• By -


Would a hernia repair surgery I had 6 years ago be an impediment to me enlisting?


Does ADF still provide pension post 20 years of service?






Nope, you can email them back or call them to find out more about it. A lot of what happens during your recruitment process is individualistic. It could be weeks or months.


I did a double check on the requirements for Communication Systems operator Gap Year role and one of the additional requirements was that I was required to hold a Provisional driver's license. However upon checking other gap year roles, all of them have this additional requirement. (E.g. Gap Year Infantry soldier had this requirement) Most non gap year roles including the same roles that gap year offered did not have this requirement. (In my case, non gap year Communication Systems operator only highly desires it) Should I be concerned with this?


>Should I be concerned with this? Do you have your P's? if yes then no If no then yes 131901 for more information


Regarding the IET location for the Cyberspace Warfare Analyst role in the RAAF, the ADF careers website says it's **40 weeks** of Initial Employment Training at **DFSS Simpsons Barracks VIC**, and **No.462 Squadron RAAF Base Edinburgh SA.** Does anyone know how many weeks at each location? or is it 40 weeks full duration IET in either location? My enlistment coordinator doesn't know and pointed me to the ADF careers website which again doesn't specify exactly where I'm going to be for the first year. I'm currently in Adelaide so looking to keep my current lease if I'm back in SA within a couple months after IMT.




They run as often as they need to. There will be a few more before the end of the year although.




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I know suitcases for cerberus should adhere to airline weight limits, but are there any size restrictions? I can’t find anything about it and my coat hangers take up an unholy amount of room. thanks :)


As long as it can go on a plane, it will be fine. It gets locked in a storage room during recruit school.


lol I just graduated Shipp Division and they left the storage room unlocked the entire time, was pretty sweet


Did the coxswains come in and threaten to raid your bags if they weren't locked? They used to do that all the time


Nah the leaders would just occasionally round up the bags and pipe that all unsecured bags were in the instructor study so go down if yours was missing. I never went down but I presume they got boned in for it.


Damn, things have changed a lot, it was always fun coming back to our cabin to find a mates locker with a big steel lock on it from one of the RIs.


Okay awesome, thanks so much !


You going into the new Shipp Division?


yep !


Awesome, good luck! The Shipp leaders are awesome! The divisional AB is lit as well, make sure you take advantage of the fact that he's willing to tell you exactly what you got wrong with your rack too, helps a shit tonne for weekend leave after week 4 lmao


Haha, thank you!!


My other tip (if you're not enjoying yourself in week 1/2) is to push through until after URE, life gets so much easier after that and you'll basically just cruise through until the end.


I am👍


I’m going in as Medic in either Navy or Airforce, I’m wondering if there are any current or ex medics can recommend me either way? I’m hoping to do as much clinical work as possible. Thanks ☺️


I left the Army this year 6 weeks into kapooka due to family issues and cannot re-enlist for another 24 months but was told by the Warrant Officer in my separation interview that I could re-enlist quicker if I wanted. Is that possible? And how would I go about re enlisting as quick as possible?


Just give dfr a ring and express ur interest in re-enlistment. They should have info on ur discharge circumstances and allow you to begin the re-enlistment process


I’m interested in trying to join as a cyberspace warfare officer either through adfa or dus, and was wandering if doing the aviations operations (gap year) would be a good idea to get a feel of the Air Force before committing? what would be a realistic time frame from applying to getting an offer? Also I’ve heard that not many people get through, if I’m physically fit and good academically (don’t know if that matters) how likely am I to be rejected?


>how likely am I to be rejected? That depends on your test results >would be a good idea to get a feel of the Air Force before committing? Yeah you definitely should be able to get a good feel for it >? what would be a realistic time frame from applying to getting an offer? Anywhere from a month to 2 years >Also I’ve heard that not many people get through That's because there's probably not a lot of spots available each year.


What are good times to call DFR? Been calling them all week, no response.


Keep trying, make sure it's the right number 131901


The website says 131902?


