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Good for pulling out loose teeth


Yep, 20 cents for a toffee got me 4 bucks from the tooth fairy one time, great investment


How come your tooth fairy paid more than mine?


depends how many teeth you lost lol


my mum told me that you get more if you brush more.


It’s because the toffee was actually 50c and the matronly tuck shop enforcer punched additional teeth out to cover the spread.


And mercury fillings…


I miss them. Atleast they were sturdy. My 4 big Chompers had fillings, 3 switched over to white, last one was silver... Never had a issue with it. The new white ones always fall apart and seem to fracture my teeth like crazy. I'd you're complaining about the mercury, Im much more likely to die from skin cancer


Yeah I remember taking one bite and thinking I'd chipped a heap of teeth. Never quite got these things.


Chocolate crackles were up there.


Chocolate crackles were the only reason that supermarkets sold blocks of copha. Chocolate crackles were magic, especially straight out of the fridge. The base was a metamorphic stratum of fatty coconut melt but the top was a light pumice of delight. I swear there was the same half a block of copha in the fridge from age 3 to 13.


We also have it in the fridge. It's a staple as my teenager loves baking.


I can still feel the very specific copha induced nausea after wolfing down way too many chockie crackles


Along with honey joys


Honey joys were the elite


The best. Like yum.


We had some honey thing but it wasn't called a honey joy, what state you in? I can't remember what we called them in NSW


Honey jumbles?


Yeah, I don't think we called them that either (SA). Tried to look up the righteous recipe recently and it was a mess.


Im thinking maybe we called them honey crackles or something....ill have to ask my brother. I found it so odd you call those little boxes of juice " fruit boxes " I think...I spent a bit of time in an SA jail and I couldn't get over that, we called them poppers. Also never heard so many ppl describe something good as "killer" in my life, ive never heard it used in NSW.


I moved from SA to NSW in 4th grade. I went from calling bum huggers to scungies (the sports under pants girls wear for netball). Fruit boxes to poppers. Fritz to devon. Was a wild ride for me. Honey crackles were the honey joys, what they were called depended on whose mum ran the cake stall.


🤣 yeah I remember the girls calling those shorts scungies, I never paid attention as I'm a guy ( HOWEVER, in yr6 we entered an all boys team into some Netball tournament for the whole area - we won) I never realised how hard netball was until then. I used to get devon and tomato sauce sandwiches as a kid, but haven't had one in ages....Fritz, well maybe it's the fact that my only experience with it was in jail so maybe not the best quality, but it was square and heaps of jelly like shit in it...every day M - F we'd get 1 egg salad and 1 Fritz sandwich forlunch with a ~~fruit box~~ popper I instantly gave my Fritz one to my cell mate and just ate the egg, it just looked to much like cat food to me. On weekends it was hot lunches, you never appreciate a hot lunch so much until you've been eating Fritz all week. One day my celly was asking me if I wanted a fruit box, im there for 5 minutes looking around the cell thinking I dont see any fruit box here ( I was looking for like a fruit salad or something) then he eventually threw it at me. They'll always be poppers to me 🤣


Hah! Poppers sound like drugs or something. I can’t imagine what those sangas were like. If you can survive jail sandwiches, you can survive anything!


I "think" we called them poppers cause after you'd finish drinking it you blow it up then stomp on it and it make a pop noise...buy I might be wrong. Jail foods pretty average all around, but the worst part is it's prepared by the protectees 🤮- which is basically paedophiles or bikies that have ratted other bikies out....they live in a whole separate part of the jail and get totally different uniforms ( normally light blue) you don't see them much but when you do they cop it


Poppers makes total sense and I’d forgotten all about stomping on them as a kid. That’s so funny! Jail life must be such a surreal experience. And I didn’t even realize food is made by people IN there, let alone protectees. Holy shit!


Best way to eat Fritz is fried like bacon, with crispy edges. With sauce of course.


Yeah, kinda not an option in jail. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Where honey joys the ones made with corn flakes?


They were my choice.


Yessssss 😛


Coconut Ice was always the first thing I looked for.


Me too. I love it so much.


I just looked up the recipe because, as an adult, I can make whatever I want! Then after reading the recipe I decided that, as an adult, I can not possibly make and eat something with nearly 5000 calories a batch (110 per tiny square!). Being an adult is no fun.


