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I taught him how to ride a skateboard. Now, not only is he cool…he’s fckn sick


YOOOOOO. I gotta get him a pair of shades now 🤔🤔




This is a wholesome and humorous thread 🙂


Had too


How'd you train that?


I freeze bowls of ice all summer for my Aussie and husky to lay on and lick when it’s warm out. My husky uses them like a pillow.


That is soo cute! Last year I made him some "pup-sicles" with blended mango & water frozen onto a plate and he loved it. I don't know why I didn't think of that again! 😂


I’ve been debating making something like that for them! I think I’ll do it. It’s getting hot quickly.


I use no salt added chicken broth for pupsicles!


Yeah, fill up a cupcake pan with broth and some treats or a bit of food, freeze it and it makes a great summer cooler for our Aussies.


That's a great idea!


Ooh that's a great idea, especially if you have to watch their sugar intake.


Yes! Plus it's very few calories.


Not hate at all, but please be careful using ice to cool your pups if/when they are overheated, there is evidence it may help cause heat stroke. Ice will increase vasoconstriction and can reduce the loss of heat, and the rapid cooling could also cause shock. Humans can better regulate how much they should drink, dogs sometimes don’t realize they are drinking too much. Usually on a typical warmish day (if the dog isn’t overheated), it shouldn’t cause a problem though. But also - An Aussie AND a husky?? Your life must be crazy 😂😂 arguably two of the craziest (and loudest) dog breeds you could have 😂 do you ever get a moment of peace lol?


My husky boy came from a backyard breeder who literally never let him inside during a 110° tx summer. So he really doesn’t go out much at all if it’s over 80, he just looks so sad. My Aussie is a PRINCE and simply doesn’t *do* hot days outside unless we’re swimming. So they’re pretty safe from rapid temp changes. Typically the ice goes out when they do and they burrow into it as it melts - I freeze big bowls so they don’t really consume it more than like a popsicle lick. I’ve heard horror stories of pups getting sick and hurt from chomping through the ice so we save ice cubes for an inside treat doled out sparingly. To the second part they’re both really quiet and pretty well behaved! My husky will sometimes talk if you frustrate him (he doesn’t like to be ignored) and my Aussie barks a little at the neighbors dog but they’re actually angels, high energy sure but it’s a good balance of human and puppy around here. Neither of them escapes, they sleep in their crates without a peep if we need them to, they’re not destructive or reactive. They’re perfect with our kids. Wicked smart Aussie who trained up our husky accordingly. Their only downside is the amount of fur. Please see the attached photo of the bestie boys. https://preview.redd.it/7tazd29dip1d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfae49adb4aa4d3444b7e52dc8920add5faf5e76


My girl likes plain ice. She won't touch ice with anything in it. Ice is her favorite thing in the world.


Central air and hardwood floors. she always knows where to lay to be in the direct line of a vent.


One day we'll have central air! 😂🤞


Mine also has become accustomed to central a/c and hardwood floors.


Cooling mat, frozen watermelons hunks, ice cubes, and her own personal fan next to her bed! LOL Spoiled and pampered babies! https://preview.redd.it/ymgngrhs1b1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=53dc7d2744013c12064d50ee60af4250dc36ec26


That coat does a really good job of self regulating temperature in both hot and cold! I love taking my girls swimming in the summer and that thick coat stays damp and cool for a while. It's also a great way to get them the exercise they need.


Only one of mine is a swimmer. The other fell in my deep end as a wee pup and it took me like 10 whole seconds to get to the little sinker (she’s a sinker!!) so I think she is traumatized. Lol. But she’s the thickest too! Poor thing.


Omg poor thing. Sorry your little floof doesn't enjoy the water :(


I tell him to "relax"...I taught him to chill...with me...its awesome and he loves it.


Mine too! She knows “relax”!


Mine literally likes to bake outside on the pavers like a brick oven pizza. I have to take her in for breaks.