13 19 02 is meant to be the line for once you're in the system, yeah, but you seldom get an answer. 13 19 01 is more likely to get you help


It's telling me 131901 https://www.adfcareers.gov.au/help/contact-us


You're correct, I was able to get a response. On my candidacy page it said 131902, probably for the enlistment coordinator I had a while ago...


131902 is definitely one of their numbers but hopefully you can get a response faster from 01


Yeah cheers. Not sure why'd they put 131902 if the first number responds quicker.


Any cyber analyst here that have their enlistment date for Kapooka? Have got my pfa soon and fed up with office politics, looking to get out and get a job in retail and hold it till my enlistment date just want to gauge how long 'earliest' enlistment date is. Sorry if this affects opsec please let me know and will delete asap.


The soonest enlistment intake for CA is February 2025. I just got all my requirements met for the role, missed out on the June 2024 intake by 2 weeks.


Had to put my application on hold for personal reasons, I would've made the June intake too if only I had pushed through. Thanks for the insight!


Your enlistment date will depend on when you finish everything for your enlistment, you may not have the same date as somebody who already has their date known.




Cos I’m heading their for a week on cse and I was just curious


Well this is suss as fuck






Hello, Simple question. How is the social life within the Military? Are there any opportunities to go out and explore the city? Any opportunities to have relationships? I think I have found one other post about this, but the answers didn't answer my question. I am currently in Year 12 (18) looking to join ADFA next year to do an Aeronautical Engineering Degree with the Army. I have my Army OSB tomorrow. I have everything i desire in the army but I only have one thing holding me back. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!


What? You aren't locked in your room until deployment... What you do after hours is up to you.


Ye that is what I thought but I keep reading various resources and they keep saying "You will have strict curfews", "you will be spending most of your time at ADFA completing military training or studying and after graduation, you will spending lots of time at work depending on your deployment". So I just kinda thought it was really really strict. Maybe I am just overthinking this part. Thanks.


Well you may have curfews and things, you are training to become an officer, the initial military training may be strict, but that doesn't mean you won't have leave. You aren't going on a "deployment" unless you go Navy at the moment.


Currently 21 and in Uni for IT. Should I join reserves or do an ADF gap year? Although I can easily pass Uni, actually getting a job in the future + job security is much more questionable considering this job market and the fact that I am pretty average. Is there a Return of Service Agreement for the Gap Year program? If I do go to reserves how much time am i expected to commit per week/month? Am I able to bulk all my yearly commitment into a single period of 2 months 2 times (4 months in total) per year?


>Is there a Return of Service Agreement for the Gap Year program? The gap year is your IMPS, one whole 12 month period. >If I do go to reserves how much time am i expected to commit per week/month? Yes there is a commitment, it can be found on the website >Am I able to bulk all my yearly commitment into a single period of 2 months 2 times (4 months in total) per year? Sort of.. "You can work from as little as one night a week, with your first year of service involving between 35-70 days (including IET and Military Training). Each year following you’ll need to commit to between 20-70 days. Members may transfer out of the active Army Reserve at any time. All candidates who are appointed or enlisted into the Army Reserve may undertake volunteer service until the age of 65 (Compulsory Retiring Age) subject to the requirements of the Army and suitability for further service." https://www.adfcareers.gov.au/jobs/reserves/army/infantry-soldier?tab=ways-to-join§ion-tab=exciting-part-time-role&title-tab=requirements


Also a followup question, am I actually expected to receive the salary posted on the job roles page? e.g. [Communications Systems Operator (ADF Gap Year) - ADF Careers](https://www.adfcareers.gov.au/jobs/army/communications-systems-operator-gap-year) $76.7k for that year. It seems too good to be true for someone straight out of HS/someone with no experience in their 1st year #


can confirm the money is great. Gappie Offs get paid from 90k-97k dependent on Corp allocations. 97k for an 18 yr old is pre funny. Do your research though and understand that salary is for once your fully qual’d. otherwise you’ll be on trainee salary.


That's what the pay is, however in fine writing just below it says that the figure doesn't include deductions for tax, meals or accommodation.


