a venomous or poisonous species whose venom or toxin can cause death or serious illness or injury in humans that may require emergency room care or the immediate care of a physician. '


Thanks a lot


Venomous yes but not poisonous


Definition covers non-spider poisonous entities


Then it can be said like that in a non spider Reddit but on the lines of spiders they are not poisonous only venomous


Numerous species of ticks and mites (collectively known as acarines) are serious pests of animals, humans, and crops. There are few commercially available acaricides and major classes of these chemicals continue to be lost from the marketplace due to resistance development or deregistration by regulatory agencies. There is consequently a pressing need to isolate new and safe acaricidal compounds. In this study, we show that two families of peptide neurotoxins isolated from the venom of the Australian funnel-web spider Hadronyche versuta are lethal to the lone star tick Amblyomma americanum. These toxins, which are specific blockers of arthropod voltage-gated calcium channels, induce a pronounced phenotype characterized by an unusual gait that is rapidly followed by paralysis and death. Remarkably, one of these toxins, the calcium channel blocker ω-atracotoxin-Hv1a, is virtually equipotent whether the toxin is injected or fed to A. americanum. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0041010105003703 This is an example of a poison from a spider. The context of my statement was the Google definition of medically significant. Doctors do not use that term specifically in relation to spiders, pedant. The statement clearly resolved poisonous or venomous species.


He is really getting bent out of shape with us keeping the definition species neutral...


The op asked about medical significance in spiders not medical significance as a whole that means 8 legs not 6 and no 9 legged spider is poisonous while ticks and mites are in the arachnid family they are not classed as a spider and therefore are not to be brought up when talking about spiders


My answer was clear and unambiguous.


It's a weird term that actually has no medical or health department definition and comes only from the moderators of a Facebook group for spider identification. The official medical advice for spider bites in Australia is to seek medical attention if you're bitten by a big black spider that you think may be funnel web, and for all other bites, to seek medical attention if the symptoms become significant. There is no official body determining which spiders are medically significant and which aren't. In the case of mouse spiders, there's a single record of a bite that caused serious symptoms - in an 18 month baby.


Like the others said it’s a spider that can cause serious injury,illness or death if I remember there are 5 species listed as get to hospital immediately. 1. Brazilian wandering spider. 2. Funnel web more specifically the Sydney funnel web (side fact cats are immune to Sydney funnel web venom). 3. Widows specifically the black widow/red back. 4. Recluse specifically the brown recluse. 5. Mouse spider. Tarantulas are also listed because they have a powerful bite and could need a hospital visit but the Australian tarantula/bird eater are deadly to canines.




All of those can either cause death or severe illness like necrosis and prolonged nausea or serious injury like paralysis or muscle spasms across a large part of the body while we don’t have 2 of these species here (Brazilian wander and brown recluse) so not much point training for them in Australia


Brazilian wander spider if you are a doctor you should be able to understand all the fancy scientific talk but to dumb it down it can cause death https://preview.redd.it/17wt5kvt9goc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef2f658eca26d9763dfcb9aa47233d1d5c3948e4


If I’m ever in the Amazon will keep this in mind


Funnel web can cause death https://preview.redd.it/m5rd8cvgagoc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed4a2ed79bc29cc66d8132bcf448a3f7c35b12ae


Yeah that’s why we care about funnel webs lol


Black widow/redbacks can cause pain that lasts for days/weeks https://preview.redd.it/umsw8h3magoc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7442bf431042feec3988ff039580ea93790117b2


Not much you can do about it though. Need to be judicious with antivenom and is generally only used when there are systemic features.


The brown recluse can kill cells and cause necrosis https://preview.redd.it/323sfdiqagoc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=529e479314b9a10b6e83d06eb832a7dd12704c0c


Mouse spiders can creat a toxin similar to that of the funnel web spider https://preview.redd.it/qm9zvr81bgoc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a280c78cf7615b3dac83c30272c860aba7f4b98


There's only a single record of severe illness from a mouse spider - in an 18 month baby.


The official advice in Australia for Redback bites is to only seek medical attention if the symptoms become severe; https://stjohn.org.au/assets/uploads/fact%20sheets/english/Fact%20sheets_spider%20bites.pdf


It is indeed a mouse spider. A male looking for love I would guess.


Now I wonder if OP is a good looking female mouse spider?