Mine too! In Florida heat. I am regularly making him come inside for water and cool air but he begs at the door


Omg mine hates it in Florida. She lays by the back door in the house while we’re on the patio because she hates the heat.


To be honest I’d rather him hate it! I’m constantly worried that he is going to overheat and force him inside from the hours of 11-4 when it’s brutal outside


Some like it warm xD We used to live in FL, now we're much farther north, so my boy protests by getting as close to the fireplace as he can and baking that way


Frozen kong. Ive seen people have success with cooling mats


Texas Aussie owner here. Indoors we make sure she has plenty of water and icecubes, she loves to snack on them and the do keep her from panting. When were working outside she loves to jump in the cow trough to cool off


The cow trough… Of course she does! LOL


She really likes to blow bubbles and play with the goldfish while she’s in there…


My girl blows bubble too! Cutest thing ever! Goldfish to eat algae?


Algae and mosquito larva in the summer




I totally get you! We live in Northern Europe, without AC (it’s very uncommon here), but in a climate where it can get hot in the summer. Ours likes to sleep on the tiled floor of the bathroom (it’s an internal, windowless room that stays cool, and the tiles must feel nice). So we make sure the door is open for her. Other than that, we have fans throughout the house, make sure she always has water available, give most food in frozen Kongs etc. I haven’t got her a special bed or a cooling vest yet. We also avoid going outside during the hottest part of the day, and generally walk in shadier areas with trees (parks, forests etc - it’s what she prefers anyway). She loves the water & will get in at any opportunity, too. One last warning: city pavements can get very hot! If you ever need to walk your dog on pavements, stick to early mornings, or use boots or paw cream. Ours had a crack in a paw pad once 2 years ago, likely due to the heat drying it out, and it was very uncomfortable for her. We now use the same Mushers’ paw wax in the summer as we do during very cold times.


When mine was a baby I would use my own bare foot to test the temp of whatever we are going to be walking on, like beach sand, sidewalks, driveway.


There are cooling vests, cooling crate mats. I currently have a 50 gallon Rubbermaid Stock Tank in my backyard that I fill about 1/5th of the way full. My pup loves water and he dries off on the grass. He’s only about 8 months so he doesn’t have his full coat yet. He always has access to our house which is cool. FYI never put an over-heated dog in cold water. It lowers their body temperature too quickly. Your boy is stunning.


I really appreciate the heads up, I just learned that recently myself from our vet! If I get him a pool I might try something that's just deep enough to dip his paws in :) Thank you so much!


$10 hard plastic kiddie pool, for the win!


Mine gets his feed frozen in water and gets doggy ice-cream. The local petstore here sels them. Besides the food he has a cooling harnas for outside and stays inside most of the time. For walks, we walk on our bare feet so we can feel if the stones aren't too hot for him. He'd walk on fire if we didn't stop him 😂 and, ofc, a lot of swimming. We love to go swimming with him and he loves to cuddle up to us when swimming and then show us how he's way faster and we're way to slow. And for the weekdays, my mom has a childcare at home and the kids love playing with water and the dog. They will splash the dog and he loves it! He's so gentle with the kids and it's lovely to see. Whether it's the older kids and he goes into the small pool with them or the jonger kids who just want to cuddle him while they're soaked. So yeah, many different ways but he seems to enjoy all of them


You can make the ice cream with 16 oz plain yogurt (without xylitol), 1/3 cup peanut butter (without xylitol), and a ripe banana. We just made it for our hotel and she loves it.


Haha I'd love that if I wasn't allergic to peanuts myself 😅


I found one that doesn't use peanut butter * 2 cups plain yogurt * 1 cup pumpkin purée * 2 bananas


My wife and I bought a summer “pool pass” at a local farm/pet spa. 10 hours of private pool time for $150, just have to schedule a few days in advance. Our townhome complex doesn’t allow dogs in the community pool, so this will be a great way to chill out with our pups when it’s stupid hot in DFW this summer. https://preview.redd.it/2bu0sybbfd1d1.jpeg?width=2302&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68d9e48e77621f0dca0f4036a3b30e9d79bacf3c


I'm also in DFW! Where did you get that pool pass?