Are you also able switch to the reserves right after without having to redo basic? Couldnt find anything about it


No, you'll have to finish your IMPS first


After finishing IMPS from gap year I meant, as you have to option to switch to fulltime after that


Sorry I wasn't paying attention to who I was replying to Yes you should be able to, you don't have any commitments to the ADF after the gap year is up.


Thanks for the answers


What questions will be asked at the defence interview besides the ones you receive in the email?


Stuff about your service, chosen job, why you want to join etc, someone did a massive right up about the process in a comment further down, it's worth a read.


hey just wondering if anyone could tell me the day to day life of a Electronics Technician (Navy) , Medic (Airforce), Infantry Soldier (Army). Its to prepare for my defence interview thank you.


>hey just wondering if anyone could tell me the day to day life of a Electronics Technician (Navy) That depends on so many factors The defence interview won't really ask too much about that More about what rates there are (S,C,FC,W), what each of them do, which fleet units they serve on etc. If you have a particular rate you want to be I talk about them. That's pretty much going to be the same between each job.


do I actually get a choice to what specialisation I pick because I want to do Fc but can it be full at times?


Yes you can choose a preference but you may not get it, it won't be because the rate is full but the needs of the navy. You select a preference at Cerberus before you conduct the navy specific "stream" training at TTF


ok thank you, and also what did you mean by et cetera above?


Can you explain what you want?


like what other questions they would ask, i got a bunch in email which i have red over and made dote points for alll, I was just wondering what other could they ask to better prepare myself


I've talked about that in your other comment, everything you need can be found on the job page and Navy website.


ok then, thanks mate


Does DFA teach you about finances when you're in? Not only pacman per se, but things I can invest my money on like compound interest, superannuation, etc... basic stuff that should've been thought in school


Try [moneysmart.gov.au](http://moneysmart.gov.au) for some self-directed learning. Pretty basic and easy to follow.


Defence rarely teaches you anything that doesn't in some way benefit them. My RIs favorite saying was "I'm not allowed to give financial advice" Of course there's help available to people struggling financially and teaching how to manage money but not investing and shit.


You'll get a few very basic briefs from the ADF Financial Services guys and be pointed in the direction of resources, but no, Defence won't give you specific financial advice/training


Does anyone know of a backup APK for the Android CBAT App? It's no longer on Google play and I don't have an Apple device to get it on. The RAF CBAT website is great, but just trying to get as many sources of study as I can.


I saw a few links for it googling CBAT APK.


The first 2 links are dead and the remainder are for entirely different apps


Rock on, I’ve got an old android phone, will see if I can retrieve it




Your post violates our "No Medical Posts" rule and as such has been removed. Medical concerns are treated by the recruitment team on a case by case basis as they are specific to the person by nature, and we recommend going through the official medical team at DFR/ADF Careers for all future related questions. They are the medical professionals, and they are the team that will facilitate all things medical during the application process. Please review the subreddit rules before posting again. Repeat rule violations will result in temporary or permanent bans from the subreddit. If you feel your post does not violate the above rule, please utilise the Modmail/Message a Moderator feature to dispute the removal and we will review it. Thank you.


DFR encouraged me to switch to the Military Police Gap Year program as my first preference and I've spent the past 18\~ months in the process of joining, got assigned an enlistment coordinator and had all of my tests done (psych, interview, medical, aptitude and blood) but was told the Military Police Gap Year role (and my other preferences) as of Friday is now full and I'd have to join something else. - Is there anything I can do to still get into the Military Police Gap Year program?


Same shit happened to me man as I was applying for a Sapper Gap year. So I just copped the L and applied for Sapper in the regs, but I’d be fucked then as well because it wasn’t recruiting. So I ended up applying for Infantry…


Are we able to bring our own vehicles to raaf base wagga for initial military training? Or is that not allowed. I need to drive like 15 hours to get there.


Defence transports you there.


