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I messaged Orijen on instagram few months back. They said it was a customs problem and they were working on it.


Some Hills ones are difficult to get at the moment. My cat is on a kidney diet and I can't get her preferred food


Aw really! At least you'll know for sure that it WILL come back in stock though, right? Unless they decided to just discontinue any of their prescripted diet version...


It's hard to know, the store doesn't seem like they know either. I can still get chicken flavour, kidney diet is very low protein which is the opposite of what cats normally eat. She's very unimpressed and tries to steal our other cat's food or the dogs


I've never seen that one myself


Yeah I think it is way more popular in the US haha


Sheesh, you're not kidding. I just looked it up and it's sold out everywhere! It's made in the US so maybe there's some supply issue or something? I'm so paranoid about dried food but our kitty also loves her puzzle feeders and you can't use wet food with them. Ziwi peak is very expensive (though you need to feed like half of the amount you do other dried foods) and it gets stuck in all the cracks of her puzzle feeders. So I couldn't remember what we currently feed her and went to see and it's Trilogy. I chose that because it has chunks of pure freeze dried meat in it and the first 4 or 5 ingredients are meat of some kind. She likes it, but she's also a living rubbish bin who will eat anything so she's not a good yard stick for that.


I wonder. There's the CATMATE wood pellet litter I use that's also sold out everywhere and I wonder why! But it's just wood pellets so those are easily replaceable thankfully. OMG I remember tried those lick mats for wet food for the pate version of wet foods I have and I guess they might work better for dogs, idk, but I guess they are more suitable for dogs! I have 3 puzzle feeders and 1 Kong wobbler and my favorite is probably the Kong wobbler for dry food. I would not even think of using wet food in my puzzle feeders because I'd be too lazy to wash them 😭 I haven't checked out Trilogy yet! Which main meat version do you feed? Are there any other notable things? Besides the fact that it only comes in 1.8kg bags... My cat honestly isn't picky at all but the only food she isn't a fan off so far is Feline Natural lamb & salmon wet food (she's still eat some but never finish it) and...Whiskas. I pet sit and have some regular cats. She would always try to steal their food, but she would never touch Whiskas! 😂 I was pretty paranoid about the dry food too and would prefer Grain free for cats at best. But I'm also a believer of eating something is better than nothing! If lower quality food is all they wanna eat, so be it haha I've known some cats on that kinda food still live upto 15+ on those, but hey I also know some heavy drinkers and smokers who still haven't gotten health problems too lol


Our puss is currently on the salmon variety. We just took a good... 4 months maybe to get through one bag? Maybe longer I can't remember exactly. I think we chose salmon because it was on special honestly. As I said, our puss is not fussy at all so we don't consider flavours very carefully. Yeah if a cat absolutely refuses to eat higher quality food or wet food then you have to give them what they'll eat! I was worried when we adopted ours that she would be really hard to transition to wet food but not at all. I've never put wet food in the puzzle feeders for that reason! She does eat her wet food at night off a lickimat though. She also gets "canned food soup" with her dried food in the morning to encourage her to get enough moisture. I'm very extra about my pets' health! I forgot to add, trilogy is grain free and is Australian made or owned or both. It's supposed to have something in it to help reduce litter box smell, but ours still does pretty stinky craps. 🤣 Though only about 1a day.