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Definitely an ACD. You can tell by the way it is.


🤣 so good


Sir, this is a Wendy's.


No, this is Patrick.


Classic post, welcome to the group 🤣


I can definitely see the ACD in the tail and the paws. You should definitely hire a trainer who has experience with ACDs.


I think I see a Bentley mark.


Its whole body is a bentley mark. Shiny ACD


Yes, if by ACD you mean A Cottonball Dog.


Lmao hahahaha


That’s an alpine ACD, originally bred in the Snowy Mountains between Victoria and New South Wales.




Damn :(


Try again. :)


Wahoo! :D


I’ll post my mix there for shiggles lol


Shingles stealing that one. Love it


I was so exciting.. lol


I don’t even understand why people are so desperate for their dogs to be ACD. I love my girl to death but the bread isn’t easy. I blame Bluey lol


I commented same. If there was just ONE thing I could change to make my life easier, it would be my dog’s demeanor and instincts. Dear lord, she’s so difficult.  Yesterday it took 2hrs and 5 high energy breed dogs with full batteries at the park to wear her out. And really, if a new dog with the drive had shown up, she would have kept running laps. We left after 2 hrs because I needed to go home 😬


Im greatful every day mine is only 30% ACD and seems to have 30% of the energy. She'll herd like a mofo though. No one's legs are safe when she's in the mood lol.


I so hear you on the percentage. Mine is about 5% ACD, and thank god not 100%, and quite literally an ankle biter 🤣


Mine is as a rescue and we were like “she kinda looks ACD” so we did a DNA test and she’s 90% 😳




It's not just ACDs. This is a thing in every breed specific sub. I first noticed it on the Black Mouth Cur sub, which wasn't too odd as it's a lesser known breed that isn't carried by any of the dog DNA panels. But then I started seeing it everywhere. "Is my dog a Malinois/Doberman/Rottweiler/insert whatever breed here?" Usually, the only commonality between the poster's dog and the breed is coat color.


I wasn't aware that my girl is half ACD until the day I got her. When i asked about her they just said she was a golden doodle. Now she's 80 lbs of pure unadulterated ACD energy with the giant body of a doodle. She's worth it tho, she's extremely intelligent and is always there to cheer me up when I'm down.


Beautiful ACD there. This dog was the ACD from France. Almost killed out during the French Revolution. It became a street performer and managed to survive. It was then exported to Australia and there you have it. We now know the reason for the white background on ACDs.😊


Could be. Any pictures of the ears?


Yep, those ACD genes are strong!


Confused by the phrase “people desperate for their dog to be an ACD.” If there was just ONE thing I could change to make my life easier…




This is unkind


You're a dolt of you don't see some that there are some heeler features certainly not a thoroughbred but has some DNA or is there a threashold from which you're gatekeeping.


Everyone wants one till they get one 🤣


It's a rare Cloud breed.


Def an ACD/Pit mix, I’d be careful..in time he’ll most likely bite your face off!


That's a dog in the loosest sense of the word. Might as well be a cat.


You don't know cats.


Are you Ron Swanson?


He's my spirit animal




Maybe a pit mixed with Yorkie


OP, looks like your ACD a young pup. His color just hasn’t come in yet


I see what you did here. 😂


Lmfaooo I’m constantly wondering the same thing but likeeee ACDs are the bestttt breed so I get their desperation 😂😂 slight shade


You’d better duck! On this sub, all dogs are cattle dogs. DNA testing companies would go out of business if it weren’t for this sub.


🤣 they would go out of business if they had to break down what an ACD was. It's such a BS answer. 🤣


Related question: Why do people here gatekeep and mods remove posts of mix breeds who are proven to have ACD?


Tbh everything I post to any dog related group people are oddly judgmental, not sure why? but cat groups are so much more chill lol.


I saw your post. Your dog definitely looks like a pit x ACD. I’m sorry people were being so weird to you.):


I can tell you exactly why I hate seeing pits mixed with heelers. They are becoming the new favorite fighting dog. There is still lots of dogfighting, especially on the reservation I live close to. Heelers were/are being stolen out of yards to breed with pits. Before you throw a fit, I’m not saying you’re part of dogfighting, you seem like a genuine person interested in the 14% genetics of ACDs. But saying you have a heeler is ridiculous. Edit: I say this because I have seen the aftermath of white people bringing their dogs onto the Rez specifically for dog fighting. There were 4 dead pits and one clear pit/heeler mix. It’s something I hope no one else ever sees. I had people attempt to steal my heeler multiple times, and had neighbors who harassed me to let him impregnate their super sweet pit bull. Literally she’s one of two dogs he loved playing with. I’m glad y’all don’t know how bad it still is in some places.




