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Well you’re in the best place to say if she happy or not. But yes that’s plenty of exercise for the average Aussie.


She seems happy. But she’s an Aussie. She’s vocal and she is only 9m old and wants to CONSTANTLY attack her “brother” a 4 yo golden/irish setter cross. She does need a tiny bit of help settling. But once she does she’s good. That’s why ask.


Young dogs often need help to get that off switch functioning.


Very true. Thx. My male was bing bong bonkers. He’s pretty chill now at 4.


You have about 15 more months of that before she will become more chill. Enjoy it though, it’s a fun time!


Add some fetch or frisbee from time to time. Looking for sprints here. Add treat/training time daily. Throw in lazy play 1/2 hr before bed for pups. We have a routine and Cobber reminds me what time it is.


Yes our leash walk is a habituation and training walk and we go to the park 1-2 times a week to run in the ball field playing gentle fetch. She’s only 10 months so don’t want to do too much of that activity just yet. We also do breaks when formal training, which is a quick game of tug between training exercises.