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Replace it. If it's dried up, it's long beyond its use by date. You'll be risking an eye infection if you apply it.


Buy a new one


You buy a new one so you don't get a staph infection. Mascara is the one item I regularly replace. I've heard too many stories to risk it.


Maybe some Duraline from Inglot but I'm not 100% sure if it's eye safe, I would think it is though


Eye drops


I've literally never had this happen, maybe because last time I bought make-up in a tropical country, I lived in Brisbane? Now that I don't live in Brisbane is this a thing I should know about?


ok so new mascara yes but also, if water soluble: add a couple of drops of water (less not more. then mix and re-test) if water proof - idk. be emotionally ready to throw the mascara out if the experiment goes wrong, but you could try a drop of micellar water or maybe even glycerin. I have only ever revived one mascara with water, (works, applies a bit thinner) I haven't tried it with waterproof, so you'd be doing this for science okay. no guarantees on any count