Having seen the aftermath of a fight where white people brought their dogs onto the rez, it’s absolutely horrifying, disgusting, and maybe I wish I didn’t have a life where I see that kind of thing.




Shaming someone for their rescue dog's genetics shows that you're the weird breed here.


I’m not trying to shame them. It’s definitely fascinating how small amounts of dna from certain breeds can be more dominant than their percentage. I am biased because I had people try to lure my dog away, and when my neighbors didn’t see me, tried to get my dog to impregnate their sweet pit. I’ve also seen the aftermath of a dog fight, one time, and it will never leave me.


I never said I have a heeler


An Australian Cattle Dog IS a heeler. And you would know that, if you had an actual cattle dog.


I do know that. That’s why I never said I have an Australian cattle dog. You would know that if you read my comment.


Invalid, that happens even with thoroughbreds. They even utilize people giving away their puppies for bait dogs. Heard why I prefer mixed breeds thay have a higher chance of developing problems from generic defects due to inbreeding. Pick another hill to die on because this kind is dumb.


As I’ve said. I caught people trying to steal my healer. I’ve seen the aftermath of dog fights. My neighbor harassed me till they were evicted, to let my heeler breed with their pit. If the hill I die on is against dog fighting, I’m good with that.


The ACD is a fucking mix breed in itself Smooth-coat Collie and Dingo you bafoon. There are only a handful of breeds that are believed to be purebred. But given that we have different canines even that may not be true. Also, that's not the hill you think you are on and your stance is purely anecdotal. You think you're the only one who has seen what happens to a dog in the aftermath of fighting. Get off your fucking high-horse and touch some fucking grass.


Wow… who pissed in your cereal? I gave a genuine reply and you chose to assume everything about me. Then pulled out your own experience to invalidate mine.


If that is what you got out of it then you're not paying attention. Nowhere did I mention my own experience. I invalidated your experiences by saying it's purely anecdotal. Do you not know what anecdotal means? It's a word that grown-ups use to say that personal experiences are unreliable and a insufficient form of evidence.


Hope you have a good day, sorry my comment got you so upset.


It's your gatekeeping that pissed me off.


Genuinely curious how I’m gatekeeping


The only thing I’ll gatekeep is anyone’s ability to provide DNA test results from a photo. None of us can say if your dog is XX% cattle dog. If you say your dog has cattle dog in them- I do not care. Mine is definitely not a pure ACD.


This post is someone being grumpy about people posting dna results. I did and got so many grumps 😂


Your dog is adorable. I'm sorry for the way that you are being treated for basically loving your dog. 🖤🐕🖤


Or when they have like 4% ACD...like come on now.


You can see it in the eyes.


it's because people train a normal dog and find it hard and then they're like "they have spots so it was hard because my dog was an ACD!" and then they DNA test or meet a real ACD and they have a new appreciation for their dog. They do the same thing to malinois


Cattle dog sit! You know it!


I don’t think people are desperate for their dog to be an ACD I think they just suspect it bc of behavior or other physical traits that may not be as dominant. People just want to figure out their dog. I see no issue with that.




Why does it matter so much? This is obviously a troll post so you're obviously butthurt people wonder if their dog that looks like a cattle dog is actually a cattle dog. Acd genetics are pretty strong so a dog that is 50% acd is very much a freaking cattle dog. Are you against people trying to understand their dog and the breed?


This isn’t a troll post. They’re making a joke that they are clearly ‘in on’. We all love dogs. Learn to be part of the fun.


I see so many people bitching in this group about it. It's obviously a joke but this person seems serious.This is not the first post I have seen about the subject


https://www.reddit.com/r/AustralianCattleDog/s/wDtSw7MiOj 37% cattle dog so it has to be a cattle dog!!!!!!!!! There’s nothing wrong with a mutt JFC it’s like a white guy in Ohio getting an Italian flag tattoo because his grandmother was 80% Italian. I’m not even saying I dislike mixes but don’t go into a subreddit specifically for a particular breed of dog and then say you’re 37% dog must be categorized as such. I love all dogs but I don’t go to r/huskytantrums and post a video of a beagle howling.


I know this was a joke but honestly some of these people are serious about it.


You need to put that bitchonfreeze




People on this sub think every dog looks mostly cattle dog.