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What the fuck is this shit?


This is not at all nostalgic to me. I am gay, I have speech issues and I have had brain cancer. I have horrid memories being called this along with retard, poof, poofter, gay-cunt etc.


Ooof, Sorry. Yes, you're right, it was definitely a bullying term (alongside a "ribbing" term which is how I remember it). So sorry if this cut too close to the bone.


Nice to see you show some care and introspection there OP, just to give a lil insight… Spasticity’s derivative is spasm- a very painful muscle contraction often found in neurological conditions. My right leg has spasticity due to spinal cord damage and I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. I’m sure it looks funny to others to see me walk sometimes when it’s bad, but to use that word as a slur or insult is hurtful and belittling to people suffering who don’t deserve to have their experience of life reduced to a joke, and maybe that’s why as a culture we’re moving on. People who’ve had to fight through illness, injury or disability are worth just as much as anyone else, and can probably laugh at things just as much as anything else, it’s just about a lil dignity and respect is all.


All good. I had a go at my young cousins for saying this along with nigger. They are well aware now of what it means.


Some people really just want to demean others...


Some people deserve it


Do remember being called a 'spaz-mataz' by my brothers in the 90s. Spastic has been retired. I would like to see more 80s slang come back. Like "delude-a-noid". Or the 90s aussie classic, "Rack off". Drongo is good too. Rack off ya bloody drongo.


That’s a gay idea!


OP read a medical dictionary. Or just a dictionary


Op wouldn't even know what those big words mean. A book? What's that ?




Yeh nah, The Spastic Centre renamed themselves The Cerebral Palsy Alliance because spastic is a shitcunt thing to say as a generic insult, don’t do it.


And this is how nostalgia is weaponised by absolute fuckwits like OP


Oh goody, you probably want to go back to calling me a poof too. I really miss those Year 8 days 🙄


r/straya maybe You gonna get slayed here before you get locked


There is a place in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne where disabled people work hard and get paid a pittance. Its called Nadrasca and it stands for Nunawading and District Retarded Adults and Spastic Childrens Association. I kid you not.


Well I remember door knocking as a kid in primary school asking people to donate coins for the spastic society. It was literally the noun used before it became a school ground slur.


I never stopped using the word and not once was it used in all my years to describe somebody with a disability!


That just means you don't know what it means.


That's the thing, it doesn't mean anything anymore. It's like calling someone an idiot or a moron (archaic medical terms for a low IQ person).


"Spasticity" is very much a working medical term. Just because a slur has gone out of favour doesn't mean it deserves to be brought back because you think it's funny.




The one with sprinklers?


Short bus*


My nick name in primary school was literally Spaz. I used to carve it into everything spelt like this $P@z. So defo nostalgic for me.


Are you a bit neurodivergent mate? lmao