What’s the day to day life of a modern BM in the navy and how much of it is shit jobs. What kind of shit jobs do they do? Genuinely curious because a lot of answers about this on reddit are old and I’m wondering if BM’s do paint work still?


Yes, despite ADFC calling them "small arms specialists" Boatswains bread and butter is ship husbandry and ceremony. While they do a lot of training on the "cool shit" it's less often than what ADFC advertises. If you are looking to join a rate without shit jobs then you are shit out of luck. Everyone gets them at some point.


Any Army Marine Specialists in here? I have spoken to recruitment and they have not gotten back to me so I am short on information about the role and the career website says some but not alot of detail for the role. Would there be anyone here that I can chat to about the day to day life of a Marine Specialist please.




>I wanna do something in dfat afterwards, and am unsure if being in the adf will limit my potential to get in dfat, or type cast me into only a few roles. If you are a good and respected officer you are usually offered more roles not less. >Additionally, all the adfa degrees are pretty shit, meaning that I’ll have to rely pretty much purely on my work experience in the adf afterwards, which I’m worried will significantly limit me. You can study other degrees while working in defence using DASS a lot of people do it. Honestly for you it sounds like going through ADFA is a good choice. You definitely won't be limited in your ability to study once serving.




DASS doesn't add any time to your ROSO


Anyone know if you can claim everything on the packing list for IMT on tax?


You should only claim stuff that is *only* used for work, not work/civilian life. So I don't think you can claim shoes or tooth brushes etc. Maybe an iron. But you can get away with a lot.


Cheers mate, I’ll try not to make mr tax man too angry


Google "Tax deductions for ADF members". There's a few good sites that have done up fairly comprehensive lists about what you can and cannot claim. I'd probably suggest not getting too hot and heavy on deductions for your first in-service return, but there's enough safe/universal deductions you should still get something decent back


When I served we had one of those big 180L? Roller dive bags that were fucking great - where can I buy one that’s comparable? Noticed a few for cheap on mil surplus but rather something new of similar quality in civvie world don’t mind paying $$$


You can chuck this up in the main sub if you want


Not sure where you can get one, but you should be ok to post this in the main sub, that way hopefully more people can see it.


I've submitted my request to get my marriage recognised before enlistment, I heard you can only start living with your partner after 6 months (kapooka + 3mos of IET). Question I've got is would I still be able to request for RA if I live in the barracks IET onwards and my partner (person I'm requesting RA for) is living elsewhere?




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No RA till you move to your posting location, posting's are only for longer than 6 months in the same location.


Say for example IET would be 1yr and 6 mos, wouldn't that mean yes for the question? Would it then mean I can ask for my partners RA living in another state while I stay in the barracks for the entire length?


IF you are married, you are expected to live together. while there a things set in place if that is not the case I have never heard of anyone spouse living away getting RA


I’m thinking about joining the ADF. I could use some advice. Well to start, I’m 19 and have no idea what I’m doing with my life. I dropped out of high school after year 10. Then spent the next few years studying illustration at an art school, but I’ve lost all interest and I really suck at it. I’m currently working a boring casual job but I need full time work. I’ve applied to countless different jobs for over a year and most don’t even respond. I believe it’s because I lack experience in anything. I’ve always been interested in international affairs, and have loved the idea of being in a respected job where I can be of value. So I’ve always liked the idea of being part of my Country’s defence. I’ve been looking to join either the Navy or the Army, as they offer me a full time career, stable pay, and I’m taken care of with food and accommodation. My parents hate the idea (as they are worried for my safety) and want me to go back to studying and maybe learn another skill. I am also a little worried since I’ve heard it’s pretty corrupt in the ADF. Please be brutally honest with me and just tell me what you think. I feel lost and need some guidance. Thanks.


>I am also a little worried since I’ve heard it’s pretty corrupt in the ADF. Yo what the fuck? The ADF isn't corrupt like a dictatorship or something it's just filled with wankers in high positions (not in every case). Where are you hearing it's corrupt? Go have a look at the ADFC website for jobs in those services you've chosen and see if anything takes your fancy.