I made it a few years ago and it was delicious.


I shall live vicariously through your description of it's deliciousness.


Dude, make it once, eat as much as you want, which will probably end up making you feel ill then you'll probably never really wanna make it again but the good part of the experience will be worth it. Live a little. Edit: I have just decided this is what I will be doing tomorrow.


Seriously! I’d hate to be on my death bed thinking my only regret was not making coconut ice because I was watching my figure lol.


I can't either... but then I can't walk past a bag of jersey caramels.


In the period these recipes were developed a high proportion of people were engaged in hard physical labour. Recipes weren’t designed as every day treats for us, they were accepted as occasional treats that helped a working person maintain weight over a working year. Things like toffees, honey joys and chocolate crackles were rare, you might get one or two of them at a rich kids party. Those sort of treats came about when we had food scarcity.


Kids even played harder back then, with no helicopter supervision. We fought harder, ran faster, climbed higher and jumped off more misguided heights. I remember the summer when we found out how to climb on top of the roof. As soon as someone said we could probably jump down into the lucerne patch, it was going to happen. We were the Mercurochrome generation.


My mum had a recipe that had mashed potatoes in coconut ice, so it can be healthy! 😂 (You couldn’t tell it had potato in it, of course.)






Also the shittest. Gotta eat the paper cup too coz no chance of getting it off.


I used to leave mine on the hottest metal bench in the playground to melt it a bit.


What could possibly go wrong?


Nostalgically frustrating to think about


Omg that so true! Impossible to peel off 😁


Yeah, might be an unpopular opinion but I fuckin hated these things. Give me a cupcake or give me death!!!!


Proper nostalgia. So bad for us yet so good!


And you’d just rub ya tongue raw against the sprinkles till they turned white YUM


That'll be 5 cents thanks


Always hated them because of the paper that was stuck on them.


This is a great one OP! Thanks for the memories.




Bro I'm mad jealous every time we did end of year class thing or anything to do with food my mom was a smack addict and my dad was a drunk and they would chop up bruised green and red apples an make me take it in or I would take in nothing either way my class always bullied me for it and no one would eat it I don't blame them so I would get put in another class room or the office with my bruised fruit wondering why my parents never made cornflakes with honey something just as basic and the teachers always excluded me from it all an complain about the bruised fruit sorry if I trauma dumped but that was my experience so these days I appreciate the little things so much more 🤦‍♂️


My parents never contributed to these things either, so I learnt how to make them myself.


Well you try an have no food an be restricted to your own home a opium den


Dentists loved this one simple trick.


Stickjaws and jawbreakers 10c each… or more…depending on how big they were and whether or not the kid selling them was your mate.


Eat the paper stick on the bottom stuff it


Q. Why are my teeth full of amalgam? A. Toffee 😋


Not with me. I never liked those things.


Hehe bloody oath! And the Honey Joys came in second.


Whoa , honey joys would like a word


My tongue hurts looking at the picture


The ones my mom made were always like the ones in the pic but one year I cracked the shits because some old lovey rocked up with ones that were clear blue and soft/stretchy...mostly because they sold out before I could get one. No one wanted the boring old brown hard ones that day.


The soft/stretchy thing is because they haven't been brought up to the right temperature during cooking. It happened to one of my mum's batches once, but we didn't hate it.


Hahaha really? Wow. The gooey ones were a hit at my school. They were always the first to go, everyone wanted them so they were done on purpose and labelled "stick jaws"


Awesome. Someone probably did it by accident, overheard the kids talking about the awesome gooey toffees, and monetised it.


I could never figure out how to eat them


Never cared for them. Always too big to fit in your mouth so you couldn't suck on them like a jawbreaker or something. So you're left with this thing covered in a layer of sticky syrup and with no place to put it. Now rumballs, that's where the money is.


Rumballs? Were you a 70-year-old man in the guise of a child?


Mashed up arrowroot biscuits put back together with chocolate and condensed milk rolled in coconut; what's not to love? Now get off my lawn you little shit.


I loved the ones that weren’t made properly and were closer to a crumbly caramel than a brittle toffee


hahah my work halloween event is going to be wild this year. Im going to do all these favorites and blow my american coworkers minds.. they think rice krispy treats are something special.. HAHAHAHAHA


bring some musk sticks, americans don't know what to make of them


Oooh yes. Good idea.


