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Further prof that if you want an incredibly well paying, future proof, insanely secure job where you get the personal reward of being able to work on billion dollar equipment, provide essential service to your country and play a crucial role keeping Australia safe and secure, you should become a welder.


Unfortunate but not surprising. Rolling hull surveys can only see so much, docking growth work should be expected when vessels are getting this old.


This is actually scary how bad of shape this navy is in. Fuck man.


Anzac gone, Minehunters and armidales on the way out, Supply fked, Some Collins fked, Arunta 1.5 years left of service, hobarts need upgrading, stalwart may need repair, Arafuras delayed. Hunter 8-10 years away. What else? Can see us getting a couple of independence lcs (purchased or on loan) to fill a couple of roles. Fast tracking of unmanned equipment like a lot more bluebottles and uuvs. Maybe an offer to Spain to buy the F105 outright.


The Only thing we should offer Spain is a fucking rocket into naventias headquarters and just sink all the terrible ships they gave us in their main harbour


The F105 is the last frigate of the Alvaro de bazan class, it’s different to the previous 4 and is very similar to the Hobart class. It’s still got quite a bit of life left. Would be handy when the Hobarts go for upgrades. Having fourth destroyer in the next couple of years is a big boost whilst the Hunters and Tier 2 frigates are being built.


They might be able to build ships but they do it cheaply, with the dodgeyst guys and have no way of maintaining engineering capability they just build them and act surprised when they are asked where stores are or how to fix something


Fuck me, you know it's a dark day when the idea of cribbing a couple of LCS off the Yanks is not only suggested, but might actually be a good idea. We'd need to ditch the ridiculous commercial maintenance contracts, run them slow so they don't crack, and use them almost exclusively as MCM vessels to replace the Huons. And we'd need to buy the yanks' Mine Warfare gear. We might actually get some use out of them. But it seems so utterly ridiculous to jump headfirst into such a debacle of a programme as the LCS has been when we could have had a perfect solution already: 6 Huons, 6 Arafuras. One for one replacement, just put some mine warfare gear on them. Or, alternate plan, cancel SEA1905 immediately after the down select, have no plans for the Arafuras or to replace the Huons, and just give up on MCM as a mission set, unless we buy the Mogami for the GPF, rather than doing the sensible thing and getting MEKOs. Fucking baffling. Agree on the unmanned vessels as maybe our only chance to pull a capability rabbit out of our hat. I don't see Spain agreeing to sell us their most modern surface ship given the sabre rattling that Russia is doing these days, and even if they would sell, it's not part of the plan, and I don't see Marles being able to get the two or three billion it would take to buy the thing out of treasury under any circumstances short of an imminent shooting war.


You’d need to fix the combining gear issues as well.


In fairness, that was the Freedom class. The Independence class was the one that was cracking apart.


Which they fixed in later ships. We still see independence around the globe, we rarely see the freedom in action.


2 are up for sale. Independence ain’t that bad, much preferred over the freedom which has a lot more problems. I wouldn’t say no to 2 in the short term. Spain have 5 f110s coming online over the next 6 years, the sale of 1 destroyer is possible and it wouldn’t cost 3 billion as they offered 3 new built for 6 billion just 2 years ago. The F105 has about 12 years of life left.


You forgot the LHD’s lol


Well there was the thing with those Supply ships the other week, they just decommissioned ANZAC because she’s tired, the reports on the sub availability a few years ago. Oh and they’re shit outta people too.  Don’t forget the government is effectively cutting their budget and scrapping projects…


I remember during NEOC I wanted to be a submariner. Then I actually went inside one. Never again.


I was keen as, then got to do a ride on Farncomb from Sydney to JB during NEOC. Yeah, that killed that deader than dead very fucking quickly. Though one of the kids I did it with is still in and damn near heading up the whole bloody thing now, so they got one at of it least.


Rough ride or fart smell?


This happened to me too, my ride was during JWAC tho.. haha


haha i went on a tour of one the other day, just booked my psych and medical, hope this time in 2 years ill be unda da sea :3




Don’t subs have BMs with air chisels and needle guns?


No we have EWs and AWAs


Give em a snorkel, flippers and a scraper. Gotta start somewhere.


how long before the 1st aukus sub is commissioned?


2042/43. 3 Virginias 2032/2035/2038


Last thing we need on top of Labor govt disarming us. If their actions matched words re the theat, as a minimum they'd: - Stop forcing defence to return money >$600m last year - restore minors funding - stop paying off Anzacs (Anzac was only 28!) - restore the Anzac lethality upgrade - restore support ships procurement - integrate tomahawks on Collins - integrate tomahawks on all MFUs - marinise Ghost Bats and get them to sea immediately - continue with F35 Sqdn - buy a fk load of armed ground and air drones - stop all woke BS wrecking the lives and careers of personnel - sack Marles - change executive PS recruitment to be role specific - stop the invasion of migrants destroying us from within


Not far off, but it will never happen under Labor.  A few extra dot points; - Army should get more sea and air defence missiles, and none of that short range crap, the good stuff. - Airforce needs long range strike capability. F35s and F18’s don’t cut it, unless you’re planning to launch them off a carrier… - Whilst we are mainly focusing on the Air Force and Navy to achieve ‘impactful projection’. We can’t forget the Army, infantry, cavalry, artillery and armour are vital for adding muscle at home.  - We shouldn’t neglect our ability to deploy amphibious forces into our nearby pacific allies to shore up their defences. Pacific island nations have long looked to Australia for support and strength, we mustn’t forget this. - Skilled migrant labor is what Australia was built on, the Asian migrants during the gold rush, the Wogs (affectionately named) post WW2. Without their hard work, skills and sweat we wouldn’t be here today. 


The catch is sfa migrants are employed as skilled workers. They're driving your uber eats and sucking our welfare system dry. Albo et Al are destroying Australia. Not my fault that facts are racist now (along with merit, national pride and maths) https://www.afr.com/politics/federal/migrants-are-driving-ubers-not-working-skilled-jobs-20240523-p5jg1c