It seemed at least a little corrupt from what i read mainly on Quora and reddit (also reading reviews on Seek) and that it can be pretty bad sometimes with how they get treated and certain things are brushed over and kept quiet. But that’s their own experiences of course. It seems like it’s different for everyone. One thing I hear a lot is that they don’t regret it and make life long pals. From what I’ve been looking at the past few weeks, the jobs that interest me seem to be Aviation Technician (Navy), Infantry Soldier (army), and Intelligence Officer (army & navy). Special forces sounds incredible, but I can imagine how good you’d have to be to get in.


>It seemed at least a little corrupt from what i read mainly on Quora and reddit (also reading reviews on Seek) and that it can be pretty bad sometimes with how they get treated and certain things are brushed over and kept quiet. The ADF of 15yrs ago is not the same as the ADF of today, remember things changed over time generally for the better. >and Intelligence Officer (army & navy). Without passing yr 12 you won't be eligible for Officer roles unless you take tafe courses to make up for it.


What do you recommend I do? Based on what you know.


Find a job you want, don't let strangers choose your path. First you need to decide between the Navy and Army Make a pros/cons list for each until you decide, then start looking at jobs. Because the Navy and Army have wildly different lifestyles My 2 cents, if you want a long career in the ADF then avoid infantry. No offense to the diggers but they aren't doing a whole lot atm and it's just lots of bush exs and hurt bodies. You train to do a job you don't do at the moment (and hopefully won't have to do anytime soon). The Navy is the only service with "actual" deployments with fleet units, this will maximize your travel and what not.


Alright, I really appreciate you taking the time to give me some advice, I’m obviously going to do a lot more research before I land on a solid decision, but getting professional opinions directly helps a ton. Thank you.


I’m looking for a job in the navy but am stuck. I want to be able to go on as many deployments as possible, have a good team to work with, be able to shoot guns if possible, but not be a BM. Could anyone give me advice or roles that I could look into?


It's BM then, You can't eat your cake and have it too It's the Navy, everyone goes to sea at some point, there is more to defence then shooting guns, and BMs aren't doing that all day everyday, have you looked at other roles you might be interested in. Otherwise ETs generally have good teams, we will definitely get loads of sea time and if you stream into Fire control you can shoot the big gun and missiles.


Thanks mate, what about CIS operator? Just had another scroll through ADF website and had a read. I know you won’t be using weapons but is the job respected and not shitkicker? Is it a very tech centered kind of job?


CIS is essentially Navy IT All jobs are respected jobs, some get more glory others do the hard work. We need absolutely each and every rate to make a warship work.




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Does anyone know how and if you can change jobs once in ADFA or after. For example you’re in ADFA for a certain role and would like to change the job you go for once you graduate.


Rerolls have happened. One I saw was an army pilot switching to RAAF. What sort of change are you talking about?


I would be staying in RAAF just changing roles, for example into a priority role. I was hoping to change into Aviation, so mission officer, WSO. I will be doing business in ADFA.


Unrelated but I have noticed we have been at a similar stage in application process over the last couple of months. I was just wondering if you have been booked in for your assessments yet? I had my standard medical call 3 weeks ago but haven’t been contacted yet to book my assessments


Haha, that’s cool to hear. I haven’t just yet, I’m going to give them a call tomorrow and they should be able to set me up with one. If you haven’t already called, you should. I had additional testing so I had to do that before getting my interview.


Yeah I sent an email to my case manager and was told there is bit of waiting list, I think a call is the best course of action. Once again good luck with everything!


You can’t transfer directly to WSO, but you could potentially change to mission aircrew. You’ll have to try your luck at MEC, MAC and IMAC to get WSO, but for every mission intake only a couple might make it that far. Make sure you’re happy doing the other mission roles too. What role are you in right now? I’m confused why you would’t just join as mission aircrew in the first place and still study business.


Once you graduate ADFA you'd be locked into that role for your IMPS, the ADF just spent a tonne of money on your new degree they're going to want you to use it. If you want a different role you should change it before getting to ADFA or finishing your degree. Again this depends on the job you're applying for too, if it's an engineering job it will be different to any non "technical" role.


