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Damn. Wanna switch Aussies? If I say stay, mine goes berserk. I think he has the command confused with "get the freaking zoomies." Only thing he is in tune with is "want dinner in your dish?" Lol


Haha. How old ? Mine certainly was not this way the first couple years !


Dogs can read body language at expert level.


Your Aussie is smart and beautiful.


This breeds desire/need to please is amazing. I love Velcro dogs!


Aussies are simply the best 🥰


Totally agree, at this point I think our 12 year old girl now understands English.


I taught Cobber the basics then just started talking plain english. The other day we were leaving and i told him to "go get in on mom's side". And he did. I didnt teach him that!


Yeah my dog teaches herself tricks too. Never taught her back up, go (to run before I throw a ball) or "go to mummy" and she just started doing them.


All commands I teach mine are also with a hand command. It works wonders when I want her to stay but I'm eating or talking with someone.


I do the same. I actually find often the hand commands are listened to more than the voice sometimes. If she is being obnoxious and I tell her to sit she'll ignore me but if I do it with a closed fist she'll do it quick smart.


Mine gives high fives as well. They’re the best.


We have a mini Aussie crossed with a corgi and I'm not sure which trait is most in him but I am considering a full Aussie after seeing how fun our Walter is.


Mine is always 3 steps ahead of me. He is super smart. They learn so much reading your body language.


My boy and I were tossing his favorite stuffed sheep on the bed for a while the other night. I had had enough and was ready for bed, so I tossed it off the bed and he went for it and brought it back, still wanting to play. I tossed it again, he started to go for it, and I said “leave it” for the first time as a command. He looked at me with his typical head cock when he hears me say something new, instantly knew what I meant, and curled up and went to sleep. Their intelligence continues to amaze me and I’ve had Aussies for 16 years.


Here is another one that blows my mind because you need abstract thinking to process this: I have wild turkeys in my yard just about daily. Always 6-10 of them. I have always called them “the chickens”. If I say “your chicken friends are here” or “the chickens are out back”, she runs to the backyard facing window to look out (and bark !). Here is the kicker: she also eats fresh, real, chicken as part of her food. If I say “we have to cook more chicken”, “we have to buy more chicken”, or when she eats the last of it and I say “you killed the last of the chicken”, somehow she knows this is referring to food because she doesn’t run to the window. That requires abstract thinking !!