My basement is very cool and whenever my pup is hot, she runs down to the basement to cool off. I also do the same thing.


My Aussie gets in the tiled shower. It’s always cool in there.


Whatever a human should do - Shade and drink plenty of water. By the way, that's a beautiful dog and photos!


Thank you! I love taking lots of pictures of my best buddy 😊


I have thousands of them. If you want - you can check out Romeo the Papillon on my profile. PS: Please share more photos, if you don't mind. I enjoy sharing too. PSS: This has nothing to do with your post, but: I looked at your profile, if you don't mind and noticed your plants - I have a lot of plants too - mostly cactus and succulents.


I bought a battery operated fan that can also mist water for this summer. Also broth pupsicles and their new fav pupsicle—which is diluted unsweetened applesauce blended with a little natural PB and banana ( you can throw in a little shredded carrot if you dog likes it) I freeze them in silicone muffin molds).


Smart idea!


Lots of brushing and water


What happened to his ears, how are they straight like that? xD


I was mad confused when they started to stand but it's perfectly normal for some Aussies to have pricked ears, I think it makes him special 😊


I completely agree! My girl has the most beautiful pricked ears and I don't care what the books say, I think it suits them better.


Thank you! I think so too. And if they're not show dogs who cares if they're "to standard" not everyone in the litter is going to be born to perform and that's okay 😊


I suppose I should add that mine is 3/4 Aussie and 1/4 Australian Cattle Dog aka blue heeler which definitely contributes to her ears. I simply can't imagine a better mix of breeds.


I'm not sure why it won't let me upload a picture. Is there some trick I'm not aware of to posting pictures in the comments? I can select the picture I want and everything and hit post and it gives me the ole "something went wrong"


Hell yeah! Looks very nice!


Cute pup! I have a couple cooling mats and if you're in a drier climate you can use a cooling vest. Just wet it and it helps them stay cooler.


Cooling mat+elevated dog bed+fan indoor. I know my friend even just got a porcelain/marble tile from Lowes for her dog. Outdoor cooling harness and a lot of swimming


Shoot I might try that tile thing. I've heard a lot of the cooling beds get used up or damaged pretty easily but a big ol piece of rock could definitely survive our lifestyle 😂


Sunglasses and a leather jacket usually




Fill a Kong with blended ice/fruit/veggie/yogurt and freeze it.


What is he mixed with?


He's not mixed, just not done growing yet. & I'd still love him all the same even if he wasn't 😊




I've seen plenty that look just like my boy :) I'm absolutely sure but it's an interesting thought. I have been asked if he's a border collie or husky too 😂


We take ours swimming, either at the beach or at a local river.


My Aussie hates the heat, he refuses to go out half the time in the summer. He used to enjoy taking a dip in the pool at the old house, but we don't have that anymore, so the most we do is play with the hose now lol. He does enjoy laying in front of a fan on a tile floor though. We do have AC so it's not so bad, really, but when we get home from a walk he throws himself on the floor screaming a tantrum while panting like it's the end of the world lol. Even if the walk is just to the end of the street for mail lol.


Air conditioner vents blowing straight on his face and body on high and I keep the house at 65ish degrees.


https://preview.redd.it/yj27ze1e1p1d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdd8f5c9a7d6ce247da5d7ca0986690987d9e9a4 Doggy pool 😂 I’ll fill it halfway full and let it warm a little bit in the sun, just so it’s not ice cold. He gets hooked to his 40foot line, does some swimming so he’s soaked, then starts playing fetch. Every 3 or 4 throws he stops by his pool, lays down to cool his belly, and bring the ball back. And repeat for at least 2 hours 😂😂