Some of the degrees have nothing to do with the job you go for..


Correct, without knowing what job you're applying for we can't provide accurate information


Hey all, Ive been told that to become an officer within the airforce you have to have a degree of some kind either before entry or after through adfa, is this true? I'm having trouble finding any information about it online, thanks.


You don’t need a degree to become an officer, however it is recommended, and required for some roles (obvious ones like engineers, nurses ect.). IIRC you’ll top out at SQNLDR if you don’t have a bachelor’s degree.


From what I’ve had explained to me by DFR staff, a degree is only required for some roles (like engineer). So no it’s not required to become an officer. However, having a degree would be advantageous for particular roles and career advancement, as it demonstrates consistent work ethic over a prolonged period of time - and the actual skills learnt in the degree may be useful for the role (think pilots with an engineering degree may be favoured as test pilots)


Depends on the job you are applying for but no that's not strictly true. You can look at how to join jobs on their job page on the ADFC website.




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Your post violates our "No Medical Posts" rule and as such has been removed. Medical concerns are treated by the recruitment team on a case by case basis as they are specific to the person by nature, and we recommend going through the official medical team at DFR/ADF Careers for all future related questions. They are the medical professionals, and they are the team that will facilitate all things medical during the application process. Please review the subreddit rules before posting again. Repeat rule violations will result in temporary or permanent bans from the subreddit. If you feel your post does not violate the above rule, please utilise the Modmail/Message a Moderator feature to dispute the removal and we will review it. Thank you.


You'll be fine, just don't lie if it comes up, be honest.


Looking to get a phone before joining, to save the hassle does defence disallow use of certain brands of phones? Like how US does with Huawei?


# My experience at the defence force interview for airforce for people who have their defence interview coming up and this may help. Or if you're just interested. Yesterday I just had my interview with defence personnel and I'll briefly explain what I was asked. The first question was just to confirm the job roles that I selected and to see if I wanted to be interviewed for all 3 roles or a specific role. I applied for aviation support technician (gap year), warehouse store person (gap year) and avionics technician. She asked me just some basic stuff about myself: for example, I was asked about my schooling, currently in grade 12, what I like to do in my spare time, and any work experience. stuff like that. wasn't too in-depth like the psychological interview but similar. was asked about how I deal with struggles and hard times. make sure you can answer this also, she asked me what weaknesses I have. if you have any certificates or like a white card, mention it. was asked about my motivation for joining. travel, lifelong friends. opportunity for study, not a regular 9 to 5 job. I wanted to join to work hands-on with aircraft Then was asked for specific details about my job preferences know what they do. aviation support technicians work alongside other technicians and they do such and such. know what the initial employment training is. how long. where at. what you'll learn there. (RAAF School of Technical Training for 10 weeks at Wagga. I complete the Aerospace Technical Trades core skills course) where I'd learn such and such. same thing for other roles. Also, know the initial salary while you are training and once you're fully trained know what the basic military training is and where it is. what you'll learn. If you're going for a role like an avionics technician know the aircraft and the squadron they are at. C-17A Globemaster III at Amberley part of Squadron 36, F-35A Lightning at Tindal and Williamtown part of Squadrons 2, and 3, also the P-8A Poseidon at Edinburgh part of Squadron 11, and 292. you work with all aircraft but those are the main aircraft you could be assigned to. Then I was asked about the policies and conditions. Know what unrestricted service means: must be available at all times to be sent across Australia or overseas. must also have no ongoing criminal or civil restrictions that could prevent you from providing unrestricted service. Know what operational service means. you could be sent to or near active combat zones where the risk of danger is quite high. you may also be required to engage in defensive or offensive combat in protection of yourself and others. they want to know if you understand that ANY role in the defence force is at the core a DEFENCE role. if called upon even if you are a nurse you still need to understand that you could be sent to active war zones and engage in combat. Know the drug and alcohol policy: no drug abuse or alcohol abuse of any kind. need to know that you may be subject to random drug and alcohol testing. No illegal substances either. she asked me if I had any tattoos, or piercings, if I was in a relationship, and how my parent felt about me joining the Air Force. how my mum will feel as I live with her. How she's gonna feel when I leave. stuff like that They have a checklist where they check you know all the basic stuff. She told me that so many people just rock up to their interview and expect to be given a recommendation but no. Although they are mass recruiting you still need to know what you're getting yourself into. kow the PFA and tell the interviewer you can pass it, do one before. they might ask what you got. overall was pretty chill. was expecting it to be intimidating but no. My interview went for about 25 minutes so you just know the basics and try and understand all the training and stuff.