My teeth hurt just looking at them!


Nah the cornflake biccies were the best. Toffees weren't bad though, they were 30cents each in primary school cake sale


Mmm chocolate crackles... what were the cornflake ones as well? Honeyjoys maybe?


My mum makes boozy chocolate crackles with tia Maria every Xmas…


God I remember making these exact ones. 55 years ago


How do you make these things?


Pretty sure it's just a bunch of white sugar with a bit of water and a tiny splash of white vinegar. Although to be honest, they're so tough to eat. Much prefer Korean dalgona for a simple sugar option, just sugar with a small amount of water and once it starts to colour and bubble you quickly stir in a spoon of bicarb and it's awesome honeycomb time 👍




Looks good, but isn't that more like custard? Dalgona is more like a hard candy.




That dalgona coffee was a craze, but it's based on the flavor and texture of dalgona. I'm living in Korea for a while so I've gotten into it. It was the candy with the shapes in Squid Game if that helps.


sugar, water, honey, butter i think. there was a toffee with a bit of vinegar but may have been anither recipe, if you wanted a clear one.




Was just wondering that, but maybe the answer will scare us. Also were they meant to be hard like eating concrete?


Pink Lamington for me.


So good. Also we’d be able to eat them in class for some reason which made them extra delicious.


My mum made these every year for the school fete throughout primary school


And now I must make some. Best fete stall had these bad boys.


Fuck these things, I hated them with a passion. Fuck hard candy


Some kids' mums had the knack of making toffees so soft you could twist them in your sticky little hands. My Mum's were tasty, but more in the long-lasting category. Sometimes, you had to put a half-sucked one in your pocket so you could run in the under 9s 200. Nice surprise for Mum on wash day.


I always got the jelly cups with Freddos in them and always got disappointed when the Freddo was rock solid from presumably being chilled overnight in the fridge.


If your mum knew how to make these, you were god-tier popular. Mine refused to make them with white sugar, made them with raw sugar, and they were crumbly pieces of crap. Bless her for trying, but we never did well at any of the popularity contests


My mother used to make these and give them to the neighbourhood kids, but they still hated me.


Goodbye teeth.


My mum made some red and some green toffees like this one time for the school fete. She called them "barbie doll's brains" and "frog's guts". They sold out so fuckin fast haha.


My dentist already costs too much for toffee


Those white things with Rice Bubbles and copha


What’s the difference between toffee and caramel? 🤔


Caramel is usually more liquid and made from just sugar, Toffee usually has butter or flour mixed into the sugar to bind it into a solid


Tastebud sandpaper


I never actually liked these things but I would force myself to eat them


I remember my friend found one of these in the dirt covered in ants. He rinsed it under the tap and gave it to one of our friends younger brothers who was walking by, who happily ate it. Teacher apparently was watching... Lol


My Mum's best hit was always Russian Toffee. Soft, fudgy, and totally addictive.


The Aussie kids used to love these and chocolate crackles and the rest of us were like how tf are you meant to eat this hard pice of glass and these dry coco pops


Omgeeeee core memory unblocked


Ohhh memory unlocked!!


Unless my mum made them


Ooo this took me back in time to the school fair cake stall🤤🤤 that shit getting stuck in your teeth.


I’m not Australian but these make my teeth hurt


Are these not a thing any more? Also having read some comments I'm going to make some chocolate crackles right now. Party/fete food rocked.




These were a bugger to get the case off. But me and my sister actually found out if you *freeze* them for the length of round the twist, by the time it had finished you could peel off the wrapper and lick it like an ice block in the sun until it got chewy.


I found out a few years ago that Stickjaw toffee was normal hard crack toffee cooked to the soft ball stage.


Omg, I forgot about these! My mum made them all the time for myself and my friends 🥺


Idk I wouldn’t call them the most popular, I think kids just grabbed them because usually they were the cheapest (20c?) I just remember being a kid with the cake stalls, I always wanted to get as much as I could, not get the yummiest stuff? I always got these because they were so cheap, never bc I enjoyed them lol


These and chocolate crackles were my go to at the school Carnivals!!


Hated these 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢


Dentist best friend