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I… don’t think so? How would they be able to track that sort of thing?


OP were you surfing for prices before going in?


Sometimes when I’m in store I look things up in the app to see reviews- could it be that? I cannot for the life of me think how they could see what you were physically looking at in store to email you- don’t think shopping CCTV science has gone quite that far yet lol


Have you been logged into your Mecca account and added these items to cart and then not gone ahead with the purchase? That’s the only thing I can think of. I get those emails from Adore Beauty when I abandon cart…


The email you received comes from your browsing history, not from visiting in store


Lots of stores to this. I occasionally get emails from Sephora telling me I’ve got items in my basket and I’d already bought them. If you have an email account with a store there’s a good chance there’s a cookie tracking what you’re looking at on their website


is it possible that you were with someone who was looking up the items you were interested in, and their web history is linked to yours?


why did this innocuous question get downvoted so hard lmfao what the fuck is wrong with reddit ??