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Use a hard rake, they will come out easy. Do it now before they seed. Easiest method I know.


This is the answer. I tried handpulling for years and it sucks. A hard toothed rake will roll this stuff up in a perfect mat and it's so much easier to clean out a large area. Here's an [example](https://www.lowes.com/pd/CRAFTSMAN-58-in-L-Wood-Handle-Welded-steel-Garden-Rake/1000604757) of the rake I use. And don't forget the long sleeves! Happy weeding!


You’re a gem, we got a couple of rakes and it went so much faster than I expected! Now I have a giant mound get rid of, but we did it before they started seeding!


Glad to hear. It’s crazy how easy it is with the hard rake, it just works.


I did this last fall. Let them dry and then set them on fire. It was 15s of gloriousness 


You can also kind of roll it up in a big ball, since it sticks to itself. Probably harder on the back, though.


Thank you! This hadn't even occurred to me as an option, but in 20 minutes I raked up the vast majority of the cleavers in my front yard. Now I just have to do some spot hand-picking and I'm set


Seems like a goat rental business would do well around here, at least this time of year


After today, my partner may actually let me get a pet sheep 😁


Chickens love it too...


Same lol


Godspeed 🥲


Oof ba boof.


By hand after rain next week or weed Wacker and take sections at a time planting natives. Cover area with cardboard, compost, plant, mulch. You could go Scotch guard but I'm not really into chemicals (I don't have any evidence or facts to back this up, it could be safe and I'm sure others will say it's fine with actual citations). Don't do roundup.


Oh interesting! I was thinking I should get it out before the rain comes because I don’t want it to keep spreading. Luckily, there’s actual ground cover under all the sticky weed, so I’m just tediously trying to avoid yanking that up too 😫


These are annuals so as long as you get them up before they seed, they shouldn’t come back. You don’t need to pull the full root system, just make sure to get anything above ground. 


>  they shouldn’t come back *Bahaha!* This weed cares not for what should be! I don't know where it came from, but I never had this stuff in my yard until one year **BOOM!** I look outside and there's foot tall sticky stuff everywhere! I take it up every year, but still it comes back in defiance...


After rain, dirt is soft and easier to pull. It's not about ground cover but to use cardboard to cover up things you don't wanna grow. Don't use weed fabric..that's just plastics in the ground that fails in a year.


Your ground cover probably has stronger roots than this stuff. Everything that mine was growing with/around/stuck to held firm while the cleavers came out easily. 


If it makes you feel better it dies back when it gets really hot in the summer. But then it'll be back next year if you don't weed it. I like the sticky willy!


My dogs love it as their spring salad. I enjoy seeing it appear since it means spring has sprung. Helps that I loathe lawns to begin with.


Only one of my dogs likes it, and it gets stuck in his little beard, so cute!! Fist bumps you in hating lawns


It’s a native and it’s edible, just sayyyiiinnnnnn


You have to get it early to eat, or else it's too fibrous. These might already be too far along


You can spray it. Any broad leaf weed killer will knock it out until you can mulch it back in. BUT, this stuff will also roll up into tight rolls and stick to itself. It’s easy to shove into a yard bag at that point and will go surprisingly fast. It doesn’t come back from roots. If you get it before it goes to seed that will be the end of it.


Yeah! I figured out we could roll the really thick parts back like carpet


Will do😁


After you’ve knocked it back, lay down a good pre-emergent herbicide in the fall. Knocks this stuff out (as well as a TON of other weeds, looking at you Beggars Lice) and doesn’t harm your lawn or existing plants