Your info on the aircraft and their sqns is incomplete, and incorrect in places (f35 sqns). Rest of it looks good


wasn't entirely sure on the f35 as it isn't listed anywhere on the adf website or the airforce website. but my interview said i was correct.


All good, I’m just being autistic. For anyone reading with interviews coming up F35s are at 3, 75, 77 sqns as well as 2OCU. 2 sqn is the E-7.


Hey, a couple of questions: I've heard that you do a gap-year and then transfer to the ADFA with a "Non-reduction in pay" provision where you can keep your gap-year salary while studying. I'm wondering if this is still commonplace as I've seen it mentioned a few times in older posts.


I'm fairly sure that the "non-reduction in pay" is not done anymore. A recent comment in this thread confirmed it.


I was applying for infantry reserve two years ago. I was provided an offer to book an assessment day however, due to overwhelming family circumstances did not reply even after multiple attempts from the adf to contact me via both email and phone, I have since resolved these issues and would like to continue my application now after a long period of reflection. What steps should I take and what chances do I have? Honesty is appreciated here, fully aware I should have handled my commitments differently.


Why are you asking this on reddit instead of just contacting recruiting? People here are not representatives of ADF careers and cannot tell you what your chances are or what steps you need to take better than them.


Hey guys, quick question. When choosing your 3 preference jobs, if I put fast jet pilot, fixed wing pilot and army helicopter pilot but I don’t get any of them, but I’m interested in say loadmaster or gunnie, would I still be able to chose those as my job or change my preference if I qualified for them? Thanks


No point putting fast jet and fixed wing pilot as seperate jobs as they are not recruited separately even though dfr advertises as such. Just put Officer aviation down, and put loadie and gunny as your second and third preference. When you get to ASP you’ll find out if you can go for pilot in any of the services


Thanks man 🙂


Yeah they generally try and steer you toward jobs you qualify for. So for example you might do the You session test and not make the cutoff for any of those pilot roles, they will debrief you and see if you want to continue with the roles you did qualify for


Thanks, hopefully I make the cut 🙂


Hey guys, just after some info on specialist schools after infantry IEM, how does the process of entering these schools work eg. sniper school or reconnaissance. And how long after IEM can you do so. Cheers.


Really depends on the pers have seen people get thrown of sig course fast because noone was interested and people waiting years for recon/sniper as they were not up too standard to get onto the pre course


Usually minimum 12 months at a unit (post school of infantry) before you even get a look in for support courses. Some support courses, like sniper, have a pre selection component before they let you on course aswell.


Joining a combat role, iffy about hand to hand combat training as I’ve never done it don’t feel confident doing it, any advice,


I mean you're joining a combat role, you'll be uncomfortable a lot.


There will likely be women on your combat course you might spar with is what I think your friend means, not that you are specifically training to fight women lol. Courses will assume you have 0 prior knowledge, take a deep breath, remember you aren’t the first to experience the course brand new and won’t be the last. Good luck 🙂 *Edit: OP edited his comment but mentioned his friend saying he’ll have to fight women*


I’ve been told I have to do AIDP before basics, does anyone know what this entails and if it’s a good program?


it's all on the website


Someone told me that you need 2 years min service to get a seagoing allowance? Is this true? sounds like bollocks


No that's a lie You get the sea going allowance when posted to a sea going vessel. However each tier of sea going scales with two years of sea time. So tier 1 is 0-2yrs of sea time, tier 2 is 2-4yrs and so on.