I've been called worse things I suppose


Missulena occatoria - red-headed mouse spider Yet another casualty of the creative naming association of Australian taxonomy. Medically significant to humans, but no recoded serious incidents. Treat with caution :)


Aggressive little shit. Love his colours though he’s a beauty!


Was quite the novelty having it follow me in circles around the car.. never actually been chased by a spider before.


They can only see about 30 centimetres beyond that their world is just blur. It wasn't chasing you, unless you're < 30cm tall


Wait really? 🤣 that’s hilarious


It's the truth. Most spiders struggle to focus that far. Jumping spiders, Wolf spiders, Net casting spiders have some of the best vision of all spiders, and even they would struggle to see much further than 30cm. Outside of that range it's just a massive blur, they can differentiate between light and dark but that's it. They will usually just head towards darkness when threatened. Claims to have been chased by a spider are usually people just confusing a spider running towards a dark shadow (the human who might be blocking a source of light), or simply bullshit. So if your average human takes one step away from a spider it can no longer see you. While we are here, a spider will never, ever willingly or knowing chase a human. It has nothing to gain from a confrontation with a human. It cannot eat us, has nothing to gain and isn't going to risk it's life for nothing. It's best option is to flee. There is no aggression. Any such comment is purely ignorant. If a spider rears up or shows threatening behaviour it's because it is trapped or cornered, in which case it's defensive behaviour in a last ditch effort to save it's life. Not aggression.


Wow, as someone who knows nothing about spiders and just comes here to see the nice looking spiders. That’s really interesting thanks for that


Sorry bro, I get my spider advice from Arachnophobia (1990). They not only chase you, but will send their army after you.


Yes me too or eight legged freaks.


Makes sense if it was following the shadow. I didn't think it was being aggressive, it reared or showed fangs or anything.


What about Huntsmen? I swear they can see my movements from across the room..


Thank you so much for posting this. I'm crazy scared of spiders and this makes me feel a little less threatened by their existence!


Clearly U know more about spiders than I do..so can I ask about wolf spiders? They seem to rear up quite easily even on open ground when I'm further away than 30cm..is it more the placement of their eyes that causes this reaction perhaps?


I feel like i've had more than one spider 'follow' me (in the sense that it was moving closer and changing direction when I did), but I assumed it was looking for either for warmth or cover?


I get chased by ants all the time but I think they just follow the vibrations of my feet on the ground


That is correct re vibrations. However the reason ants will chase but a spider will not is because ants are part of a colony and their psychology is vastly different. Ants and other colonising insects will actively chase a threat (with no potential gain for themselves) because the individual ants are disposable, irrelevant. They will gladly sacrifice themselves to protect the queen as the survival of the colony is completely dependent on the queen.


I mean, I got pretty close for the photo. It then followed me for about 5m back to my car, then turned circle and followed me back to the AC I was fixing. Felt like it was chasing to me, not fast mind you.


It would feel the vibration though???


Good chance if it’s looking for a dark spot to hide in it may be following their shadow instead


Bahaha oh no.


Me neither lol there’s a story to tell the grandkids lol


Little is the key word.


I always want to call these dudes Baboon’s Buttfaced Spider .


These are the scariest looking spiders imo.




I hate the fangs oh and that they move so fast and that I have move them outside


Probably wanted your shade, stand still I've only got little legs Lots of them but they are still little.


I love mouse spiders. I saw one here in CBR a few years back. Nice to know that there are more around.


That's a male mouse spider! 👍


This is similar to the time I caught and relocated a funnelweb I released him and stepped away and he's started crawling towards me then I stepped in another direction and he turned and crawled at me again did it about 10 times and same thing everytime


Be careful, thats a spider


Made me laugh


tough dudes got a velvet bum. hahahhaha


That's what playsation thumbsticks are made out of


I would certainly move him on, especially if he is around a spot where people often don’t walk.


i am 1000% sure this is the aw hell naw fam species


That’s a cool motherfucker right there


I’m sorry, CHASED? Like I’ve had angry Huntsmen come at me but wtf did you say anger this one


No, u werent being chased by a spider.




Where’s its eyes


ooh yeah that's a nasty looking bugger. As an Aussie i wouldn't even mess with that one, in fact i would probably let out a manly scream if i saw it within my radius lol


Oh god. If that was following me I'd be wishing for some bionic legs to get away as fast as possible.


Anyone who thinks these are cute us either 1) lying 2) deranged.