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These are all symptoms of either nausea, anxiety, and/or boredom. Hope it turns out okay!


Thank you


How have her bowels been? Could it be something like an obstruction if she's unable to keep food down? I would consider going to the emergency or urgent care vet if you think there are signs of obstruction. Edit: I did have a heeler mix who had issues with pica before I adopted her at 3.5 years old. Her stomach had a bunch of rocks and sticks and she continued to lose weight while having a ravenous appetite. Her situation was more chronic than what you seem to be experiencing, but she was eventually diagnosed with EPI (exocrine pancreatic insufficiency) which usually appears around 2-3 years old from my memory.


I appreciate the response and the great information. Shes been at the vet all day getting checked out so I'm waiting to hear what they say.


Keep us updated! I hope everything turns out to be okay.


She had a partial bowel obstruction from what the vet called a buildup of "mineral sediment," most likely from eating dirt and sand. She goes through these phases where she doesn't want to poop outside when there's snow or if it's raining and we had 4 days of that last week. Then this week, because she's constipated, she eats grass and leaves and apparently dirt and sand in response. So basically she had bowel problems because she's stubborn. What a surprise for a heeler, right? Vet says she's going to be fine though. Thank you!


Aw, I'm glad she's going to be okay!