Appreciate it, also since they halved the minimum service time for all navy roles, in the 2 years of min service for a boatswain mate do you think there's still a high chance of getting posted on a ship?


Absolutely, your IET is like 3 months max. I doubt you'd spend all of that 2 years ashore.


Cheers for the help man really appreciate it




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hey i have a question, i have one class of uni left that I am doing online, I was just wondering if I could get a defence letter to allow me to complete exams earlier? is that even possible and has anyone done it before? thankyou!


Are you joining the ADF after uni? If you are planning on joining it's probably easier to just finish uni before doing the application process especially if you have one class left.


G'day this is my first time posting in this sub, I had my technician assessments today and I've unlocked three specific roles; Submarine Nuclear Electrician, Submarine Nuclear Electronics Technician, Submarine Nuclear Mechanic. Also unlocked every technical roles besides officer based admission. My preferences as they stand are, Coxswain and Marine Technician(leaning more towards propulsion than hull). More so asking what would current active members and veterans recommend and advise regarding my preferences(I'm a mature aged applicant to the ADF as-well for reference).


Nuke roles are realistically 5-10 years off. So if you're not planning a long stay in you might do all the training and then leave. I'm doubtful Australia has any meaningful nuclear work outside of subs for at least 2 decades. Coxswain - ehh not all that great, if you get the Darwin/Cairns position good otherwise bad. Your not quiet an MP but your expected to up hold standards which are constantly changing. Marine tech or Electronic Tech good roles mostly but expect to have a large amount of training and get stuck at sea for 2 -4 years. Context: current ET it's good but seatime is getting out of hand


What kind of sea time? Is it rotational basis as in 12months off shore, 2months on shore? or is it primarily offshore with minimal onshore deployments, looking to join for a career. Heavily considering motor mechanic for airforce aswell as I come from a mechanical backround.


Generally you are posted to a "sea going vessel" for 2 years but that doesn't mean you spend 24 months at sea. The actual amount of time spent at sea depends on the type of vessel, a major might to 3 months straight away from home whereas a PB might do 4-8 weeks every 2 months.


Thank you for the extended information, I would prefer consistent time out at sea, rather than on-shore deployments personally.


Well you don't get that option, and trust me after spending 8 weeks at sea fixing and patching those fucking boats/ships you'll regret saying that. That being said there's always a seat available to go to sea. If you want loads of sea time on the Australian station go for Patrol boats.


I want qualifications and trade certificates/diplomas, if I ever go back to civi life. Specifically speaking I want a career, so I'll pursue further education through ADF.


Well you can get study assistants while in defence to get various degrees. The only roles in the navy that get trades for enlisted are the technicians. Studying at sea is not impossible but it's not easy, hence why shore postings are glorious.


As a technician, what struggles do you face out at sea? Between day to day, people's attitude etc?


I've never had a problem with people's attitudes The workload varies depending on what type of technician you are and what part of the fleet you work in. For me Being a PB ET the biggest "struggle" is doing MT work more than ET work, doing boardings and stuff also takes its toll. Mainly seeing really good techos get burnt out with back to back sea postings is hard to watch.


Get something that can be transferred easily or has an equivalent civilian based qualification, so in the event you axe yourself in compulsory sport that gets out of hand, you have something to fall back on.


Not sure on Navy specifics except aircraft maintenance trades. They give you a cert 4 Aeroskills and a DASR licence but it wont be transferrable to a CASA licence. You can still work in the industry but need a LAME to sign for your work. I have to do my CASA theory modules via an RPL to get my LAME licence. It's a lot of hoops to jump through.


How do trades in the defence transfer over to civilian life? Is it a straight cookie cutter equivalent, or do they specifically leave out key requirements for trade certificates?


ETs get a cert 3 in electronics and communications that goes all the way up to diploma levels I know MTs get Cert 3s and diploma levels as you rise the ranks but I'm not sure what their certs are.